X-Men Gold





Funny how both X-Men Gold and Blue did a Sentinel story at around the same time.


It's almost as if Marvel is creatively bankrupt or something.







Not to mention that both stories say that the new Sentinels are "mutations".




To be fair, she DOES have a point about how the X-Men are way too forgiving of mutant criminals.









This is so boring


This book is too kitty-centric


Thats not how binary works!

>critical success
>commercial success
Pick neither.

But user, THIS TIME Mystique totally isn't going to backstab them!

The book is not so bad, but it feels very generic.The art is kinda lame too.

..Doug could translate binary on the fly. Someone with a super brain. But even for a comic book superhacker like Kitty this is fucking ridiculous. Guggie has turned her into an even worse Felicity Smoak ffs.

Most people currently in Marvel love her, so it's not surprising

Is Rachel going to spend most of the time out cold in this book?

Telepaths are just too much of a plot breaker really.

That's pretty fucking dumb. it's not like baldness or cancer is caused by x-gene.

You mean, like Jews naming streets in Israel after a kike that murdered Ukrainian's politician for lolz, who was also considered not guilty in a trial?

Is that Magma in the middle?

>Anole is a skinny twink again
>even lost the giant fap arm

Does that mean he learned how to control his regeneration or does noone care about Anole enough to keep track of his appearance?

Where is Danger when you need her

In Danger Room

So this sentinel will fly into the sun like the last time they found out that the sun was the cause of all mutations?

Well get her out of there then

The start was good. Now its utterly boring.

Also: Art sucks now.

I don't want to put myself in Danger


Look up the name

sad is the day for the x-fags

who is this comic even for

according to the sales, nobody

But user, that Ukrainian politician was sort of not really preventing the most terrible crime of pogromin' Jews done by his troops gone rogue! That absolves Mr. Schwartzbard from terrorism. Albert Einstein said so!

Holy shit, didn't expect anyone to understand what I was talking about.

I really like that part of your post
>was sort of not really preventing the most terrible crime

Since you are intelligent, let me tell you something funny. Had this politician not died, he would have prevented an organized pogrom by ukrainian nationalists that also happened to be one of the... most cruel one. Of course, the Jews weren't the only victims of that meticulously planned genocide, but they would have lived if not for that assassination.

Killing that politican didn't bring back the lives of the deceased, but it did resulted in death of another batch

Sentinels are cool shit and Claremont is a fool for thinking they are lame.

They are also one of the reasons that people think that X-Men have a small gallery of villains, because the writers constantly use them

He did? I didn't know that. I'm pretty sure he used them several times.

The inking looks pretty boring and uninspired, which is a shame because it looks like the pencils are pretty solid stuff.

He used them, because Byrne dared Claremont to make them not lame
he was like "they're lame, because you are a lame writer"

So was that a really fast, dial-up like screech? Or did they slow it down so it was sort of a square wave? Or did that robot literally say "ZERO ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO"?

I do like the fact that someone is addressing the way that teams like the X-Men give criminals and villains "a second chance" whilst flaunting their criminal records this way.


Here's Silva's artwork when inked by an actually-qualified inker. Compare it to the lazy, slapdash treatment his pencils are getting in this issue. It's a fucking crime.

I miss the flat coloring.
I don't know why people think that so many flash effects will make the comic book art look better and more pro?
Sometimes less is more

The programmer for this sentinel was a retard unlike Bolivar Trask who was a genius.

Bald people are mutie freaks though. Normal people dont just have their hair fall out. its some kinda sickness

this book in particular would have been better in black and white, just the drawn lines, and without any coloring.

Man, bad art usually doesn't bother me much, but for some reason this is just really distracting. It's not the worst I've seen, but it looks dull and cartoony at the same time, which are two things this book should not be.

Did everybody forget Bastion was a self-aware sentinel and they've already dealt with this kind of technology before?

That's superheroes in general.


It's still a mutation, like not being lactose intolerant.

The X-Men are much worse about it though. In fact, they once fought against the Avengers because they were trying to arrest Magneto for all the crimes he has committed, but the X-Men refused to let them take him because "no mutant would ever get a fair trial".

Avengers are douchebags, though

I don't get what's the point on putting all these weird interactions between Kitty and Colossus. If she backs on her word from the first or second issue, that's gonna make her look like the biggest liar, idiot and weak women in all Marvel. For a waifu writer, he's just gonna finish killing her character or any hope of ever getting better..

>it learns from previous encounters
>so let's use our two best abilities right off the bat
You dumb fucks. The first one makes sense, at least.


Cyborg's gonna sue her

I literally have no idea why I'm reading this comic
I wouldn't call this bad, but this maybe the most boring, uninspired comic ever

The last time the X-men dealt with nanite sentinels they all almost died of septicemia.

Picture for reference. Blue goop on them are nano sentinels.

I don't know what's worse. Guggenheim's inept scripts or the terrible art.

Like seriously, that is really ugly art. I'm guessing Marvel forced a rush job onto the artist.

The X-men kept the nanite sentinels and injected them inside Sabretooth and gave Cable and Omega Sentinel permission to blow up his brain if he got out of line

And then he escaped and Bishop used the nanite sentinels on the ONE Sentinel pilots and they were never seen again

Didn't Dark Beast use Nano-Sentinels to mess with Cyclops, Emma and Magneto's powers?

You don't think that's intentional?

Hope is still around? I havent heard from her since the mutant messiah days. Is she still relevant?

Ugh...I forgot how shitty the X-Men franchise is without Grant Morrison writing it.

Relevant? Of course not. Around? Sure. She showed up in the most recent issue of the Jean Grey ongoing. It was actually pretty decent. Hopeless is one of the few writers that has a good grasp on the character.