Does anyone else feel as if they ruined Steven's character arc by revealing Rose didn't do it?

Does anyone else feel as if they ruined Steven's character arc by revealing Rose didn't do it?

Technically the accusation was that it was impossible for Rose to have killed a diamond like that, that killing such a being must have been an inside job.

He was being a real dumbass about it and calling her a war criminal and blaming everything that went wrong on her

If it turns out it was actually Pearl who did it, and he has to deal with the fact that one of the women who actually raised him was responsible, that could actually improve his character arc.

>Rose instead of being a soldier who had to kill someone in a war for the freedom of the gems instead did absolutely nothing wrong and was just a perfect little martyr
Really competent writing going on here

So glad Jasper's reason for hating the crystal gem's is gone so she can have her memebarn style redemption arc.

if it actually does end up being pearl i feel like itd be the best possible twist the story could give us at this point, because with how reactionary steven is and how pearl attracts drama with severe emotional baggage it could lead to one hell of an episode since theres no way to bullshit their way past the ramifications of steven finding out after all the shit hes already been through and all the opportunities she had to tell him

Still, it seems implausible that Pearl would just go on letting him think his mother was a murderer. I think she would have come clean by now if that was the case. Unless she doesn't actually remember doing it for some reason.

none of the good guys ever seem to face consequences on SU, which is weird because most of the gems have done some fucked up shit.

This. I mean, if she didn't do it, then why didn't she tell the Pearl and the others that she didn't do it?

The question has gone from being "Did she do it" to "Why does she want people to think that it was her, and how did she do it?"

Just think about the face he'd make.

Yes. If rose didn't do it and it turns out that PD's death was a plot by the diamonds all along then that means rose as a character is the pinnacle of good morality, whose never done or can do anything wrong, is perfect in every way and someone everyone loves except for homeworld gems but only because she was framed.

waiting for the golgo 13 twist to happen.

pink can't handle the expectations of the other diamonds so she organizes her suicide by assassination.

Rebecca's standard "upset" face

100% yes,

SU hooked me on the idea that we would see a story about a naïve boy raised by a deadbeat hippie and an overbearing cuck slowly come to terms with the fact that his late, millitant, anarchist mother clashes with his pacifist world view and change into a person with a better understanding of the world than most of SU's fanbase. But if that isn't where the seires is going than i might want to get off this ride.

That's what I am talking about.


Rose still did shit like bubbling Bismuth, not revealing stuff like the immortal lion she created as well as generally being ignorant about the humans she was saving etc.

SU fans have a tendency to ignore the finer details. Worst example of this is Sadie's song where some people thought the episode was about Steven wearing a dress instead of Sadie's relationship with her mother.

If rose didnt do it im dropping the show. Im sorry thats just really shitting writing.

idk man i think pearl getting permanently cucked is a pretty powerful punish

Things are way too damn unclear for now to judge, While she didn't do it, she isn't denying it either, which just makes this whole thing into a mess. Further episodes will hopefully shed more light on this, but we need to wait for another 39 years for that.

I can *kinda* see why people would be upset that Rose may be absolved of this murder charge, but that doesn't mean she's a pretty perfect pink paragon at the end of the day. All we know for sure now is that the other Diamonds (except for Blue) covered up what really happened.

Rose *still* has burdens to bear, killing or no killing. Because she ultimately still has to have had a hand in the event. She started the rebellion. Even under the banner of freedom, her actions as a leader got gems on both sides shattered, imprisoned and mutated she bubbled an ally and lied to the rest of her 'army' about what happened to Bismuth. Even if Pink's death was a frame up, she still set into motion the events that escalated a rebellion into a *war*. Maybe Pink's death was a direct effect from Rose not backing down when she could have pursued compromise. She didn't stab PD but that's still damning on a lesser level. Even if she has, say, a Batman no-kill policy, deaths and mutations and corruptions still happened during her watch.

Rose was never perfect. Despite her sense of morality, she made hard choices, ones where *nobody* came out on top and probably still made wrong choices along the way. She had to live with them for *centuries* while trying to pick up the pieces of her fallen comrades.

If Greg and the other CGs painted her up as a something more pure to Steven, for one, it was out of love, but for another it's because they know that they couldn't have done what she had to do as a leader, and this admiration lent itself into how they introduced her memory to her only child.

I still think Rose must've done it, or been involved in some way. It would be really terrible writing otherwise.

alright pearl gets a pass, but the rest of them are still fucked up.

They ruined Steven's character arc by having Steven stupidly assume Rose did it, despite Zircon only pointing out what we were already told by the show. Also, even if Rose did it, the Diamonds had no idea who steven was, and despite knowing there were some surviving Crystal Gems they gave no shits and were waiting for the cluster emerging to wipe them out. A lot of time they had bought to solve an upcoming problem has just been blown away. Steven, in his efforts to stop a problem that did not exist, has created the very problem he intended to stop.

Seriously, Rose's sword is not giant and can't shatter any gem. A giant sword that can shatter a diamond was used. Steven is fucking retarded and as a result has drawn the attention of Homeworld, something that had anything from Decades to Centuries to plan for when Homeworld noticed the cluster wasn;t waking up. Now they don't care. Now they are hunting Steven. Now it is all Steven's fault.

Didn't Eyeball say she saw PD get shattered when they were on the Moon?
Was Eyeball in on it?

This show is fucking retarded, Rose should have been trialed for being the leader of a rebellion not because of murdering Pink Diamond.

I keep seeing this image and I'm still not sure, did they actually make an Eva reference?
And if so, how is it?

No, that's just Eyeball being retarded. She didn't realise it wasn't Jasper but noticed the different coloration. Now think about what would happen if the Gem who impersonated Rose Quartz was PINK.

id think assassinating a political leader would take priority over a dinky rebellion

They'll still think Steven is on homeworld, tho.

Don't even get me started on Lapis/Jasper bullshit.

>Jasper forces Lapis to be her slave.
>Abuses the shit out of Lapis and uses her to get to Steven.
>Then rapes (fuses) with Lapis.
>Lapis then makes the ultimate sacrifice by dragging Jasper to the bottom of the ocean so that Jasper can never harm again.

>But it's Lapis's fault because she apparently did "bad" things to a gem who was hell bent on killing everyone and showed no remorse to anyone either.

There should be no trial for killing a leader just death, a trial should be for causing a rebellion.

Almost none of that is true or is selectively dishonest.
>Lapis just came back from earth so of course, let's use her as an informant.
>Lapis misinformed everyone to protect Steven so let's throw her ass in jail.
>Ok, shit's looking pretty bad now but we can still salvage this mission if I fuse with Lapis and...oh hey! she agrees.
>Lapis then proceeds to drag them under water for months and months in an attempt to protect Steven (and let's be honest, only Steven).

She never
>forced lapis to be her slave
>Abuses the shit out of Lapis and uses her to get to Steven

And if we're talking Rape, Lapis was practically in control the entire time.

We don't know that Rose didn't do it.

We only know that, some way, somehow, the actual way Pink Diamond died was covered up.

Homeworld would still hate her for being a filthy rebel who cost them a colony. But obviously much less than when she was the killer of Pink Diamond.

Still, Rose kept up the idea that she killed Pink Diamond even to her closest friends. Even if there is a Diamond conspiracy, Rose could've still had a major hand in PD's death.

Or maybe Pink Diamond really is Rose.

>biting bait

For how long, and for how long until they go after the CGs on Earth over it?

>Steven stupidly assume Rose did it.
>Eyeball says she witnessed it.
>Garnet and Pearl show a clear reaction to the mention and later confirm to Steven that Rose did do it.

Why wouldn't Steven think Rose didn't kill PD before Zircon's facts about the events? The sword doesn't matter since Steven just assumed that Rose used a Breaking Point. And Steven turned himself in to prevent his friends from being sent to the zoo.

blue zircon made it clear why there was a trial

rose murdering pd didnt make sense

the trial was to figure out how rose killed pd because bd had doubts and killing the person who claims to have done it doesnt give you the answers you seek

yd obviously doesnt care or isnt in the same boat of wanting answers

She saw it with her own eye according to her.

There is the possibility that a gem impersonated Rose, but this doesn't change the fact that Rose embraced being the killer of PD.

Homeworld probably has off world warp pads and spacecraft on lockdown. As long as Homeworld remains ignorant of Lars' pocket dimension, they have no reason to think he isn't still on the planet.

Because the person that told him Rose did said it was with a Giant Sword, and Rose's Sword can;t shatter normal gems so a Diamond is right out.

Steven basically has zero facts on which to draw a conclusion. Rose may have been involved but there is zero chance she acted alone and not a single one of her weapons were involved.

No. Eyeball said she remembered Rose's sword more than she remembered her shield (hence why she rejected Steven's claims of being Rose just because of the shield). She said nothing about the sword being used to kill PD. PD being killed with a sword didn't come up until the trial.

Until the trial, the only fact that Steven had based on Eyeball and the Crystal Gems statements is that Rose killed Pink Diamond. Nothing more or less.

Amen, Trips of god. Amen.

>pink diamond liked earth and actually sided with rose
>other diamonds wouldn't listen, rose helps her fake her death to get their attention
>diamonds "unexpectedly" (rose and pink aren't too bright) sperg the fuck out, and pink diamond gets corrupted by their death ray
>yellow diamond finds out the truth from pink's entourage
>has them bubbled away because she can't deal with her guilt and doesn't want blue to suffer the truth
>pink's corrupted gem is locked away in rose's chest
>Steven will heal her and end the war

Perl has done a lot of weird shit over the course of the series, after all. This is nothing new come to think of it. This would be the best case scenario, really, But you're giving the writers too much credit.

No, I do not feel that way.

Anyone who thought Rose killed the Pink Diamond was a retard, obviously Rose didn't kill Pink Diamond, she simply changed her body with one of her soldiers and pretended a murder plot to win the war.

>Anyone who thought Rose killed the Pink Diamond was a retard

Now you know that's not true because clearly the show wanted to set up that conclusion

Haven't watched SU in awhile but know enough to jump into deeper lore plots. What episode/s is this? The filler in SU is too unbearable to sift through.

One of the filler episodes: Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service

There is some plot relevance though since Steven spends the episode practicing using his dreamwalking powers and was pretty much able to do it on command

>ones where *nobody* came out on top

Except, you know, the entire organic population of the Earth.

Steven's arc was coming to terms with the fact that as a leader you have to make tough choices. That in war, you can't win over everyone.
Rose shattering PD or not doesn't change the fact that she imprisoned Bismuth and lied about it to avoid her toxic ideology from spreading through the ranks. And it doesn't change Steven's own growth after failing to save Jasper and having to fling Eyeball into space.

Also, we don't know the full details about how PD's shattering went down.
We do know for sure that Rose, or at least someone that looked like her, got up close to PD without anyone stopping her, attacked her with her sword, and PD shattered.
The last two DON'T have to be cause and effect. Rose could have attacked and then something else shattered PD. Either way, Rose took responsibility for it.
Hell, I'd say it's even more intriguing if she didn't want to shatter PD and had to shoulder it for the greater good. Despite the war, PD was still Rose's Diamond and she probably still had strong feelings for her like Jasper did.

>Pink Diamond is alive.

I honestly thought Lion was a corrupted diamond / shard until the whole pink zombie fiasco.

I still imagine Pink Diamond is alive, solely because the writers need a patsy for Steven to talk-no-jutsu into ending the war. Calling it now, White Diamond is another misunderstood villain and only Pink Diamond can talk them down (with Steven's help of course.)


He meant nobody who MATTERS.

i thought "sperg out" referred to getting mad about something trivial

Does the pink lars thing really discount? WHy and how is there a pocket dimension in them? How was Rose able to do it and why don't the other crystal gems know of this ability? Was it something she developed later, and if so then how?

It could still be pink diamond connected. Maybe something discovered by accident while rose is trying to figure out how to cure corruption.

It just means to lose control. Hastily nuking a planet and not giving a shit how many of your own people are still in the way because you're just that mad is not exactly a reasonable reaction.

>Eyeball remembered the sword more than the shield
>The shield is something that was attached to Rose.
>The sword could easily be replicated.

Also Rubies are fucking dumb and easily fooled by shapeshifters.



don't be like that

Starting an intergalactic war and being too soft-hearted to shatter anyone, causing trouble for everyone around her and causing others to go to too-far extremes to compensate for her wishy-washness is an appropriate character flaw for Rose.

Too bad it goes against Sugar's religion as a girl to accept "not killing people" as a character flaw.

>Greg probably has melanoma at this point
>Lars died, and is now no longer human
>Peridot will be destroyed on sight being labelled as defective and rebellious
>the zoo gems will be crushed if HW finds out what they did before Steven sorts everything
>Pearl got cucked by 20 year old ape
>Rose may as well have died in childbirth
>Amethyst... I think she gets a pass because her origins were shitty, but holy hell, impersonating someone's dead wife?
>Garnet was the first to get poofed by the destabilisers, and would also get shattered on sight
>Lapis did her punishment first, and then her crimes
> Pumpkin is a good boy, yes he is.

just imagine if your nostrils were on the same level as you eyes

just imagine

are Sup Forums mods the worst mods on Sup Forums?

Ever seen the movie, the free state of jones?

Imagine if Matthew McCounaghey killed Lincoln.

It was Pearl. Steven can be twice as butthurt if this revealed.

It was yellow diamond, we already know it, user.

as in if I was a freak or as in everyone is like that?

>Pink Diamond IS the pocket dimension

Pearl gets involved in so much drama shit, though.
I'm pretty much sick of hearing about her problems

But Lapis liked being fused with Jasper, she said this in Alone At Sea.

Pearl says that she and Rose have a lot of secrets and it's possible that Rose intentionally took the blame for Pearl.

>H'es never been to /asp/


>thinks Rose didn't do it

Zircon only proved that Rose couldn't have possibly done it alone, that she must have had inside help, not that it was impossible that Rose did it

you'd think Zircon would have pointed out that it was possible for PD's entire entourage to be helping Rose. a mass mutiny.

those boys need some ajpw

Maybe another Rose Quartz did it and Rose took the blame because she felt guilt about the other RQs being bubbled for eternity?

yeah but you don't miss that, if that is what happened the only reason they wouldn't know that is because someone else covered it up

>I think she gets a pass because her origins were shitty
"wah I'm the smallest and I have an inferiority complex"

nah, amethyst is shit

Why would they think Steven isn't on Homeworld anymore if he can't get to the ships or warp pads? Heck, why would they think he fled to Earth using whatever "mysterious" method that made him vanish from Homeworld.

As long as Homeworld is not wise to the pocket dimension, everything should be relatively fine. At least until Lars and the Off colors leave.

Well, that's what you can expect from people who cannot decipher a relationship between women more complex than a raging lesboner.

Retard, it's obvious that Pink Diamond is the real "Rose".

No. That's not shitty writing.
It's shitty writing if the way it went makes no sense or Rose had no reason to pretend she did it after the fact.
Until the reveal is shit, it's just her biggest secret and/or her greatest ruse.
The way I know my Sugar it's gonna be emotionally confusing as hell for Steven.

Can't wait til your retarded theory is btfo

>>Garnet was the first to get poofed by the destabilisers, and would also get shattered on sight
How does shattering a fusion work anyways, do they have to shatter both or shattering one will break both?

>But wouldn't her Pearl have cried out "WAAAAATCH OOOOOUT MYYYY DIIIIIIIAMOND~!"
No! Not if Rose SNUCK PAST THEM!

Rocks are stupid.

> Then why didn't she tell the Pearl and the others she didn't do it

Could be that whoever DID do it used her as a scapegoat, and she took the blame willingly because it would make the CG's that much more a credible threat.

After half a season's worth of townie episodes, probably.

To be fair, there are plenty of those.


Depends on what they'll do with it.

I do think it'll be odd if they try to retroactively paint Rose as a total saint again even though a lot of the latest character development was accepting that she wasn't perfect. I feel like she should still be involved with the death, even if there's more to the story.

Marco "harem" Diaz>Steven "cry me a river" Universe

I think that could be an interesting shift on perspectives, but with as much of a martyr as Pearl was for Rose I feel like she would sooner have taken the fall for what happened than wait for Steven to try to shoulder the blame.

I still assume she helped, if Rose did play any role in the assassination though.

So where would Dipper and Lincoln rank?

If they had Steven spend how much time bitching about Rose being bad for killing a tyrant only to turn out she didn't do it (or even worse, pawn it off on the villains), I'm definitely going to be annoyed. Steven doesn't need to be vindicated in his idiotic views, I'm sick of him always being right lately.

>Jasper will join the memebarn
That's not a fate I wish on any member of Homeworld.

>Tumblr Vs.

Why's it a meme barn?

It stripped all semblance of depth from Peridot and Lapis, and now Peridot's a gremlin and Lapis is her stoner lesbian roommate.