So seeing how this has the eternal contempt of Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr, its creator...

So seeing how this has the eternal contempt of Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr, its creator, and its original voice cast all at the same fucking is it still around?

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It baffles me how this show is so objectively bad in regards writing, characters, design, and animation, yet remains on the air. It isn't even pulling SU numbers for fucks sake.

Maybe the toys sell really well. That's why they brought the show back (and Ben 10) in the first place.

New toys aren't selling well at all. There has been a spike in sales of the old merchandise, though, so perhaps that's the reason.

When's it on? I haven't seen an episode on tv in months.

Wasn't it moved to Boomerang pretty quickly?

That tends to mean it is not doing so great

i havent seen it again in a while. i thought it was cancelled. i didnt think it was that bad, but i compare most CN things with Mad and Annoying orange

I'm not sure if I have seen so many animation errors and just plain lazy scenes (using shuttersock clipart) in a show that was meant to be a major player in a channel.

>This will continue and Justice League Action will die
Just kill me please.

daily reminder

another reminder

Beat me to it

is his name Jake "i didn't do it, my friends made me do it" Goldman.

Jake "friends made the plan for me to be her man" Goldman.

Far from it. They sit on clearance bins, tucked away from the rest of the other toys.

Jake "she'll be mine if she's nine" Goldman

>how is it still around?
It's not really. They just ordered two seasons before it started and now that it backfired hard, especially considering how it gets shit ratings, they have to burn down the series as slow as they can. They barely even air the show

>Maybe the toys sell really well.

I think pretty much only because they expected it to be a hit and paid for multiple seasons pre-emptively.


Ding ding ding.

And probably some last few scraps of merchandise that won't sell.

I'm hoping this flop will teach the execs a lesson about reviving good shows and getting ahead of themselves without actually putting in effort to have a good team behind it.

I like how the headline in your image doesn't mess about.

Well, if that's the case, unless the toy's are selling well overseas (again, like Ben 10), it'll stick around.
Otherwise, whatever season the show's on now will be its last.