Do you think Cartoon Network will or have learned anything from NuPPG's utter failure?

Do you think Cartoon Network will or have learned anything from NuPPG's utter failure?

What would you HOPE they learn from it?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. All they learned is to keep it secret from promotion because it was a financial failure and also play it more on Boomerang.

Something that would make them open their eyes and greenlight shows that actually have potential, instead of thinking of ways to reboot a preexisting show and spam it on the schedule.

No reboots so far.

Actually put effort into reboots. Nick's TMNT and Disney's Ducktales seem pretty good, it's just that both of those have people who actually care about the product and characters working on them.

Like never? Just like any half-hearted reboot, PPG reboot is all about merchandise and creating dank memes and attentions. The chance is that CN will going to reboot another show and ruins it as well.

To cum in the ginger loli.

If execs actually learned from mistakes we wouldn't have half the problems in entertainment that we do now. They never get fired just demoted then quietly promoted when the heat dies.

>Do you think Cartoon Network will or have learned anything from NuPPG's utter failure?
Yeah, they learned that they should air more TTG.

At least we're getting a muscle expansion episode out of this shit before it gets canceled.


they didnt learn anything from its success, they sure as fuck won't admit failure.

Not to allow the episode writer to write themselves as the love interest for a grade schooler.

Seriously Jared what were you thinking.

He could at least made it less obvious.

I know, right? Blossom's a shit waifu anyway. Bossy and overbearing.

Maybe he wasn't actually self-inserting himself and it's all true that it's an inside joke?

Jared pls.


They admitted failure from cnreal tho

Here's their main scenes together. It's clear that Jared was a self-insert.

That thumbnail

Craig's Smile And Optimism: Gone


Wait, what was his name again?

Jake "if she's eight, there's no need to wait" Goldman?

>mind control
>the weeb panda from WBB
Yeah, totally a joke from his co-workers! No doubt about it!

that shit is so funny

Jake "Putting the pee-pee in PPG" Goldman


Jake "Ravioli Ravioli Let Me Fuck The Ginger Loli" Goldman

Thank god EEnE won't get the reboot treatment

The incredibly large and devoted fanbase would devolve into a blubbering mess if it ever happened

Aside from being crap, this is all NuPPG will be remembered for.

That's what makes it so sad, it could've improved, but all we remember it for is the dissapearing collar,

At least PPG Z had cute girls.

I just don't understand Jared weird fascination with Blossom.

Is it better or worse than HBO's PowerPuff Girls?

Also some asshats from the other blossom thread are heading in. Brace yourselves.

As long as you know who doesn't barge in.


preventibly put all your animators on a goverment watchlist

Him i don't mind

so....... this is a... villain?

Ha, oh no user, this is more that a villain...

well, im scared of this creep

>Do you think Cartoon Network will or have learned anything from NuPPG's utter failure?
Yes they will reboot other show

All because one spammer killed the buzz

I hope they do it what they did to symbiotic titan
file it as a tax failure and prevent anyone from every doing anything PPG again

So now what?

The CN executives would get the three shoe beating if they tried.

I see that and all I can think of is this:
Of course, the part where the FBI shows up was cut.

Anyone remembers the episode Bubblevicious? That shit was brutal.

to turn this thread in a new direction, Misseps finally posted the preview stuff for Sunday's episode over on Kametsu, and man it's going to be a weird one

>Well, it can't be that ba-


guess the musclefags are finally getting pandered to in a cartoon

>best of the new voices
>isn't paired with a writer self-insert
>redesign is minimal and even cute
>is probably the best character from this shit heap
How can Blossom/Bubblesfags ever recover?

cartoon network should learn that you shouldn't air cartoons because they sell toys you should air them because people like it and want to watch it. I learned that reboots should not be done or at least without their creators [/spoilers].

What, it's just an ordinary muscle expansion epis--

Fucking hell.

>ships himself with his waifu, in official material
>it's a shitty reboot that everyone hates

Monkey's Paw at its finest

I was smiling for unrelated reasons when I tabbed back and opened this image and it instantly evaporated

beefcaaaeek lmao


Of course they won't learn anything.

You throw shit at a wall and hope it sticks, the got a huge turd clinging to the wall with TTG.
One mushy piece sliding down is not going to change their strategy.

>They couldnt just make her have an amorphuos ball of fat for the body
>They felt the need to go the full mile and give her fucking tits

To not approve a show for extra seasons until the first one has aired at least 10 episodes

Jake "there's no love like forbidden love" Goldman

>this show was successful
>we should reboot it
>and in the reboot do everything except what made the show successful
basically this is CN always (SJ is a tentative exception that proves this rule)

>have fat fetish
>I finally get proper fat body in cartoon, no shitty BALL body
>they still manage to fuck it up

>proper fat
>still fucked it up
user. I have some bad news...

its a joke. like this is better than a a fuckig ball like most cartoons do, but its still REALLY bad


You know (((gems)))

This has gone too far

Stronger character designs, or hire a team that can work with the current ones properly. When I learned that Dean did these designs I shit a brick, couldn't believe what they were being turned into based off what he made.

If you have a concept that give you an excuse to explore atypical topics, stories or themes, don't create a fucking animated school sitcom out of it. So much wasted potential, this show has been stripped out of any real originality and constantly recycles tired concepts (and memes) like there's no tomorrow.

But it's also really easy to shit on something, not as much to make it yourself. So I recognize that there's real talent that does into this show, but still, could be better.

Who's Dean? What did his redesigns look like? I'm very interested in checking out the pre-production stuff for a show like this because it's hard for me to believe it always looked as terrible as it ended up being.

>utter failure

But it didn't fail. It's still running and people are watching it, which makes it a success. Just because it sucks doesn't mean it's a failure. In fact, CN will probably be inspired to make more half-hearted reboots

>Browses Sup Forums
>Doesn't understand a grown man's fascination with an animated little girl

Before I expanded the images, I thought they were just jokes or some terribly done arts, and I realized I was completely wrong.

so /co......would you still fuck it?
I would

Worse. HBO Powerpuff Girls would actually work pretty well as a 15 minute adultswim cartoon. Especially if it picked up Frisky Dingo or Squidbillies writers.


That's a huge bitch

The worst thing is, this isn't just capitalizing on nostalgia and merchandising, it's a way for the hipster fandom girls behind this show to get a job, say they made something, and get attention. They don't give a fuck about it and are just glad their names on something. If they gave a fuck about it the episodes wouldn't just be generic 90s episode after generic 90s episode, and by that I don't mean OH YEA RADICAL, I mean the episodic ideas that were popular at the time, like Talent Show episodes, getting a pet episodes, upcoming tests episode, vacation episodes, etc. If a show follows that episode structure it's just a fag's way of saying "I have a cartoon on TV, I get paid, and it's very cool" but they don't care about the show or it's work itself and they let it drift on pre-established very basic episodes you'd get in any other cartoon.

That said, it's riddled with animation errors, noticeable just watching it, continuity errors in the same fucking episode, horrendous humor, shitty crew behind it, grating voice actors, etc. It's every single thing that could go wrong with a series and somehow getting worse in each passing episode.

Yeah and hopefully it's that Superheroes and Slice of Life comedy are two different things

If nothing else I hope for this.

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm a musclefag and even I'm disgusted.


I know breasts are just fat and that's what she's surrounded with, but dude

They're just going to go the Marvel route and blame the audience for their mistakes.

those characters couldn't look more copypasted than they do here

I can see why they don't have their background designer actually make backgrounds very often.


Don't reboot a show unless the creator is involved.

Pretty stupid "joke" if you ask me.

Just a friendly reminder that there ARE people in this world that WILL defend this.

It's just a generic muscle wanting episode where the character is naive to the limitations, over does it, and decides in the end they were fine the way they were. This shit is only overblown because of the Jared fiasco so everything is a hot spot for mocking now.

How old is the character anyway?

>So apparently Feminists have their own award show for entertainment media that promotes girl power or whatever
>mfw PPG Reboot wins an award
>mfw There episode that won them the award was about this princess who wants to commit suicide to get the attention of the prince
>mfw The moral of that episode was the PPG getting shit at for trying to stop the girl from killing herself over a guy that doesn't care about herself and the woman has a right to "be herself" and just do it until the Prince by chance decides to save her
>mfw A show that basically tells girls that it's okay to kill yourself for a guy wins an award of "Women Empowerment"
You couldn't make this shit up.

To any ladies that lurk in Sup Forums, I genuinely want to know, how does this make you feel?

>To any ladies that lurk in Sup Forums, I genuinely want to know, how does this make you feel?

Women are fucking retarded so they probably don't even see anything wrong with it.

Aku-kazoo-pickle me too.

>tfw you genuinely miss the guy that always RP'd as Scaramouche, constantly greentexting dialogue like this on Sup Forums
I miss you, 'Moucheposter. Please come back.

>To any ladies that lurk in Sup Forums
please don't call them here

old enough