Describe the last comic or cartoon you've read or watched in the most opposite way possible

Describe the last comic or cartoon you've read or watched in the most opposite way possible.

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Red amazon behaves themselves at a festival condemning the future.

This new girl from Earth didn't decide to stay and ignore this half angel lady unsummoned by the Allies.

In the far far future Cowboy encounters an Angel descending down to Earth. The Cowboy and the Angel battle and try to kill each other but before the Cowboy can succeed the Angel casts him thousands of years into the past where the Cowboy will age and die before the Angel ever arrives on Earth. There the Cowboy must survive the harshness of the past trying to get Back to The Future where the Angel's rule is law.

sane people but bodies back together

An extremely happy boy never finds the love of his life and the world is safer because of it

A jock boy who loves mundane things and his gloomy goth sister spend winter with their grand neice in a big city in Arkansas where everything's completely normal and nothing out of the ordinary happens

Gravity Falls

Bugs from the Planets Peace and Old Endings make peace by making arrangements on Mars.

A homeless masked vigilante retires, and shoots a lot of honest cops in the process, making himself an enemy of the commissioner. Inspired by his journey, a rich, dog loving philanthropist throws away her dog costume decides to become a prostitute.

Its great

Yes, genius

a guy decides to take a stand for himself alongside his supportive and beautiful girlfriend. his poetic philosophies on life and it's meaning will be heard far and wide

A computer nerd in the late 70s who doesn't do much, hates hacking, has excellent social skills, and never been in the clink.

That was pretty good. I applaud you.


nice guy becomes good friends with a police officer


Selfless no-nonsense hero fucks up everything. New friends do regressive stuff. Normal man is very useful and not a half-baked plot device in the slightest. Everything changes.
But it still stays.

Tall rich guy looks through his gold pile and normal stuff happens, also there's a anthro dog.

everyday adventures of a stubborn woman and her cat friend.

Piggybacking on this, but adding that it has an incredibly satisfying and logically sound ending

just a bit ago in a near town i uka the shapeshifting apprentice, unleashed an speakable goodness! But a Smartass Ninja warrior, wielding a normal gun, stepped forth to oppose me. Before the first blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the past, where my good doesnt exist yet! Now the smartass seeks to return to the future, and prevent the future that is Uka!

It hurts

what does that even mean?

japanese man with magic sword from the past saved the future and totally didn't kill it

A happy mortal doesn't like to be asleep and try to help people to never sleep again.

The show is about a group of humans from 1994 who are transported to 994 by means of perfectly reasonable science, and who turn into water at night.
They make friends with an ugly thief, and their main nemesis is a hobo with a hlonde buzzcut.


Tough, slim, girl (who is also her dad) and straight earthlings plants solves problem by using rational thought or manliness.

How do you feel about this?

I'd watch this . Call it plantastic

A Government worker completes all his tasks without interference from terrorists or corrupted officials

What is that op pic called so I can find that promised collab gif?

2 women convince a local super villain to become principal at their school

Six evil mountain lions compete against each other to overthrow the natural order of the world and learn of the powers of chaos

Ayy correct

enjoy your vacation

W-what did kek mean by this ?!

It was well written and well produced and enjoyed every second of it. I'm so glad Sup Forums always talks about it, ensuring that I'll always have some fresh conversation matter to discuss with my fellow fans.

an incredibly short webcomic that is really high quality

A short official comic with perfect grammar about Luigi hurting other people's feelings and very few characters from other franchises being present, it's incredibly tame and simplistic and nobody ever gets physically hurt or tied into some convoluted plot

It's also the worst comic ever made

WW2 happens and it perfectly follows history and nothing weird happens and no absurd new atrocities take place, oh no sir.

Blackhole with the passivity of good

Using a submarine fleet to hunt a dragon is a completly retarded idea

A regular woman stays in one place bitching about hippies, dreams and love, convincing people to focus on earning money and hurting others instead

This show is so uncomfy, but it's a laugh a minute and action packed. It's not contemporary at all though in tone and setting while making me straight for the human characters.

A bald young man reincarnated from an ancient mayan king must save the soul of an innocent card game maker from his evil grandfather in a fistfight.

Everything is going great. People always get along and are the perfect models of the human anatomy. World piece was achieved and efforts were made to cause earth to errupt in an ocean of lush jungles and grasses. The love interest stays in place throughout the story and so far the story has had consistant happy endings.


It sucks to be weegee?

>The love interest stays in place throughout the story and so far the story has had consistant happy endings

Some of these are impossible fucking riddles. Why can't Sup Forums ever make good joke threads?


Extra thin

Gem shit

Time to duel!

It's a comic where Rose sits with two elderly diaperwearing hedgehogs, Sonic and Shadow, at a beach.

A very popular and well-loved villainess is brought back to life, and it is up to the worlds most cheerful woman with a well-known face to make sure that nobody finds out the truth behind this chicks revival.

A smart-ass chick and the nicest man alive meet God. They decide to not live together and their lives are very normal and happy.

A concerned scientist and his jackass son try to break into a nudist's simulation of society to return unfocused light energy.

Anyone wanna decipher these?

The third one is a mirrored version of Rick & Morty, particularly with the episode "M. Night Shaym-Aliens"

A regular young girl from our dimension with no powers but who knows self defense gets sent from her future kids to another world, to become an exchange student and to live with the family of a prince who secretly possesses a satanic magic sword. it's gonna be very normal and very tame.

Grim Adventures?

Very recently in a nearby place, Zen, the single shaped novice of light, leashed a very well spoken of goodness upon the land. But a BRILLIANT PEASANT PACIFIST stepped back to ally with him. After the first dodge was pulled, Zen zipped up a portal in the present and pulled him into the past, where Zen's goodness is OUTLAWED. Then the genius sought to go away from the future, to redo the goodness that is Zen.


A sunfungus takes care of her sun by planting strange treasures that grow into mushrooms when activated by cold, rational thoughts, and ward of a big white pile of the opposit of goo.

A morbidly obese man with a very simplistic and straightforward outlook resurrects the dead and nobody gets hurt. He also has a very brave neighbor.

A Slice of Life about am intelligent, capable man who makes the local coal-fire power plant safer and his average-haired wife with an angelic voice and his three kids: one of which is of average intelligence and has no musical ability, one of which is a well-behaved student, and the eldest, who won't ever shut up, in their town of normal skin-colored people, which is well-defined on a map.

A retired superhero willingly gives up his costume to an intelligent young man so they can fight crime and not at all so the old man might live vicariously through his partner which he has never attempted to do before.

The Snospmis!

The incarnation of life itself enslaves a couple of friends, a psychotic man everyone is afraid of, and a retarded woman the man uses as a punching bad and servant who is a menace both to society and herself. They live in the Underworld and live strange but nice adventures in the world of the living and sometimes down in the underworld as well.

quite wholesome, straight, and not funny at all.

Some orange asshole improves a galactic peacemonger's day and assists him in his plans, in season 2 an even nicer peacemonger arrives and the two former guys team up with the latter to ameliorate the galaxy

A disgruntled heir to a MegaCorp is ousted by his incompetent and unprofessional mother under auspices that he isn't mature enough to be a major voting shareholder.

They try to fram him for incompetence by sabotaging his energy side project which inadvertently rips a hole in space time that he geta sucked in.

On the otherside he befriends a lowly peasant girl with magical powers as they fight the Monster monarchy.

He thinks this world is a really awful place.


Batman Beyond? I haven't watched it

Grim Adventures

Star Vs

Two straight men with no mental health issues and perfect childhoods stay at home for a week while discussing how good life has been to them so far.