How do we make Amethyst into a thing

How do we make Amethyst into a thing

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give her an ongoing, don't cancel it after 7 issues
have her crossover with Wonder Woman, Batman, and Justice League every once in a while to boost sales

DC Nation had it right. Shame they had to pick up TTG instead.

Write your local WB representative.

Cartoon aimed at little girls demographic.


It was fun but it does a disservice to a relatively important leg of mystical DC

Like if you made the New Gods just a video game

The new 52 run was good after they went to Gemworld. Bungled the first issue though and including the backup to increase the price wasn't a good idea unless it was going to be a backup starring a more popular character.

She probably needs to be on a team book or something to really catch on though.

how to convince people she's not a purple shorty

From what I understand Drouhard wasn't a huge fan of the comic long before she pitched it and she just kind of picked a property to build her ideas around.

I feel like Amethyst is kind of an inverse Wonder Woman, a regular girl stuck in a fantastic fantasy place of monsters and mayhem where even the connections to the real world are just twisted and ruined. Obviously I guess this means if you know how to do the latter you can do the former, but most people can't even do that.

She's less a superman style hero and more of a He-Man type of thing if you really want to break it down. As such, you kind of need to treat the project much like you would a straight played 80's action cartoon of that style and abandon the idea that there needs to be a direct link to an "A Lister" just because, because it doesn't work. Superman showing up in the Gemworld didn't work when they first wrote it, and even Wonder Woman herself just showing up somewhere several degrees removed from it in the MMO felt artificial and forced then too.

Amy needs to be almost completely alone when off earth, and when and if the story takes her away forever that link is severed. Batman can't swoop in and save her. It's just her and whoever is directly involved. Anyone who could realistically make the trip, like Zatanna or Constantine via Oblivian Bar or even Raven hopping over from Azerath, is so far below this paygrade of stuff going on they can't directly contribute and save her. Because Dark Opal is serious shit, and he deals with serious cosmic powers, and the end bosses of the original run are just plain too big to comprehend for most people.

that show is so afraid to introduce other characters

i hate shows like these



It's never going to happen

She needs more rule 34. A LOT more.

Make amethyst movie. Wonder Woman movie is big. Make another warrior female super hero movie. That's how Hollywood thinks. Show me art of amethyst in red Sonja type bikini gear, please

She's a magical girl.

Do what Japan does.

Is that one of those rock girls you guys keep going on about?

Put her through soul crushing, unending suffering?

I'm pretty she's already a thing, user
You're misreading it
she made the video game due to her heritage, which already existed
it just acted as the portal

>Amethyst already did it.
This is true for most magical girls.


This. Fuck TTG, this should've become a full-fledged show.

At the very least it was a good piece of media that would draw attention to that part of DC's mythos, hopefully producing more in the future.

She's a mix between Zatana and She-ha. Have her crossovering with JLA and MotU

Into that thing?
Hm. I guess have her poof and reform into a shape like that.

Give her a cartoon and pray the Steven Universe fans don't convince everyone it's a rip-off.

This is the main reason it'll never become a thing. SU exists and is toxic. She-ra is coming back too, DC will never use Amethyst again. Screen cap this.

but by that logic, they would've exaggerated what people loved about the short like they did with ttg.

that or still the same as the short but same ttg scheduling (overload) that people becomes sick of it, no matter how good it is.
could be worse

fucking rip dude
see you in three days

This, but also give her a titty monster "friend" that makes fun of her small breasts.