Does the Joker really love her?

Does the Joker really love her?

No, ought to be pretty obvious he just uses her and says what he needs to keep stringing along her retarded ass

No, Joker's clearly has antisocial personality disorder (it's not what you think it is, think sociopath/psychopath). The closest thing Joker loves is Batman because Batman gives him an enjoyable purpose.

Joker is incapable of love.

In the early parts of the cartoon, it seemed like maybe he had an interest in her, though it may have just been the carnal desires any red-blooded man would have when a girl is present. As the series went on, as well as the supporting comics, they clearly made Joker less and less interested in Harley in any way beyond mild amusement at someone who idolized him, to the point he was willing to throw her life away even for shits and giggles. Later incarnations of the pair seem to vary, but almost all end up with him hardly caring about her well being in the long run. I think the Suicide Squad movie Joker is the only one that seems to genuinely care for her beyond an easy fuck.

He's not capable of love.
He owns her. Like a trick knife or fake gun, she's a gag. She's a joke of his. The joke being that he can corrupt and damage a young impressionable mind just as well as Batman did with Robin.

>most incarnations
at best, love in the same way you love a good tool, but joker would happily throw her under the bus
>lego joker
yes, but as a "gal friend" not as a romantic interest
their relationship is unclear beyond the level of friends and/or coworkers, although harleys clipboard does say "H

No. Joker loves himself first, and Batman second. There's no room in that for Harley, no matter what Jared Leto tells you.

no, Joker doesn't know what love is. He can mimic it but he doesn't love anyone. He sees Harley as his toy or something he owns.

It depends on who writes it, sometimes he loves her. Early in 2000's it was canon for comics

No. Doing that humanize the joker. Makes him vulnerable and ruins the character

The only canon in which he does is the DCEU

I do think Harley stands above all other women the Joker has ever had simply because she can survive his antics, but no, he doesn't love her.

Not the way he loves jokes or messing with the Bat anyway.

I'd say the DCEU just shows a screwed image because Harley was a prime character in SQ.

If in some weird twist of fate The Dark Knight had been DCEU instead of Nolanverse, I'm sure the Joker would have acted more as we'd expect.

It's logical that in a Harley centered story, the Joker would appear somewhat more in love with Harley than in a typical Bat story. Simply due to the subjective experience of Harley and the fact that she doesn't know the full extent of the Joker's activities.

I remember when she got pregnant with his child in the Arkham City videogame. I still don't know what to make of that.

People don't like it cause it makes the guy human but the fact is that he was written loving her many times, Morrison who created "a more than human" joker wrote a joker who loved her and couldn't be really more than human because of her.

In TAS he loved her too in episodes from "the trial" until the adaptation of "mad love"

>games, asylum/city

I would say yes, she was his girlfriend there


>batman adventures comic
Yes, he loved her

Play the DLC

It was a false flag

Joker has never had other women in my knowledge, have been others?

The DLC shouldn't he canon, it was an effort to erase the ending the writer of asylum and city wrote cause they decided to produce more games with the name of the saga

Too bad, it is

I don't want TFA to be canon in Star Wars but it is and there is nothing I can do about it and the same thing applies to you and the Arkham series

DC said arkham Knight and origins were canon even when origins presents inconsistencies with asylum so if you want to eat whatever the publisher says you can

No really people just try to forget

I mean its complicated i think initially hes using her but along the way he eventually has some kind of fucked up affection he does have for her. He rarely shows it but i would argue yes. Its one of the things i think Suicide Squad got right he took her to ace chemicals to kill her but after seeing her crazy blind devotion to him he couldn't walk away and jumped in after her.

You seem a tumblrite

Joker loves Harley in an abstract, superficial sort of way.

Her ability to survive and thrive as a henchman/second-in-command of his gang gives her a special place in Joker's heart in so far that, having seduced her, Joker is now stuck having to play along in the role of the boyfriend. Which on some level he probably enjoys so long as Harley doesn't get too clingy.

One thing I do find interesting was that the voice actress for Harley on BTAS has stated, in terms of explaining the Joker/Harley relationship, is that Harley is the only person who sees Joker in the rare lucid moments when his sanity returns and he realizes how he's thrown away his life/become a disfigured freak and breaks down/has to be consoled by Harley. Granted these are moments that are never shown on the series (and one could argue that if they did happen, Joker might be faking them for the direct purpose of manipulating Harley into staying with him), but it does give an interesting take on the pairing if Harley's seen Joker in those moments and lived

Yeah; Joker recognizes Harley's a good hand to have around when he's pulling capers and shit. And it's probably cheaper to just keep pretending to love her than it is to pay her a salary. She probably doesn't even get a cut of their heists; just lives off of an allowance Joker gives her plus whatever he steals for her.

We can assume the Joker has lucid periods in most incarnations of the character, seeing how there are moments when the Joker is lucid in the comics.

The ending of The Killing Joke for example.

He likes her for her usefulness like a comedian likes a good prop, but he doesn't feel anything for her well being.

In a way I can't even fault Joker.
I read that Downtown, Japanese comedy duo, while having great chemistry on camera know to keep out of each other's personal lives to avoid souring that relation.

It's not that they're not friends just that they give each other space.
Harley should have clued onto the fact Joker appreciates her and his other henchmen as backup for his act in professional crime comedy, but has no interest in them personally.

He just gets a kick out of her.

This matter has been around for 20 years, in TAS he was supposed to love her, the last episode though had an impact I think it was OC in the series, the team made declarations like when Mark Hamill said "he loves her, he's learning to love through Harley"

She didn't seem his toy or something akin she was his woman

Unironically the only person he "cares about is probably Batman because his whole life is resolved about toying with him.

Man that was a 4 pages short written for a random guy

No, Joker loves Harley in the DCEU cause viwers wished it, they even changed the movie

No. People like him don't really bond with others.
"Psychopath in love" is a terrible meme and a sign to avoid the story.

Psychopaths can love. It's just not really the kind of love most people want.

It's a good thing Poison Ivy has superpowers of her own, because otherwise the Joker would have gutted her like a fish and filled Harley's bed with her entrails.

As others have said, depends on the incarnation.

He doesn't really in BTAS, although I think he has at least a little affection toward her. Sort of like a pet, but by no means a partner.

It varies a lot between writers with the comics, and I don't know enough about the games to comment on those.

LEGO Joker loves her, but their relationship seems pretty platonic.

Letoker definitely loves her, but he's a gangbanger with iffy mental and emotional health so their relationship is still messed up.

I don't think Ledger's Joker would have been capable of loving her, had she existed in that universe.

Nicholson's Joker - maybe? Probably closer to the BTAS treatment.

Romero's Joker is just so silly these days I can't take it seriously enough to consider it.

>I don't think Ledger's Joker would have been capable of loving her, had she existed in that universe.
I imagine that if Nolan had used Harley in his Nolanverse, she'd be dead and be part of the reason for the Joker becoming the Joker.

Not the primary cause, but maybe the final straw.

Pre-Joker Joker and some of his cronies try to escape Arkham, shit goes south, one of his cronies uses Harley (the psychologist Harley) as a hostage, something goes wrong, Harley dies, all his cronies die, he's left for dead but free. Reinvents himself as the Joker.

I could see him killing her himself, to be honest.

>It's logical that in a Harley centered story, the Joker would appear somewhat more in love with Harley than in a typical Bat story. Simply due to the subjective experience of Harley and the fact that she doesn't know the full extent of the Joker's activities.


The Batman is going to be fucking incredible when J is focusing on Bruce and only Bruce.

I did enjoy him actually liking Harley in SS though it was a nice touch, but once Bats is in the picture he should just drag her along with him and barley even think about her.

Doesn't matter.
She'll always be his side-bitch to the Batman.

nah, Ledger's Joker was pretty sane in comparison to comics's Joker, they used all the good of being sociopath but not the disadvantages

because ledgers joker was obviously not insane and was just using the clown persona to manipulate people

>That poster
Back to tumblr or r/dc_cinematic or whatever fan site made that.

which is why rape would be a very effective weapon to use against him!

This. At best, Joker should have a fixation on keeping Harley as his possession, but never treat her like he actually cares about her. He's too much of a sick and deranged person to have anything resembling a normal relationship.

>a failed comedian and petty criminal is smarter than a woman with a PhD and as smart as greatest detective in the world
Explain this to me.

He's a savant, or a natural genius. Or it's just a plot device.

>antisocial personality disorder
Aka: People don't like fags and people don't like murders, so I guess it's the same psychological profile.

Harley fucked her way to a PhD.

Does a dog love his chew toy?

Is that even canon anymore? I don't think the current feminist climate would allow that now that she isn't even a real villain anymore.

According to Dini, no

it wasn't in the animation so no canon for BTAS or its comic, it was included from a comment in pre-N52 but eliminated in N52, Rebirth SS, Arkham games and whatever Dini's doing now.

the new canon is that she fell into the same acid as the joker, bullshit imo because it was implied that she was really really smart and the acid ruined me that just ruins the character, she's supposed to be this crazy character almost like a chuck jones's looney tune...

>Hating on The Feminist Awakens


Joker is a fagget!!

No, that's why Batman was able to confess to Cat Woman. He actually can feel love. This is the main difference between him and Joker.

>in b4 she's a woman so let dum, Reese illogic feelz

Since when was it acid? I thought it was just some miscellaneous chemical(s).

>Does the Joker really love her?
Yes. He's just a super crazy and abusive.




I've always assumed the only reasons why Joker hasn't murdered Poison Ivy, are two-fold

1. He respects the balls on Poison Ivy for seducing Harley Quinn away from him. Joker is like King Satan of the DC Universe to other super-villains, so for Poison Ivy to seduce his moll AND pretty much stay active in Gotham while doing so, impresses Joker to make him spare her

2. If you believe the whole "Joker does not love Harley" thing, Joker tolerates Harley's bisexuality/flings with Poison Ivy, because it gives him much needed alone time when needed and better to have Poison Ivy deal with Harley's neediness and clingy behavior than him. Plus he knows he can always break them up whenever he needs Harley around for a caper or plot to kill Batman.

Romero's Joker not only would not love Harley, but would have murdered her the moment he no longer needed her.

Probably the only real notable Joker story from the 66 Batman series was one where Joker was actively recruiting a bunch of teenagers to serve as his henchmen and one of them was a blonde that was in love with Joker. Once Batman and Robin got wind of where Joker was getting his henchmen, Joker tried to get rid of his minions including the girl, by giving her poisoned perfume as a gift in order to kill her.

Disagree with that. Nolan would have most likely stuck to the original origin for Harley (slutty shrink who got a job at Arkham explicitly so she could get material on a book about the Joker so she could become famous). Joker seduces her with a fake tragic past to try and get her to help him escape.

Joker escapes but gets caught by Batman, who brutalizes him and takes him back in. Harley snaps, creates her costumed alter ego, and frees Joker again and Joker gets stuck with a girlfriend/partner who he has to pretend to love since his antics in the second film basically made him a pariah in Gotham's criminal underworld.

The real question is does she really love Joker

Nope. Everyone knows that Joker only has feelings for Batman and nobody else.

She eats ass

>Parallels between Harley and Robin
Huh, I never thought of it like that.