So, how long until Spider-Gwen is folded into the main Marvel earth like Miles was?

So, how long until Spider-Gwen is folded into the main Marvel earth like Miles was?

Hopefully never. The more spider characters typically means the worse the Marvel side of the universe ends up being.

So bringing Gwen Stacy back to life then?

the Spider side*

Better question; how long till they're folded OUT

Booty got me like-

I think that was probably more on Bendis insistence than Editorial mandate.Thouggh given how it boosted Miles sales I could see it happening for Gwen

It could be cool if she came back as a ghost. The costume would fit a spooky character perfectly.

People seem to love Gwen for some reason, even though Spidey has had like 10 better love interests since.

I just want fucking Gwenom already.
I don't give a shit about Japanese Logan or Norman. I don't give a shit about shitty crossovers with Spider-Woman or Miles. I just want fucking Gwenom. And yet at this point, MJ in RYV will get a symbiote before her.

Does she know about her kids?

MJ also got a symbiote in the shitty ultimate Spider-Man cartoon before her.

Ultimate Gwen was a symbiote, though, so there's is that.

I actually like mister murderhands

So how does she get into that suit? It looks so tight on her it must be vacum sealed or something.

Should I bother with her recent comics? The only thing I know about those is that she got BLACKED by Miles, and that doesn't inspire much confidence.

Spider-Man's costume was always like that.

Black Cat Best Girl

No more spider people.

Seriously this shits ridiculous

I think I'm damaged somehow because I love Spider-gwen's design and I find her super hot, but ONLY when she has the mask on. Like, there's something about a fit, athletic lady fully enclosed in a tight bodysuit and hiding her face with a full mask that really gets to me. When she takes her mask off, which a lot of artists constantly have her do so we'll remember it's Gwen, she becomes just another cute girl. Not unappealing, but she loses some of that special HNNNGH factor. I dunno what it is, maybe the idea that a pretty girl would willingly conceal her beauty to fight crime is really appealing. Maybe it's the whole anonymity aspect of it.


How long until 616 Gwen comes back, gets powers and gets the costume?

I kind of agree, but I just find full face masks really hot and don't really care why they wear them.

I am enjoying Evil Matt

I do wonder if Gwenom will be reserved until the Venom event

Agreed, I just want the mask and suit to be a thing.

Do you think she fucks with the costume on? I bet she does.

Without the mask she's alright, not bad in any way but nothing that makes her stand out but with it and the skin tight costume it definitely adds something special

Gwen is old news this year it's MJ in the spotlight.

All superhero costumes look like fucking body paint, where have you guys been for the past 40 years or so?

Way to miss the point, daddy-o.

You're not missing much.

Did the spider bite turn gwen into a muscle girl the same way it made Pete /fit/?

Is this the same character as that Gwenpool girl?

Yes. Every Marvel hero is secretly Gwen Stacy.

Her costume is a big help. It's pretty damn great.

No, but Gwenpool would never have been a thing if Spider-Gwen hadn't been a success.

Gwenpool animated series when

Her costume doesn't show cum stains. That's a big plus.

Do you think she's into girls?

I'm surprised they haven't already. I mean, she spends so much time in 616, and the writers already seem unsure what to have her do in her own universe. Plus she's already been depowered how many times?

Has any other character in all of comics had popularity solely because of their costume in the same way as Spider-Gwen?

Never. The drama and angst of Peter realizing Gwen is alive and constantly risking her life against super villains every night will completely overshadow everything in his comics, nevermind the potential shipping cancer faggotry.

If Peter continued existing in her universe, would Kingpin have banged him before Gwen got to him?

I dislike the hood, as it raises too many questions. Why is it there? Why doesn't it fly off? Is it fastened to her mask? Wouldn't it flap around like mad whenever she swung around?

That being said, the color scheme is great.

It does flop around and fall off frequently.

I cant wait until they kill her again. hopefully for good this time.

why cant marvel be arsed to actually write for their 'original' characters anymore? its not like they dont have female superheros already...its like they think rule 63'ing everything is somehow a good idea. bringing gwen back IS A MISTAKE

Bendis is obsessed with latching onto whatever is popular at the moment. It's the same when he ship-baited with Kamala. Nothing actually happened other than being shit.

lets gets some bullshit going and have 65gwens personality into silk's mind

superior spider-woman


No. Spider-Gwen is an alternate universe Gwen Stacy who was bitten by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Woman. She's extremely bland and the best things about her are the costume and seeing the alternate versions of other characters.
Gwenpool is Gwen Poole, a worthless NEET from the real world who got transported into the Marvel Universe and decided she can do whatever she wants without consequence so long as she's the protagonist of a book.