Delayed again

>delayed again

My hot-glue gun is melting!

>liking Scott Pilgrim

>Not liking Scott Pilgrim

>implying you have to like a series to fap to it

I pre-ordered this shit a year ago.

What other Scott Pilgrim characters got their own figurine?

>worst girl
i think ur glue gun is defective

I don't know why I even bought it. Each delay is just mocking me.

And apparently there will be others.

Scott Pilgrim

>Green Haired Ramona

The Blue Haired Ramona as seen in is much Cuter

How does that hair look green to you? She's clearly got seaform colored hair.

yeah! other delays hehe...

what the fuck is a scott pilgrim?

That's clearly Ramona Flowers.

I wish Ramona had cum-colored hair.

seems like something you can do with clay by yourself

vidyo gaems in comix 4m

Some comic series from the early 2000s that used to be in black and white so the girls were hard to tell apart, but I think there was a color one made or something.

I don't think anyone's thought about it in like a decade, though.

What do you mean? The comic is finished.

>buying statueshit

has snot girl advanced ever since mc supposedly pushed that bitch off a rooftop?

Are these other hair colors she has in the comic I only read it in black and white


Can someone please explain the appeal you fags seem to have jizzing on anime/cartoon figurines?

Isn't that really hard to clean up?

Doesn't it just degrade the coloration on the figurine over time?

Just spurt on a tissue and flush it like the civilized folks.

men have a weird fetish for cuming on the most weird things you can imagine, dolls, clothes, food, animals, other people, tiles, etc. there's no real explanation.

>liking anything

It's the same appeal kids get from spraypainting murals, or carving into desks with a pocket knife, or keying an expensive car. You're defacing something people hold valuable with your hot, uncontrollable load, and you make people mad to boot.

Why are they making figures now? No one gives a fuck about Scott Pilgrim anymore

>other people
But that's the most normal thing you would want to cum on.

These are all the various hairstyles Ramona's gone through over the course of the series.

>defacing something people hold valuable with your hot, uncontrollable load

You bought it, it's your valuable.

A lot of figures are limited release, though. Because one guy has a genuine 1/6 scale model of Ryoko in a bunny suit looking cute, someone else doesn't.

And that one guy without the figurine will most likely stumble onto a video of a fat hairy man with a three-inch dick covering his waifu in his sweaty load.

other people while you wait for the bus or while you are at the line in Mcdonalds? because I've seen that happen

Does Ramona put in the extra effort to make sure the carpet matches the drapes?

Maybe, it seems like the insignificant sort of BS to impress her previous partners

Scott Pilgrim is the series that motivated me to study hard and take college more seriously

You. I like you.



I'd do it only to complete the ensemble

>liking nothing

There's this guy on eroprofile that sticks anime figurines up his shitty asshole.

we all have done that at some point.

It's a meme

Would you recommend Scott Pilgrim to anyone curious to see what all the excitement is about?

Fits the quality of the source material




Depends: do you think chiptunes remixes have run their course yet?

It falls hard at the last 2 volumes but if you have the time might as well

Many fetishes involve the destruction of something for the sake of sexual satisfaction.

Green is best style. Blue is best color.

I don't think anything that could get a movie could really be considered all that hipster.

I thought I was the only one.

What about those of us who don't own any anime figurines?

you can use your little sister barbies, or some legos

K'nex work better.

>that time you fell for a girl who reminded you at times of Ramona

Please tell me it wasn't just me. I don't want to have been the only person to make that mistake.

I don't have any barbie dolls or lego men lying around either.

knife rolled in sandpaper?

They look like they're made out of playdoh

If you're okay with "hipster" things, yeah, go for it. It's a fun series, doesn't take itself seriously at all, and has pretty strong character development for its protagonists. Not laugh out loud funny, but a few jokes might make you chuckle.

If you do not like "hipster" things, old school video games, or romance stories, then you can pass.

Dunno. Ramona actually looks legit and kinda cute, but Scott looks like an actual bootleg yet it's oficial merchandise.
>pic related

Hasn't O'Malley pretty much left it behind? He divorced the lady he based Ramona on didn't he? Also I kind of read Seconds as a story about putting away childish things and moving on.

This guy... This guy gets it.


what is with everyone drawing legs that start expanding at the knee and don't stop till the sole of the foot? Where are the ankles, calves, etc?

She's clearly wearing shin guards you blind autist

it reoccurs in lots of recent animation too.

Also I just noticed how fucked up her hands are positioned.
Just do what everyone else on co does, blame C*l A**s


I was in that thread, probably one of the funniest experiences of my life

Yep. Me too.

No, yeah. It's the whole reason I had any interest in Scott Pilgrim, I could relate to the fact that the Ramona-style vibrant-haired mystery girl is exactly the type I would become dangerously infatuated with if I ever encountered one.

I fell for a girl that looked like lisa miller

That's literally me

Where can one buy this figure?
tfw you'll never get a figure of your fave girl so you have to settle for a figure of worst girl

Mondo is taking pre-orders. Be prepared to wait.

I hate this feel. We made out once

Yes. I also recommend the movie, not because of its accuracy, but because the cinematography is great.

I'm assuming the film takes certain liberties that left most fans unhappy?

Yeah, there was a lot that was omitted and the ending was considerably different. Also, a lot of people didn't like the casting of Cera as Scott.

>most fans
I wouldn't say that, it's more like an interpretation than an adaptation and I think most fans of the series appreciated that aspect. They're not the same, but that doesn't make the film bad.

If you're 15-19 mentally or physically, yeah.

Otherwise no.

>Enjoying something MUST have an age limit
Ow the edge.
Go ask vp or other boards if you should care about age when enjoying something :^)

I suspect his point was more that it's more meaningful if you're also a romantically naive kid. Otherwise you're just reading about dumb 20-something assholes you don't give a shit about.

I'm in love with a feisty Asian, so Knives does a lot for me.

I liked both. The comics are a stronger story overall, but the film is a comfy hipster comedy thing that's good to watch with potential gfs.

And there's that guy who talks about how he would constantly cum on this cougar poster he had as a kid.

Yep. Dated her for a little bit.
