When will she be redeemed and join the gang?

When will she be redeemed and join the gang?

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That off-model vector art is gross.
Also season 6 when she is half healed of corruption and finds out that Rose didn't kill Pink Diamond.

Why not?

Can't be too much longer now.

Steven doesn't have anything going on now that 'My mommy the killer' is resolved. So investigating decorruption is next on the agenda.

And Cheeto is obvious. He knows her, she is the gem who has been corrupted for the shortest length of time, he might even feel a little guilty (Hell, it's Steven, I bet he feels totally responsible) and he needs to tell her that Rose didn't do it.

Next batch of episodes. Steven wants, needs, & deserves answers more than ever.

>Pearl & Garnet won't fucking tell him shit
>Amethyst & Peridot weren't made until after the war.
>Bismuth was bubbled before Pink Diamond was shattered.
>Lapis was in a mirror before Bismuth was bubbled.
>The Off-Colors haven't seen sunlight on their own planet, so no fucking way do they know about what went down on Earth.

Steven's best sources are going to be a corrupted gem. Centipeedle is busy chilling with her crew. Jasper's the top candidate.
>One of the few or only Earth-born gem to still be active in the military.
>Few gems Steven has met several times.
>Recent corruption.
>Second-handed corruption.
>Most loyal follower of Pink Diamond.
>Most anti-Earth gem (next to possibly Yellow Diamond)
>Considered Amethyst's long-lost sister.
>Fucked Lapis
>Probably won't be allowed back into Homeworld if they knew she fused with a different gem.
>Seen on multiple cast posters.

Never, Sugar won't use her anymore because Tumblr thinks her characterisation is problematic

Even if Rose is innocent, she still started the rebellion and is an affront to the universal order of the Gempire. And that's the bit that Jasper has a huge boner for.

She may not attempt to murder Steven on the spot anymore, but it would take a lot for them to ever be friends.

Lapis rape

Soon I hope
Now that we heard that HW has been lying about what went down at Earth, it could easily lead into Steven wanting to find out more about Jasper's understanding of the events


They're very offended that a butch coded gem is portrayed as abusive, which is fucking retarded because Lapis was just as abusive as Jasper if not more so

I'm ready for this SJW stuff to be dumped like hot garbage.

Lapis is way more problematic and abusive than Jasper.
I used to hope that the show was saving her arc for when Steven has to face some hard truths and accept that even friends who he likes may have done some horrid shit and has to finally move on from thinking that Lapis was a widdle weak victim, but after the whole memebarn fiasco I don't know if I dare to expect anything from the show any more

You know you could just not watch it...

Lapis Lazuli is going to fuse with Jasper and Steven will dreamwalk into the Malachite dimension in order to cure the corruption

That would just lead to Lapis catching dog aids too

she won't be redeemed instead she'll be locked away inside Lion's chest until the gang can find out how to save her but she won't be saved, in the end Steven will have to do something he resisted for so long... destroy Jasper's gem
A hero can't save everyone, sometimes a person has to have the will to save themselves

Do you think Rebecca would lie to a little girl with cancer?

How can something be off-model in a show that doesn't bother using reference sheets?

Of course! What are you going to do, tell a cancer kid that her favorite gem is dead just like she's going to be?

>it would take a lot for them to ever be friends.

Like discovering the Diamond Order is a sham.

Plus Earth has a way of affecting gems that are on it. Think about it.

I think Earth is defending itself. Every gem that is on it for any length of time starts behaving... well... off-color. Garnet came into existence on Earth. The Famethyst are from Earth and so was Rose. Peridot was a powerless gem... until she declared her allegiance to Earth, and then suddenly she got powers. The Cluster was supposed to destroy the world, but its component gems decided to work together to 'go to sleep'. Even Blue is not so bad for a Diamond. Yellow, on the other hand, HATES Earth and wants it destroyed at all cost - and I think she may be suspecting the same thing. What you want to bet she's gonna shout at Blue Diamond at some point: "That cursed mudball has corrupted you!" and someone shouts back at her: "The only ones who corrupted anything around here are YOU guys!!" "DOWN WITH THE DIAMONDS!" "DOWN WITH THE DIAMONDS!"

Once Jasper truly has lost everything, the only thing she will have is what Steven gave back to her: herself.

>Lapis was just as abusive as Jasper if not more so

Debatable. Very debatable. Lapis was already deeply traumatized. She spent thousands of years trapped... runs to Homeworld... and what do they do? Put her in jail again. Do you think Jasper was nice and friendly to her, or maybe told her she was weak and useless a couple of times? If she didn't actually torture her to make sure she told the (whole) truth, whatever torture means to a gem.

But what SJF stuff?

Some people can't save themselves so long as someone else is yet to be saved.


You got me there!

user we've had this discussion many times. Lapis was extremely abusive and what she did was absolutely not okay. It was needless and cruel and horrifying and she essentially put Steven and the CG in danger because she wanted a prisoner of her own to torture, and didn't care who it was. She essentially admits that in canon, that she was horrible and did horrible things because she enjoyed causing pain.
That's clear to everyone except the most obtuse Lapis dindu nuffin stans.

Being traumatized isn't an excuse to torture others.

Pink diamond's shattering is in no way resolved and if what happened in wanted was enough of a resolution for you, thats not very good.

She's in.

>Being traumatized isn't an excuse to torture others.

But she didn't "torture others".
She imprisoned a very specific gem. She didn't slash wildly around her like she did when she was cracked. She targeted Jasper, who had treated her like a victim instead of comforting her after thousands of years of imprisonment AND cooperating fully with the due authorities.

And by targeting her tormentor she kept the one person who had helped her and was nice to her safe. Or so she believed. She tried whatever she could to keep Jasper imprisoned and herself as well - and don't forget she also kept herself imprisoned at the same time. She trapped herself in a cage with someone who hated her - and fought to stay trapped in there. Now what sadist tortures themselves as well?

By the way, I appreciate the 'Lapis dindu nuffin'. Thanks. Classy!

Lapis became interesting only after 'Gem Drill', really, when it became clear she is not actually a very nice person and doesn't work all that hard to be, either. And that's fine.

I am a Jasperfag, but I am beginning to hope she will never return at all, because that would be a better fate then being put into the meme barn.

But we can at least say that Rose didn't do it, right?

...I admit there is a certain attractiveness to the idea of the final outcome of it all being "No, it is not very likely, and really everything speaks against it, and YD had motive and opportunity, but it was Rose after all. And she was right to do it, and she had no choice, and she was very sad about it, but she did do it."

Freak. The word is freak.

Or it was another Pearl.

Someday even you will grow up and develop the finer tastes of life

Earth itself has power would be a nice twist really

Not necessarily. If she didn't do it, then why was she happy accepting blame for it? It's not like she told the others that she didn't do it. The other CG's were completely convinced that she did do it.

But that's specifically what she rejected. She saw Steven's attempts at doing exactly that as brainwashing. And if you think about it, that's precisely what it is. Unintentional on Steven's part, sure, but it's right out of the cult leader's playbook.

Join the Movementarians today!


Or -our- Pearl was a sleeper agent...of White Diamond. If Pink Diamond ever wavered - which she did during peace talks with Rose Quartz - Pearl would 'activate' and shatter her. Yellow Diamond, who wanted to spare Blue the knowledge, made a deal with Rose: she would take the blame, and the Diamond Authority would withdraw from Earth...

>Someday even you will grow up

Ha. No, I no longer foster that hope.

Well, the whole show is about living stones...
"Oh... my... stars... the entire PLANET is a gem..."

Could you explain that?

Jasper can never be a CG because that would mean she would have to forgive Garnet for murdering her baby beta sisters in cold blood

Bismuth is the baby killer, not Garnet.

>Debatable. Very debatable.
No it's not, stop thinking with your dick.

I would love it if they showcased lapis' abusive nature through her relationship with peridot. IT would give their relationship a bit more meaning tbqhfampai
plus tumblr would go up in flames

Okay... because it's much more reasonable to say she is a monster.

Also, she didn't torture Jasper. She kept her prisoner. We should distinguish between these things,

She tortured Jasper. Watch the end of Jailbreak. Watch Chille Tid, where she's in chains, gasping for breath, too fucked up to stand or form coherent sentences.

And she didn't fucking keep Steven safe. Jasper was weak, on her knees, she couldn't take on the CG, that's why she begged Lapis to fuse with her, because she couldn't win on her own. All Lapis had to do was step back and let the CG poof and bubble Jasper. Or pretend to fuse, but then once they were in the water she could unfuse and contain Jasper in a water bubble. Hell, we saw in Alone at Sea that she's fast enough to waterpunch Jasper into the horizon, through a goddamn boat, while she's mid-charge. They were next to the ocean, she could have waterpunched her into poofing no problem.

Instead, she chose to fuse, potentially giving Jasper access to their combined power as Malachite should she lose control of the fusion. It's a huge-ass gamble that puts Steven, the CG and the Earth at risk - and indeed, eventually Lapis did lose control and whaddayaknow Malachite almost obliterated the CG. It's not protecting, it's creating a huge-ass risk, all because she was selfish and wanted a prisoner to torture.

Sure she kept herself """"prisoner"""", but it was, again, a selfish thing - she didn't want to go to Homeworld, it was ruined, it had changed. She didn't want to stay on Earth with the CG who she despised. She chose to hide forever at the ocean floor, to stop being Lapis and become Malachite so she wouldn't need to deal with anything.

Jasper was just her teammate. They were both assigned to Peridot's mission by higher authorities. Jasper locked her up when it turned out she was a traitor who'd leaked info to the enemy and kept the disguise of the rebel general from them, what else would she have done?

Lapis is fucked up and has a lot of issues. She also treated Jasper in an atrocious way. You're not supposed to torture prisoners of war to work out your own traumas.

I don't think she has an abusive nature. She has an antisocial nature.

>Could you explain that?
Sure. Stripping people of their beliefs and identities and then pushing them towards your own system of beliefs is typical cult behavior. Like so: youtube.com/watch?v=qfb5FYd83Ao

Jasper saw what he was doing and told him to fuck off just before she succumbed to corruption.

dominating jasper to force her to stay in a fusion for a very long time is just as traumatizing and abusive as it was for homeworld gems to trap lapis in the mirror and use her as a tool for a very long time, it fucked jasper up and lapis got pleasure out of doing it

Gems don't breathe. She was frustrated, angry and exhausted, but not scared. She KNEW she would win, because Lapis gave up her one advantage when she fused with Jasper. Now it was just a matter of time.

>Lapis is fucked up and has a lot of issues

Let's go with that instead of your convoluted, one-sided story.

One more time: she did not torture Jasper. Jasper was exhausted because she kept fighting. For her, fighting is the opposite of torture, especially knowing she will win.

You did not refer even ONCE to HOW she reacted to Steven. Not "Please get me out of here, I beg you". No. "You.... YOU!" Fury. Rage.

Torture involves having the other person helplessly at your mercy and hurting them deliberately towards some end. Lapis was not hurting Jasper - how could she? She just 'hugged' her so tightly she couldn't get away from her.

Your argument that it was irresponsible was not invalid... but arguing that she did it because she wanted to torture Jasper makes no sense, because how was she hurting her?

So... are you a Freak?

Even if those beliefs are false? And what are Steven's beliefs, besides "Everybody should be free to be themselves, without hurting each other" and "Cookie cats are great"?

I am not passing moral judgments here, but Jasper is working for a government whose stated goal is to destroy Steven's home planet and kill every living thing on it. Isn't she brainwashed to begin with?

So it was revenge? Or, if you will, retribution?

How hard do you want to condemn that? Let me put it a different, rather cliché'd way: what would you have done in her place? Given what you had just been through?

But Jasper didn't trap her into the mirror.

If you get robbed and beaten up, this doesn't give you some free violence points that justify you beating up and robbing someone else, completely unrelated, in some other point in your life because hurrr I'm paying back at the universe.

You're just hurting another individual and essentially becoming as bad as the people who hurt you.

She canonically said onscreen that she enjoyed doing horrible things to Jasper, and this side who enjoys the abuse of power of herself clearly frightens her ("DON'T PUT ME IN CHARGE!")

People consider it wrong and abusive for Jasper to have forced fusion on a corrupted gem after going insane from Malachite, yes?

In the same way, Lapis was wrong and abusive for needlessly forcing fusion on Jasper after becoming traumatized from the mirror.

There was a sort of cycle of abuse going on with the Malachite arc

>But Jasper didn't trap her into the mirror.


Lapis was in the middle of a battle with a lot of Quartzes when Bismuth cleaned her clock. Someone stepped on her - probably someone really big and heavy (A Quartz multifusion?) and someone else put her in a mirror (To save her life? Did the mirror stop her gem from cracking further? How many Crystal Gems are prisoners in that way even today?)... but in both cases it might have been Jasper.
"Holy crap! I stepped on someone! Oshit, she's cracked... quick! Do we have field dressing?"
"Only this info mirror, sarge."
"It'll have to do! Um... she was probably a rebel anyway, right?"

I like that. It's a "pot of petunias" type situation.

Okay, point made.

Well... at least she regretted it.

In that case I hope that in the series finale Jasper and Lapis fuse again... to save Steven.
The more harmonious fusion being reflected, hopefully, in Malachite's shape.

Joe is by far the best

>One more time: she did not torture Jasper.
What the fuck do you think went down during all those months when they were fused?

> Lapis was not hurting Jasper - how could she? She just 'hugged' her so tightly she couldn't get away from her.
What the fuck, did you not see the chains? Did you not see the end of Jailbreak, how Jasper tried to get away and pulled under the surface in chains, screaming in terror? What the fuck, dude, this is some next level denial

>because how was she hurting her
Lapis in Alone at Sea:
>I'm terrible! I did terrible things! Go on, tell me I'm wrong!
>I was terrible to you. I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to. I-I hated you. It was bad!
Steven Universe official companion book:
Malachite is the worst relationship imaginable, held together out of revenge

You're refusing to accept the facts because you're so deep in waifuing Lapis you can't deal with her doing fucked up shit even when it's spelled out in canon, on screen, by Lapis herself. Cool.

Oh for fuck's sake user this is pathetic. Look at yourself. Look at how hard you're reaching. For real.

that would be ironic as hell and is one of the questions involved with this
it's already pretty coincidental that Lapis was at the Beta Kindergarten and got trapped in the mirror on the day that Jasper was born

When are they going to give Jasper her cape back?

That's... actually not that bad.

I mean, it's not the most consistent art ever, but I like all of those takes on Jasper. Except for maybe the faux Jasper ones, but those can actually be excused in canon as Amethyst straining.

I do like Jeff and Joe's the best, but that last Rebecca face is golden, Paul has the sneer down, and Raven got the breaking point expression perfect.

Her and Bismuth will come back eventually, the Crewniverse still draws them and Jasper's VA is still around.

you know damn well she's going with the meme barn squad.

When she finally gets her song

Which will never happen

i like the animators who make her face more square, gives it an anime vibe.

God, I would pay much money to hear jasper sing.....

Its not debatable at all

They will NEVER be able to get Crazy Eyes again.


fuck no

She's not exactly Sugilite levels of impossible

I bet she did some seedy shit before she was trapped in the mirror too. "I was just on Earth to visit" my ass. I hope she show makes allusions to her character before the mirror in the future but I don't want them to outright play out what happened, or hell even resolve it.

Paul Sneer is best Jasper

>have to
There is no situation where he'd have to do that.

>Isn't she brainwashed to begin with?
Knowing that would require a better understanding of gem psychology. From all indications, most gems don't truly have free thought. They think as they are made. Changes to their thought processes can only really happen over centuries, if at all. That's why Rose bailed on her species in the first place. She was mad jelly of humanity's ability to self-determine and wanted a piece of it.

To be clear, I'm not saying what Jasper believes is right. I'm saying that it isn't likely for her to change so much as to actually enjoy the company of Steven and the CGs. At best, you might get a Protoman-esque existence for her. Wandering warrior kind of thing, but never directly helps the heroes.

Dude Lapis literally admits she liked torturing Jasper
She says she liked taking everything out on her

Look at how jasper desperately tries to get away in this moment, she was helplessly at Lapis's mercy

And why would she ask Steven, of all people, for help? Of course shes furious with him she probably believes hes rose the person who killed her diamond and ultimately why she is in this situation

Paul > Joe > Takafumi > Jeff.

All others are trash.

>A Lapis terraforms t. Yellow Diamond
>All of Sugar's art shows her as very cold, disdainful, angry
>Sugar's earlier comic, Margo in Bed, featured a "proto-lapis", who according to Sugar gave some of her character traits to Lapis, that is being very manipulative

Yeah, I hope she'll eventually get her arc and that it'll be really interesting

Why is no one praising Colin's Jasper it's the best wtf.

The crew clearly don't see Lapis as the victim judging by their art.

Jasper a best

Jasper a fat dead dogfucker

Of course the course don't, that much has been obvious for some time, but the Tumblrinas who identify with Lapis don't want to see it that way. That would be admitting that they themselves are to some degree angry, maladjusted sociopaths.

Come to think of it, that's probably why Zuke liked Lapis so damn much.

you know it wouldnt surprise me if they had a proper resolution planned for this, but CN put the kibosh on it for delving too much into abuse themes or whatever, and that's part of why lapis has just been chilling at the barn getting dick all for character development

is she the pic related of cartoons?

She's obviously getting a redemption. As for joining the team, she's more likely going to be a Vegeta type character. So yes and no.

I think people who like characters like Lapis or are attracted to them secretly want to be them. They want to be pretty, delicate, horrible women who can do horrible things at their sadistic whim but still be forgiven and treated like a poor victim at the same time.

I should say women who like/defend/are attracted to Lapis. Guys just want to fuck or tame female characters like her.



>Joe was the one who animated her with those crazed expression
finally I have a god to worship

I saw someone with a shirt with that fucked vector on it. It fucked me up

How the fuck Rebecca's look the worst when its her character and her show is beyond me. Joe is clearly the kings of Jasper boarding.

I have to wonder why people always use that vector even though it's unofficial.

It was the image used on the SU wiki for a really long time up until recently. Beats the fuck outta me why nobody saw anything wrong with it. I still see a lot of people use it

>Hundreds of naked Jaspers run to war.

Lapis was great in her debut, but shit hit the fan after the first/second season.

Acording to the kid with cancer eventually, but that could happen in the next season

>hundreds of naked *newborn* jaspers run to *their deaths*

Joe wins and Jeff is next. I see potential in Amber's too though she annoyingly forgets her eyeliner. Surprisingly, Sugar's Jasper is one of my least favorites.

Jasper could be introduced again before she's ultimately redeemed. But as for Sugar's response, you can either take it to mean that the redemption hasn't been boarded yet or that it has and she was being coy.