So how many naked pictures of them did Jerry have?

So how many naked pictures of them did Jerry have?

Dude filled their house with cameras.

And sam is her favorite.

Only a handful for each girl, he got rid of the ones that were poor in quality or taste.

I would do unspeakably sweet and kind things for Sam.

>WOOHP is shown as being so dedicated to secrecy that the will mindwipe anyone who finds out about them.
>Their headquarters is a w-shaped skyscraper in the middle of downtown Los Angeles

Explain this.

Most likely because to the general Populace they are probably something like... "Windsor Window Washers Co." or something equally silly?



everyone knows the CIA exists, very few people know about the secretive shit the CIA actually does.

So were they like, the older, non superhero versions of the PPG?

Pretty much, the girls are pretty much in line with haircolor and personality.

Though, the series also has a habit of hitting up every not explicitly sexual fetish they can in the course of the series.

Oh yes, I remember a few times in my childhood when I became aroused over certain episodes and had no idea why

Don't remember brown one being similar to buttercup.

They're both tomboys, you idiot.

Sam is also not sweet and gullible, the only parallels with Bubbles is that she's active and fun-loving. Sam is pretty spot-on Blossom, though if as little less self-absorbed.

Who's comparing Sam to Bubbles? Other user mentioned hair color...


They're 18.

They're teenagers you fucking American.

whats up with her eyes

In some secure WHOOP archive? Countless.

In his personal stash? None. He likes it better with the suits on.

So did they go to high school or something?

I always thought they were a riff on Charlies Angels.

>implying that suavely ass bastard didn't end up banging all of them

They were in college for the last two seasons.

Yes, then they graduated and moved on to college.

It's more archtype:

Red-head is the smart one
Brunette is the tomboy
and blonde is the girly one.

None. Jerry's relationship with the girls was strictly professional, and he prefers women closer to his age.

That said, the various cameras have been abused by less-scrupulous WOOHP employees.

This user gets it.

does anyone have the gif/webm of the blatant ejaculation innuendo in this show

>and he prefers women closer to his age
Isn't it implied he had a fling with Mom from Martin Mystery?

Strongly. The picture that forms is one of Jerry never quite having gotten over it, and MoM being almost awkward because she's into him.

None. He mostly just fondled Mandy whenever she was getting her memory erased.

Meant Clover in the Bubbles comparison.
