ITT We speculate what the next Marvel Games will/should be

Last year one of the higher-ups at Marvel said to expect a number of new games to come out in the near future.
Posted here because Sup Forums is intellectually disabled.

No way they're making an X-Men or Fantastic Four game.

>Hate on Sup Forums


>Hate on /r/MarvelStudios.

I really hate hard decisions.

Could be an Iron Man game. Flying and shooting mechanics could be fun, but I'm not sure about a decent story.

I just want an Iron Man game with the depth of customization offered by Armored Core
I'm not even an Iron Man fan but I would buy the shit out of that

Avengers Kart

Spider-Man's a good start.

You know what my dream game would be? Action game. You create a super-powered character. Choose an origin, powers, costume, nickname, etc. You then get dumped into the Marvel U as a new face, and after your first run in with some heroes and villains, you get to make the crucial choice...who do you help out? Save the day, or life of crime? Either route, you interact with some of the biggest names in the Universe and can end up joining the Avengers, the Masters of Evil, or get good enough to form your own team and recruit others to your side.

Square Enix is doing an avengers game right?

A Guardians game seems possible. Space combat and mass effect style exploration

Why not both?

Shit, cropped out context. It's a shitty r/marvelstudios post, you've probably seen it.

I want an Open-World Third-Person Iron Man game. My ideas:

>New York is the "hub"-where you can free roam
>locations where you can semi-free roam are Stark Tower & the Hellicarrier
>extremely in-depth armor upgrade/crafting system
>both Iron Man & Tony Stark "missions"
>Iron Man = Super-Hero stuff
>Tony Stark = Stock-Market, Investment choices, PR Balance
>starts a few weeks after being Iron Man
>first suit is the Ultimate one
>Big Bads are Mandarin & the Makluans

I like the armor customization and company management for extra XP ideas, but isn't Spider-Man PS4 an established Spider-Man? Why wouldn't there be an established Iron Man?

Guardians of the Galaxy and The Defenders

Well, PS4 SM is 23. But the thing with Pete is that he has tons of different villains and stories that you can use. You can leave out Goblin and imply some rivalry between the two, and use Mr. Negative and the Superior Foes for the first game.

But Tony doesn't have that advantage. Most of his best stories are about Stark's psyche or the roles he takes. They make for a good story, but for a boring Iron Man game, because there'd be nothing for you to punch.

Maybe few weeks is a bit too early. I was thinking kinda like how you're introduced to him in the Ultimate U. He's a world-famous celebritty, but he hasn't been in any fights yet. So when Crimson Dynamo or whatever appears, you are sorta outclassed and need to level up.

Dunno, I haven't thought in-depth about it. But Stark's lack of villains is a serious issue. To be honest, they could stretch it into 2 Trillogies, with a good story, but they'd run out of enemies very early on.

I feel like an Iron Man game would benefit more from having one ore two main villains with most being a standard game fighting thugs and tanks and guns instead of super villains, but also focus on Tony's mental issues, as opposed to the Arkham games which wove tons of villains in.

I honestly haven't.


I was thinking the same thing, really. But I'd rather start early on so the suits can develop as time goes on, and between the games. If you're able to get the Bleeding Edge by the end of the first game, it'll all become boring. The Endgame-Suit of the first one should be something like the Mark I War Machine.
What exactly is the problem with Open-World user? What do you want? Scripted-Stages with Boss Battles? Iron Man is known for balancing both Stark and mecha battles. Take the story element out of it and you lose what makes the character work.

And yeah, to make it work you need open world elements. Doesn't mean it'll all take place in NYC, just that it's the hub.

I swear, you non-OW fags are the worst.

They literally just announced Avengers a few months ago. Being made by Tomb Raider and Deus Ex HR devs.

Guardians of the Galaxy in a Mass Effect style writes itself. Play as Star-Lor as the main character, pick 3 companions every time you land, who you can switch out to play as when in combat scenarios, include EVERYONE who has been a Guardian/associated with Guardians or split them over 2 games if you need to.

Also dialogue choices including Meme-Lord, Giffen-Lord and DnA-Lord

>What exactly is the problem with Open-World
It's boring fucking shit that only exists to drag the game and only few game companies are capable of making worthwhile?
>muh exploration of a shitty boring empty city
If I wanted that, I'd play L.A. Noire.

So again, I ask, how do you propose an IM game is done? Just stage-missions with a Boss Battle at the end? Yippe, Megaman: Marvel Ed is gonna be great...

IM relies as much on Tony being a businessman as it relies on IM doing cool shit. And to really be Tony you need a hub. Besides, where's the problem in flying with your IM suit in the city? It doesn't take anything from the main game. GTA with IM mods is pretty fucking fun user. I guess Spider-Man shouldn't be Open-World as well?

>What exactly is the problem with Open-World user? What do you want? Scripted-Stages with Boss Battles?

Scripted boss battles are more fun than spending several minutes traveling just because the "open world" is there not for the sake of level design but just for the sake of having "open world" as a feature. Every game is doing it and doing it badly.

Avengers type sim game

Tony stark and thor tell you we need more avengers teams.
Select team, build base, go on missions around the globe,
Space will be a dlc.
Think of xcom stlye game with super powers instead of guns.
AvX dlc also will come later

Deadpool 2

A shit ton of vns, similar to tell tale.
Also a game similar to dynasty warriors.

Did... did you honestly think an IM game would take place entirely in NYC? user... of course you'd "travel" to the various missions to progress the story. NYC would be a hub to just fly around and do some Stark-Missions with the stocks and whatnot. Jesus, user.

I'm not a fan of VR, but a first-person Daredevil VR game might be interesting. Instead of regular sight it interprets Daredevil's other senses visually.

I really hope we get more solo games after Avengers, starting with a team game is the most boring way to expore the universe IMO, espacially if this gameverse is one universe, it means the solo games have to build off the team gameplay as opposed to the other way round if they want consistency

why wasn't THAT music in the trailer?!

But seriously, an in canon MCU game would be awesome. A character they won't/haven't done a show or movie about as a VIDEO GAME? They could get away with more that not even Netflix would do?

looks like anthem's doing thata wolverine game in the vein of ac or splinter cell games would be pretty cool

>not just having there being no video at all and you have to play the game entirely by the audio and controller vibration

Interdasting, but not accureate to what we know about DD.

The triple AAA Avengers game is definetely coming

I'd play the everloving shit out of that

Do you think think that a triple aaa solo Cap game would sell well? Even a great solo Iron Man game would had problems, ditto Hulk.

A Hank pym game where you literally just kick the shit out of Janet for like an hour and a half. Make it VR and as realistic as possible.

If new IPs can sell, there's no reason a Cap or Iron Man game won't, especially if they're well made and are published/developed by a well known studio.

CD Projekt RED Dr. Strange

City of Hero's but more action. I dig it.

Captain Marvel hopefully.

Do you really think a studio will spend millions of dollars to make a game about a literally who?