What makes an anime and what makes a cartoon Sup Forums?

What makes an anime and what makes a cartoon Sup Forums?

This is gonna be good.

If it's made be Japanese people and other easterners, it's anime.

If it's made by the west, it's a cartoon.

I can accept an actual Chinese cartoon as an anime, but I won't accept Avatar as an anime. I don't care if that breakdown doesn't work for others, anime as a genre was made up by the west anyway since the Japanese call anything animated anime, but we're obviously not going to go with that, so this is the best breakdown.

Anime and cartoons are the same thing. Anime is just so stylized that it has its own term.

where it was made you idiot

All anime are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime

I would say style. Only weeaboos hold on to the whole, 'if it ain't made in Japan it ain't anime' shit. Same thing when it comes to manga. It is just style. If you give bitches apple heads, bug fucking eyes, small mouths and had to use different color hair/over the top hairstyles to tell them apart due to them all looking the same, then it's anime.

Seriously, do not fall for the 'Asian' bullshit reason. I'm Asian. Born in Japan. I am an artist, not a hobbyist; I actually make money and support myself at doing it and guess what? It's not fucking anime or manga.

What about all the western shows like SU animated in South Korea, are they anime too?

It's western minds behind it, so it's still a cartoon. The South Korean animators are just coping the storyboards they're given without much alteration.

Proud to have you as a Sup Forumsmrade

This is a really bad definition because there is no singular anime art style or western art style.

The place of origin is the only distinguishing characteristic that puts "Kill me baby" and "Stein;Gate" in the same category, but "Batman the animated series" and "Boku no hero" in completely different categories.

Anime is just japanese cartoons. Which is usually a useless descriptor, but in Japan there is usually a far greater focus on action or drama, and some adult themes, mainly because of different cultural ideas relating to animation.

And this is coming from someone who's a cartoon fan, because I enjoy how much more common lighthearted and fun cartoons more targetted towards Children.

Produced or at least creatively coordinated primarily in Japan = anime

Everything else = cartoon

If you're Japanese living in Japan than any kind of animation from anywhere in the world is just anime.

Retards like probably think Panty and Stocking isn't anime while ATLA or Teen Titans is.

Anime is literally just cartoons made in Japan. Only Japan, other east asian countries like China and Korea are also cartoons and not Anime.

Country of origin is the sole determining factor.

So, as someone who watches a lot of cartoons, you are saying you cannot tell the differences in style? That the styles are so similar that you cannot look at something and tell if it is inspired from Eastern or Western styles?

It is just style. Themes have nothing to do with it all. If one is talking about story telling, then yes. I am a laymen when it comes to writing so I cannot comment on that.

However, when it comes to working in the field if a client asks for something in an 'Eastern style', or something that looks like 'anime/manga', they are not asking for someone Asian to do the art for them. I do not tell them, 'Awesome. As someone who is Japanese I got you almost covered, just let me jump on a plane back to Shinjuku so I can do that for you.'

It is style, nothing more.

Made in Japan or neighboring asian countries

Anything not made in those mentioned above

Take your (you) and delete this thread

>or neighboring asian countries

both sides use Korea for the actual animation and/or inbetweens.

why don't we call french cartoons "dessin animé" or russian cartoons "mul'tfil'm?"

There are styles in each side, but they don't define the term. Each country has its words for comic and animation, and because japanese media is very isolated in style it's considered a style in itself, but initially were talking about stuff produced in that country.
Avatar can be catalogued as anime but it ain't and one can tell the difference. And then there's stuff made entirely in japan for marvel or dc that doesn't look typical japanese anime because they animate in a style targeted to western tastes (I'm not sure if pre production is local or from usa). Loads of cartoons in the 80s were animated entirely in japan and were considered western cartoons.

Because all the ouiaboos call French comics Franga


>implying you can't have them both.

Anime is a style. It's not fair to not include shows like avatar or teen titans because 'they're not made in japan'

Man people always love to take things to the extreme

Both use corean animators so i have decided to make a thid category that i wil name trash

This is any animation that really uses the medium in the best most pure and beautiful way possible by either showing great use of all the principles of animation , examples looney tunes,tom and jerry early disney movies, wander over yander

it should be noticed that some cartoons can be influenced by weeb culture but because they still do a good job they can be considered cartoon, examples teen titans and ATLAB

in the same way stuff made in japan can reach the cartoon status if it uses the priciples of cartooning right example dragon ball one piece and lupin

Everything that goes for the japanese style but barely animates anithing it mostly relies on characters talking all the time no real principles of cartooning being used here

the shit that doesn't do any of the things mentioned above examples jhonny test, new ppg most canadian stuff that never dares to use real cartoon techniques

Because there's such a high volume of Japanese cartoons and they have such a distinct style in writing and art, it felt more appropriate to give them their own label to separate them. And it may as well be the language's word for cartoon rather than a brand new word entirely.

If we're calling shows made in Japan, then why isn't batman tas anime? It was animated by n Japan by tms

Is The Boondocks anime?

following this logic, then that means that the Japanese and other easterners could never make a "Cartoon" no matter how hard they try as they aren't Westerners. And that Westerners don't have what it takes at making an "Anime" as they aren't Japanese or other easterners.

Anime is a specific type of cartoon, one that has been produced by a Japanese company. A good rule of thumb is that it's anime if the original voice track was in Japanese.

anime is good and cartoons are bad
nuff said.