The cartoon you want to create will get picked up for only a 12 episode season

>The cartoon you want to create will get picked up for only a 12 episode season
>There will be no sequels or followups, no profit and if it gets rebooted it's gonna suck


How long is each episode?

Fuck no.

22 minute episodes

that'd be alright. i'd have to do lots in a few episodes, or write a short and simple but fun plot that ends properly

s'pretty good deal if you ask me

No deal.

Will I be able to do unconnected stories in the same universe? What about comics or movies?

Wait, no profit? I won't make any money at all from this? FUUUUCK no.

Does it get a loyal fanbase and is loved by other creators?

Deal. 12 eps is a great length to tell a few fun stories without any extra padding. I'll hope if there's a shitty reboot they don't try to add an overarching story. I could deal with a TTG or PPG but if someone tries to claim there is a canon story because of a reboot I'll shit on their desk.

I come up with another idea for a series I want to make, and do that one first. That way, I'll have experience and a resume from the 12 episode series so I can make another.

Cult classic

Sure I would. It's probably not hard to find work on other shows afters that if you are not a bitch.

If you accept the deal you have to give up on that universe and characters completely after you have done your 12 episodes, or else you get sued

Yeah, sorry kid this is your passion project so no monies.

Your outcome will be completely dependant on how good you manage to work out your project

I know in advance that it's only going to be 12 episodes, right? I don't have to go in thinking I might get another season?

Sure. I have plenty of ideas, and one of them would work better for something that short anyway.



Lets make this shit more interesting

>Make the season only 3 episodes but have a Mad House tier studio handle the project

>Keep it at 12 episodes but the project is handled by a Simpsons Tier Studio

>Extend it to 24 Episodes but your project is handled by the Steven Universe crew

>24 epsiodes
>22 minutes long
>Airing on a dependable schedule

Honestly, this'd fix a lot of problems with Steven Universe. The schedule is normal so the fanbase doesn't go rabid every four episodes, and merely waits patiently for the next season, plot related episodes can get fleshed out fully, comic episodes can build up longer jokes and more bizarre premises, and there's time to include both townies and monster of the week.

11 minutes worked better only because the first season aired before people started really picking it up, therefore you didn't get a feeling of 'that's it?' every four episodes if the tone of the four episodes was more lighthearted, regardless of their quality.

No way, not even a hope. But, for what it's worth, if you offered to adapt my passion project story, in over 150 episodes, but gave it an anime-style filler arc written by someone other than me, and two characters I don't want to put together get "shipped" together at the end, I might probably accept

Another deal could be

>Make a standalone animated movie
>Or make 3 animated movies but one will create a trend similar to the minions

(note: none will give you profit)

The best I can offer you is getting it animated by the same studio that is doing Berserk 2016, but you'll get to replace the director and you'd take the big decisions on how it looks and feels.

Yes I’d rather kill all my characters of after 12 episodes then have them slowly turn into cancer.

>if it gets rebooted
That probably means it will, meaning I get to look back at my old work getting bastardized in amusement.

Sure. I'll take that deal.