Would you read a comic about someone getting an Orange lantern ring, and then trying to be a hero?

Would you read a comic about someone getting an Orange lantern ring, and then trying to be a hero?

They could channel it through their "desire" to help people, while simultaneously they'd have to fight off the inherent corrupting effects of it.

Then you could have Larfleeze show up as a big bad, coming to get his ring back.

Plus, all the other heroes would naturally be wary of an orange lantern, but gradually come to trust him/her

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That's literally just a vampire protagonist story. Also all the color lanterns that aren't green and yellow are retarded fan fiction bullshit and those comics were terrible.

>shitting on based red lanterns

Maybe a mini-series, I do not see how it could last longer than six or so issues.Just due to the nature of the ring and battery and what it does to the user eventually.

>Not Muh Lanterns
>Best Lantern Stories to date though


It doesn't even make any sense. The visible color spectrum is specific to human eye biology and indigo was just some bullshit Newton threw in between blue and violet to force the thing into having 7 categories because he was a superstitious occultist. Also will power isn't a fucking emotion.

Can't orange lanterns leech energy from others?

>Dur Hur Mah Lanterns.
It's canon. Get over it.

Red Lantern had a good run and I wish they would again get so much attention and development.

It's the writers fault for not using the Lanternverse to it's full potential

Will is the center that shapes and controlles emotions

I could see it working pretty well.
You could even make it comparable to an addiction as a selling point.
They want that feeling of being idolized as a hero and making it a better world, but they want it ALL and they want it NOW, causing them to fuck up and go too far, so they have to struggle with self-control. It could also give them an interesting viewpoint of their villains.
"Yeah, I get it Sinestro, you want safety and shit but you're going too far trying to force this. Believe me, I'D know". That kinda trash.

I'd fund it.

Willpower controls emotions. Green Lanterns are/were a police force, including over the other rings. What do things need to be spelled out for people who read comics now? All the need for hand holding and lack of obvious details is a bit much these days. It is like ADHD has taken over reading comprehension and subtle plot points.

Isn't there only one orange lantern battery?

How would he recharge the ring?

Except that yellow was always the opposite of green and the weakness that green lanterns had, which doesn't make sense if you try to redefine green as the center of a seven point system with yellow off to random position 3/7.

Definitely makes sense though. Fear undermines will in a way that other emotions don't.

That was just because Paralax was sitting in the green batterey thus polluting it

>Makes fun of using colors of the spectrum of light
>In a comic series about using green light to fight badguys for over half a century

Larfleeze's "slaves" have some degree of personality left in them right? What if someone escape his control? That way we don't have and over powered OC and the character have some possibility to last, even if hunted forever by Lerfleeze.
Maybe give him some reduced powers, like he can control other but only for a certian period of time

It has to be human

There's nothing wrong with using green light. The problem is they introduced an intergalactic system of light based superpowers where its entire set of categories is identical to Newton's interpretation of the spectrum visible to the human eye.

seems to me your the perfect candidate for a red lantern ring with all your butthurt

Can imagine an issue where all the earth green lanterns gang up on him because they think he's evil

Mite b cool

That happened in the Larfleeze comic in N52 if I remember right.
Some of his constructs broke free and tried to keep their powers by taking down Larfleeze and keeping the orange light for themselves.

Yeah it's almost like a bunch of humans are writing this comic.
I mean what colors would you have preferred them using? Making up a few extra and calling them like Bleen or Kreeble?
I mean if you'd complain about that you should prolly also complain about how most lantern oaths only work in their catchy way in English.

>Orange Lantern hero has a crossover issue

"willpower" has always been oddly-defined within DC. It is an emotion itself where willpower isn't emotion at all. Part of it is linguistic, there is no good word for the emotion it represents.
"Fearnessless" is close but not quite, green lantern bearers aren't fearless but "have the ability to overcome great fear". "Stoic" or "resolute" are close. The point being that GLs do indeed experience fear but are able to function through it. Our greatest heroes aren't emotionless automatons, they suffer through fear and power on through it to get done what needs doing. When you get right down to it, its something like "courage" or "bravery" as long as the caveat is kept of it not being a lack of fear but fear-conquering.

All of the emotions can be good or bad. The more extreme emotions tend to be easily slid into the more base usage but there is such a thing as, say, righteous rage.

Greed is the hardest to rehabilitate because the word use is already the extreme sin-connotating usage of the concept. Greed probably should have been something like "thrift", the fact or condition of thriving, similar to prosperity, savings. "economy and efficiency of resource". that is more neutral and can have good usage, with too much thrift becoming greed. A good orange lantern sees that a monarchy is the most efficient governing system, an evil orange lantern wants to be that authoritarian dictator over all.


Sorry forgot pic related.

Technically, the orange lantern doesn't represent "greed", it represents "avarice"

Generally, I think orange lanterns can be less about material gain so much as satisfying their desires

>what colors would you have preferred them using?

Just green, with yellow impurity happening later, like it was before all this mess. The problem isn't using a human color or two, it's making up an entire intergalactic power system that's identical with categories of the human visible light spectrum,

>each of the new shit gimmick lanterns has their own new oath

Don't remind me.

Well Orange Lanterns have been shown to have with them an insatiable physical hunger. It could be easily be written a character of also bottomless romantic desires if it wasn't a loner character like Larfleeze behind the wheel (and if the story was willing to go above Teen since it would mean a lot of sexual desire talk).

I wish someone would kill this annoying faggot

What about someone who gives into their desire to help people entirely to supply the ring?


Glomulus is a good example of this.

So... Batman?

I once thought of a story where Sonar got a orange ring and had to defend his nation from Larfleeze. Nice battle between the old and new lantern villlains.

>>each of the new shit gimmick lanterns has their own new oath
>Don't remind me.
That's why I still want that they finally form ONE Lantern Corps where they can focus again on bringing peace and order instead of fighting themselfs all the time.

Cool, i suppose Larfleeze killed them for good right after this

I remember when Larfleeze was terrifying

The orange ring brainwashes you so it wouldn't work well


Really the only rings that don't mess with your head are green, yellow and blue, but characters are still made for the others

Why would all of these aliens from all across the universe be operating under one human color, and then opposed by another human color? Can they all just see these two specific human colors?

Going on your logic that aliens would have entirely different colors, it would make more sense to say that Green Lanterns are only green to humans and maybe some other alien races who perceive light in a similar way. Meanwhile the Green Lanterns to other aliens are actually perceived as other colors entirely, and the name of the color is translated to what color they're perceiving. Just to clarify what I'm saying here, let's say that there are three species that are perceiving the color of the corps in totally distinct ways. A human, who sees it as green, an alien who sees it as x, and another alien who sees it as y. They all see different things, but thanks to the translation of the rings, it appears that everybody is going along with the color that they're seeing, because when a human says "We're the Green Lanterns!" Alien 1 hears that, in his language, as "We're the X Lanterns!" while Alien 2 hears the same thing, but with y instead of x or green.

Extend this admittedly not all that well articulated logic to the other corps, and most of the problem with the realism here is solved, I would say. Not that realism really matters in fantasy.

Brightest bumb

No they're not. Shut your dick-sucking whore mouth.

Green lanterns are stupid.

How are they meant to police all of space when they are so few in number?

>Green lanterns are stupid.
>How are they meant to police all of space when they are so few in number?

This is the question you ask in order to bait people? When relating to fantasy and science fiction, capeshit, you go with this question as bait and an insult? Try harder, seriously.

At least go with why are their so many Earth Lanterns, or why do they all come from the United States; hell even mock Kyle or Hal for being pussy whipped all the time. You are embarrassing yourself.


Fanfic Young Justice has the SI with a orange ring. Goes into a bunch of other comic stuff not used in Young Justice. Also the author is one of those optimisation people.

If anything they need to recruit more Americans, like conscripting half the country, or better yet the Chinese.

Pretty sure they don't actually police all of space, and instead just act kind of like federal law enforcement to each planet's own state law enforcement.

This is true. They police certain sectors. Not all of space, that would not be possible due to....the size of fucking space.

Under what authority do they police random worlds?

Aren't the Guardians just a bunch of psychotic out-of-touch tyrants that make the universe a worse place with every ploy they enact?

Look up what a sector is, maybe that will help. Also, try reading one of the books instead of trolling for the lulz. Save that Sup Forums shit for the neckbeards over there.

You can't defend the actions of the guardians, can you?

>Under what authority do they police random worlds?
Their own.

Wow you're a real fucko

On the other hand some lantern lore is retarded. Sectors are several galaxies large. That's why too much in any regard and absoloutly unpoliceable. Especially if they only ever hang out at their home planet. Looking at you Earth Lanterns.

Well, THEORETICALLY we still have the new guardians that were in that other dimension.
Unfortunally everyone seems to have forgotten about them

just make it the warden or ceo of a privatized prison, imprisoning people for profit

i'm sorry are you fucking suggesting that adding ultraviolet and infrared lanterns would somehow be an improvement?

That sounds fucking fantastic. I want it.

Yeah i could see him trying to solve a conflict by helping both sides because he wants everyone's adoration. Only to hurt everyone.

that would be cool

How about a galactic bounty hunter who is in it for the cash but secretly has a heart of gold?

Heart of gold character wouldn't work because he needs to be greedy to use the ring. He shouldn't like helping people, he should just like the attention and praise he gets for helping people. That's what he craves and what drives him to do heroic things.

Characters shouldn't be one note. What I'm suggesting is to have him be greedy, and want money and fame and praise and such, but for that to not be all there is to him. That he can sometimes have other motivations at his actions that hint at a deeper strength of character. This wouldn't clash with the ring very much. Other lanterns have used their rings for reasons beyond their corresponding emotion, right?

>Making up a few extra and calling them like Bleen or Kreeble?
>Implying the Blellow Lantern Corps aren't the best lanterns

You just described the plot of Kamen Rider OOO.

True enough. I'm just wary because I don't want the character stray too far from their core traits.

^This. There's even a Green Lantern whose species can't see, and he confirms that he perceives the Lantern Spectrum as musical notes, with Green being... E#, IIRC.

Booster Gold?

Yeah Booster Gold taken to the extreme.

Sounds cool

I can. They do it for the greater good deemed by blue smurfs. There. End of discussion. Now read a comic instead of trolling about one you've obviously never picked up.

Red Lanterns are perfectly fine, they're essentially Punishers in space

Back when they wanted a teen lantern for Young Justice an orange lantern could have worked. They would have been that comical weirdo that will eat anything they get their hands on.

Putting on an orange ring instantly kills the person and downloads their consciousness into the ring. Then they come back as a loyal construct with like 90% of the brain of the original guy.

So greedy asshole Orange Lantern who comes to grips with being dead might not work too well for a hero story.

charged off any other lantern ring around. They steal anyone's energy and add it to their own.

...same as indigo

Pretty sure that isn't what happens

Blume's origin had him finding an orange ring and when he put it on he was killed and downloaded. Then reborn as an orange lantern. Glomulus was killed by him and then he was also downloaded.

When Greei was killed the orange word bubbled had the same "Download Complete" thing happening too.

So how did lex wear one without it happening ?

Ganthet used a super special method meant to deputize members in an emergency.

And the ring came from Ganthet not on the floor in Larfleeze's cave

Ganthet knew that all the other rings were perfect copies of the GL rings and said some secret Guardians only code that makes them automatically form a coy to send to other individuals in a pinch. Orange Ring did the same and went to Luthor.

Instead of being smash and grab like larfleeze, couldn't help be more business minded? Always turning a profit from his heroics?
>Sell defective arms to criminals
>Barter with other heroes for profit
>Get royalties from merchandise
>Haggling, lots of Haggling