Robert Crumb

Reminder that Crumb is still alive and still one of the best in 2017

Other urls found in this thread:

truly a timeless artist

Great artist, biased social commentary and a true legend.





Thanks to contribute !




This one is all new

is the 1994 Crumb movie any good?

fuckin incredible

Yeah, it's a really good movie.

Truly /ourguy/.










I wish I was cocky ;_;

So Crumb found a Chick-Track somewhere

best thing is, some neonazi magazine published both the nigger comic and the jew comic unironically back in the day

Poe's law in action

>biased social commentary
essentially means he writes about shit you don't agree with.

I think his status as giant pervert, general weirdo, and batshit insanity in all fields, not just social are relevant.

I mean this stuff is practically alpha male chad cucking r9k in fucking 1989. A true visionary.

...and then a transition to a fourth wall break, and THEN he comes in with the perversion.

>can write
>can draw
>gawd, can he draw
>becomes rich and famous by making comics the way he wants
>marries the type of woman he always loved
Now this is living the dream.

And t o take the thing further, he's both a true lover of strong women, AND THICC, as well as doing shit like that. He's definitely one of us and has been since the 60's.

Yes he is one of use, thats why i love him so much. Just read the autobiographical stuff he draw to tell how he was in highschool, just a poor sensitive beta male.

>I mean this stuff is practically alpha male chad cucking r9k in fucking 1989. A true visionary.
it's been a theme in his comics since he started doing comix. hell, it's been a theme in his life, which is why it is so good.

I'd post the comic he drew about himself if he was a caveman, if only I had it

What did he mean by this.

I have it hey !

then post it girl

But Im lazy...
Ok here we go, for the love of art !










The End

I hope you enjoyed it !

It's my favourite one out of all the Crumb stuff I've read so far


Why do people like this guy, again? He just comes off as a despicable little pervert, and this is coming from somebody who spends his spare time browsing Sup Forums.

>spends his spare time browsing Sup Forums
Opinion discarded.


>He just comes off as a despicable little pervert
that's because he is, and people like him because he's honest about it.

you probably only hate him because you're jealous that he's a superstar pervert and you're just a regular pervert

Being honest about it doesn't make it charming. That's like saying because Trump is open about being a sleazebag it must be okay to be a sleazebag.

^Feel free to kill yourself

Crumb doesn't even try to portray his fetish in a good light though. That's what I mean by him being honest about it.

me irl

>it's a Robert Crumb thread

No, not all. It just means he is biased towards one view and there is no grey area with him. That's my point, not that I don't agree with him. I wasn't trying to demean the man. If I was I would just point out he was the real life version of Sup Forums who happens to have a pencil.









Thank you, user


You're welcome.


There's no THICC like Crumb THICC

God bless that man


where is this from user?

End of dump.

Source of dump:

Every time I see Crumb stuff I think about that documentary and his fucked up family life and poor Charles

It just makes me nauseous

I maybe a Sup Forumsack but nothing makes me more happy then a good old crumb comic. If he did this shit during the election he would have a shit load of material.

woah, why hasnt Fantagraphics published the sketchbooks?

>There's no THICC like Crumb THICC



Reminds me of Keith Haring.







We are prisoners of fate, manipulated by insane forces we can neither perceive nor control, and the only thing we can ever be sure of is that none of it will ever make any sense to us.


This is something






>Hey Guys! This Magazine Degrades Women!

Wait 'til Trina Robbins gets a load of this!
