
It's one of those updates

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Why do all the senet beast want bastions dick. Raped by one snake, has ilgan, now this

Bastion's face in the "psst" panel says, "No! I do not want there to be love between us!"

>Two pages today! Mind the snek. I'll be skipping Wednesday, and will see you back here on Friday. Thanks!

>"We are civilized men! We do not murder until we have voted to do so!"

Oh Maur, I'm sorry I ever underestimated you.

those tiny hands are kind of adorable

These two pages are gold, but this is perhaps the unexpected cherry on top from Maur. He's the sweetest, most fatherly Black Tongue in the room and we know he's got a dark streak in him to join such a cult, but... this.

>Raped by one snake

What now? Don't quite remember that one.

I don't know if it is canon now, but a female efheby forced herself on him either in RP or actual lore

Anyone notice the feathers appearing here?

Blood for the Blood God!

I haven't read this since Duane got out of the psychedelic magic dimension, what the fuck is going on?

Fucking read it you asshole.

We still haven't figured out what's up with all the niggers?

So basically Bastion is the best Black Tongue and Ruck wants him above all the others.



I just picked up where I think I left off, and I think I'm going to have to back up a bit. Do we know what the silver is at this point, or who that psychopath in the khert was?

I thought Timofey was a girl who only dresses as a boy.

Ruck has the most insane intellectual hard-on for Bastion and basically wants to drink up his memories.

What I'm getting out of this, based on what Ruck's said here and what Ash has said on the tumblr, is that Bastion is basically Ruck's new obsession/object of affection. Which is a very dangerous thing to be. Ruck basically wants to use Bastion, drink him up, drain him, milk him for all he's got in his head, probably throw some sexual stuff in there too given Ruck's language regarding Roger ("my little rape... sticky on the counterpane") and Bastion (swelling glands) and then once that's done, probably kill and eat him.

It must be real fun being Bastion right now.

Dude, READ THE FUCKING COMIC. That got answered AGES ago. You've missed MONTHS of information. And what's more, you're coming along and getting to read it all at once instead of having to read it at the agonizing pace of three updates a week! GO FUCKING READ IT.

>It is fine.
You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.

What's wrong with using zombies for labor anyways

Is it just me or does Ruck talk like a non-native speaker when he gets worked up?

If they weren't attached to the Rapest Snake Imaginable, motivated only by the thought of sipping your mind through a crazy straw, then sure.

Hologram of a girl with an AI personality installed that wants to be a real boy instead.

Ruck is breaking the glass out of the lenses so that he can wear glasses without glass.

You guys know what this means, right.

Ruck is a metaphysical rapist hipster snake.

So will Duane become Ssael?

Darkest's tattoo was a fucking glamour? I am utterly betrayed.

Seeing corpses shambling around doesn't fill people with great thoughts when they live in a society that has very specific means of disposing of bodies and places emphasis on "respect for the dead". It's tough to see them as just empty shells to be used for the betterment of society under those conditions.

Nope ashley is just a failure and unworthy of Darkest paul

Ash said she'll fix it in the morning. It was a slip on her part.

Considering the sheer amount of detail in those two pages, and her work in general, it's surprising she doesn't make those mistakes more often. Just... so much detail.

Oh, okay. I'm glad the only redeeming quality of Darkest is real.

If he does, he will only become the Khertwalking afterlife part of him. Sonum Ssael was a well-attested historical figure. And due to the timeless nature of the Khert, what his followers thought was Ssael talking to them from beyond the grave, would actually be Duane lecturing on Ssaelit scripture. It's an interesting idea, though I don't really think it'll happen.

Dude can't even hold onto the wangsword properly. He lost it in the last page because he was so freaked out by Timofey.

He held onto it, he just didn't keep the blade active. You can still see the handle in his hand.

Why'd he deactivate what is probably one of the few weapons in existence that could actually fuck up a ghost?

I'd guess he lost his concentration like you suggested. I get it, though, having the skeleton of a guy who just killed himself (?) come back to life to berate you is pretty off-putting.

Best. Line. Ever.

These side stories are pretty good.

Oh wait this the same guy that with Matty? Didn't he teach him english and make chitz able to see?

Spoiler'd answers below

the silver was bad, very bad. It was a nasty bad thing made by an evil guy. It used bad juju to make ouchies and hurt some people until the good guys did a thing and it ran away.

That psycho in the khert was a bad man in real life, so he is in the khert now so he can't hurt people. Which he would, because he's a bad man

There, all spoon-fed up?

The rapesnakes in general strike me as the Gods' first stab at imbuing ambition in creatures. A bunch of the other senet beasts seem to incorporate some aspect of the human soul in their behaviors, based on what we see.

Mountain Ogres: kinship, kindness, protective nature; they literally went extinct of saddness

Nereids/Slyphs: lust, curiosity, and playfulness

Ilganyag: a sapient proto-human with some degree of fondness for others, but is mostly concerned with the acquisition and perpetuity of knowledge. Possibly self-serving, she nonetheless seems to see the advancement of knowledge as an end unto itself. She would represent human intellectualism and self-improvement, she's where the Gods got crafty with how their creations think and apply themselves to their goals.

Efheby: Another sapient senet, efheby seem to embody every possible ambition, along with amped up drive, decreased morality, and fierce territoriality. Like Ilganyag, Ruck seems to lust for knowledge, but more for his own sake than any high-minded intellectualism. He wants the knowledge, wants to own it, to make it his. He's driven by his nature to acquire resources, whatever they may be, and defend them. When he and, presumably, other efheby take interest in a person, they want to make that person theirs; they take them in every way possible, they rape them, eat their memories, and devour their bodies. They seek to wholly possess all that they can at the expense of others.

I can see why the Gods seemed to settle for humans, since we sort of take the best from all prior creations and lock ourselves in a self-perpetuating cycle of misery and despair.

I don't think it could hurt Timofey. He is first material, and I guess the projected blade is just some aspects that cannot interact with him.

Yeah but he doesn't know that; and that remains one of the few things that could fuck up the classical view of what a ghost is.

I can't tell if that one on the right is Ballanstern's bird or not. Not that it matters at all, I guess.

I wonder how the typhoon whales and salt lizards are like.

Didn't Rahm's ring burn his hair? First material should fuck him up.

What if Timofey is a reverse trap?

Timofey is an artificial construct made out of light that doesn't match any living or dead person and was constructed (poorly) from a hodgepodge of memories. I'd be surprised if Timofey had a gender at all.

Ashley does Timofey have a dick? Did bastion sort out dick memories I must know?

Ashley recently talked about Senet Beasts on her tumblr. All of them were created at once, however time didn't really exist yet so we can't really understand it.

However Efheby were created "last" they were the last Senet Beast design before humans.

Last I checked Bastion designed the First Light "container" to be a simulacrum of a girl from his past (dead sister maybe?), but the network of memories he put into it came up with their own masculine identity in contrast with its feminine housing.

Yes, but the blade is projected, so only the hilt is first material and the blade are some aspects stored within the blade.

The fire creeps ever closer.
Ruck takes a sip of coffee.
>It is fine.

Recent answer from Ashley:

>You could set the room on fire with a spell and burn Ruck up that way

What even is Sette and how do you expect her story to end

I am glad it was the lawyer who got whacked and not Darkest Paul because holy shit what kind of incredible doofus names themselves "Darkest Paul"? I want this knobend to hang around the comic getting clowned on forever

Obviously she's Ssael

I completely agree with you. But the only way he could be more destined for death is if he just had to do one this one last job so he can finally retire.

>Darkest Paul starts becoming more popular than bastion
>ashley immediately "forgets" to include his awesome face-tattoo three times for an entire page
yeeeeah, suuuure

So, was there a Darker Paul? And a Dark Paul?

>Obviously she's Ssael
Oh that would fuck up duane

Is his name a fucking pun on Pall or something?
Like he's an extremely dark piece of cloth that cloaks coffins?

How does that work without balls?

I think it might be "bleeding" from the cut

Yes, that's exactly what it is. Darkest pall.

Timofey's not even, like, third runner-up. Pretty much every male protagonist beats him except maybe Quigley.

What's this?

It works by being done before he cut said balls off


That one's "Orphans".

> [Ruck] looking through the broken glasses is symbolic of one of his major motivations, but I can’t spell it out yet; it’s one of those things that’ll be apparent in a reread one day.

He wants to become human? To take another's identity?

He wants to be Clark Kent

>be cutthroat lawyer
>last words are "You will first sign a waiver."
>heart is ripped out

What if Efhebys are unable to create, and can only destroy? (Minds in particular)
"Fragile little wonders" could equally apply to Timofey and the glasses.
Thats why he wants the black tongues, a cult of people dedicated to create.

If the khert is timeless, couldn't you leave it at any time in the physical world?

Assuming you could get into it in the first place in a corporeal form and not get immediately reclaimed or obliterated or what-have-you, you'd probably have to leave the way you came in, like Duane did.

Would you mind seeing the corpse of your mom pulling a cart?

Nah, that would turn Duane into an even more doting father. After he gets over how Ssael could reencarnate into a bugger like Sette.

why is ruck letting bastion get away?

Maybe he wants to understand humans. He wants to dissect and eat their souls to understand mortals and why the gods deemed the senets to be boring prototypes.

He was intended to be a girl specifically somebody that Bastion knew who had died but Timofey ended up being an entirely new person created whole cloth from her memories who happened to be male.

Well as a senet beast no human language would be his first...

>If he does, he will only become the Khertwalking afterlife part of him. Sonum Ssael was a well-attested historical figure.
Time in the khert is convoluted
>Duane becomes a full blown khert walker
>manages to reach the great unsounded
>tries to send info back to the living
>It is retrieved by wrights via farcyte crystal but hundreds of years before Duane entered the khert
>the messages are attributed to Sonum Ssael

>She left you when you joined the Black Tongues?
>She really liked sausages.

Timofeywill never not be best boy and I will say that to matty's blind face.

Ashley said the Senet beasts originally spoke Old Tainish.

> Duane and Ssael are both khert-walking souds made immortal by another immortal being who guides them towards some ulterior goal
> Ilganyag and Tirna are both black-and-red "two-faced" feminine immortals with special interest in humankind, both of which were banished to another realm

Are myth-echoes a thing in this universe or is Duane gonna turn out to be Ssael through timey-wimey khert?

Though I guess in Duane's case it was Bastion who made him what he is. But he's a servant of Ilganyag, so she's at least indirectly responsible.

Did she?

you can still get hard without balls, you know. It's just nothing useful to reporductions going to come out if you orgasm.


At this point too many people have guessed that he's going to turn out to be Ssael for me to think it's actually going to happen.

Same with Murkoph. Hell, same with Sette. And it can't be Quigley because he's an idiot. So Ssael is Chitz.

It's clearly Starfish.

At this point, the unexpected twist is going to be that Ssael is just Ssael. And nobody we've seen or will see apart from him is him.

The real twist will be Quigley actually stop getting btfo by everything. It's so unlikely it has to happen

Impossible, Quigley getting btfo is so integral that if that aspect were to be removed from him it would qualify as a core leech.

>Conspiracy theories about Murkoph being literally everyone
>Conspiracy theories about Ssael being literally everyone

And so we've come full circle. The entire cast is Murkoph, who is also Ssael.

Duane is best boy. He's even a better pedantic bloviating blowhard.

Timofey and Duane should be friends, though. I think they'd find they have a lot in common.


I seriously doubt he will give in to his desire to disassemble Bastion's mind and drink him just yet, assuming a hypothetical where everyone's favorite Black Tongue gets captured. Bastion is still interesting, still novel, still creating new wonders. It would be a waste to drink him yet. But eventually? For a certainty.

>Darkest will be more fun, especially as he spends more time with snekboss.

Paul confirmed for /ourboy/.