Bob's Burgers

One day you'll remember this exist.

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NOPE, that one is well repressed

>Louise doesn't cry any of the times she's almost died
>Logan threatening to make her smell his arm pit is what gets her to cry

Maybe she's autistic.

Maybe she feels guilty about it.

Reminder this is canon :

dat slap!

That's when you know she means business.

>One joke character
>No chemistry
>Out of pity
I hope they seriously bury this. Otherwise, they're becoming Simpsons. Tina's already a slut and Gene's got gf. You can ignore characters going to space, but you can't ignore everyone fucking everyone. The characters can't genuinely interact with eachothers if they're all fuck buddies.

Haven't seen newer episodes. Seemed like the show was on the downward slope unfortunately. Last one I remember was the Bob's mustache episode where everyone told a different story and I just remember the dialogue was way too fast and each line was another throwaway joke as opposed to the slower pace of earlier episodes where the jokes were sprinkled through general conversation. Has the show really hit the skids?

They're running out of ideas that can work with the current cast and ringing in new characters all the time now, but they can't keep it up forever.

You're absolutely right, user.
This is much better.
You know how much her bunny-hat means to her.

I know. Their interaction is entertaining and the age difference stops it from developing.

She only takes off her bunny ears for one thing, and one thing only.


so was there a point to making it this dramatic?
This show always keeps the status quo so

Does Tina need medical attention?


This makes a LOT more sense than people give it credit for.

Louise is like her mom: she's a live wire, an active player, always down for mixing things up.

She's also a daddy's girl. She's a lot closer with Bob than Gene or Tina are.

Bob is the ground to Linda's live wire, the rock that keeps her from doing anything TOO crazy. They bring out the best in each other because Linda pulls Bob out of his shell and Bob stops Linda before she goes too far (note how often Linda gets in trouble with the law without Bob's calming influence).

It makes perfect sense that Louise would be into someone like Rudy. He's even tempered and good hearted- he's Louise's Bob. Unintentionally, Louise is on the road to emulating her parent's relationship, though she'll be ten times the rebel that Linda ever could be.

Louise as a comedic sociopath was unsustainable. For all the times the show played the Belcher's woes straight, someone like Louise intentionally wrecking things would've just made her come off as an asshat.

I like the direction the latest season took her. She's a rebel, she can still be a hellraiser when the plot calls for it, but she can also do deeper plots about railing against hypocrites like Frond and Rudy's potential girlfriend.

>Well, the sign also says no trash, Tammy, so, what are we gonna do here?

Is that Bobby fucking Hill

Louise is used to being able to intimidate people, even adults. Logan is her biggest foil and the only one that makes her feel like a helpless little kid, because she is a little kid.

Plus adrenaline when you're about to die vs. facing the fact your face is going to be in a really gross teenaged boy's armpit.

I'd cry too.

Add the fact she had a hell of a time admitting she liked Booboo, a celebrity boy that anyone would've thought she was normal for liking, it doesn't seem odd to me that she kinda hides her feelings about Rudy (or even didn't realize she liked him) until this moment.

It's less sudden than Starco at least.

Also lmfao at the neckbeard earlier in the thread calling Tina a slut. What an idiot. it's not her fault jimmy junior doesn't know what he wants.

If you've never watched the show before please go do so.

They've dialed back Louise's character in the past few seasons and have been putting more of an emphasis on the fact that she's still a little kid.

One could say she is maturing.

Actually children tend not to cry in survival situations, if they did our species would've died out

I think it's funny that in recent episode Louise cast herself as Rudy's mom in her imaginary play. And that girl who stringed him around as the main villain.

As for their actual prospects, outside of her family Rudy is only one whom Louise seem to be able to trust without building a wall of hostility so her options are rather limited.

This is true, Louise has become much less of a psychopath
I think each season they try to work on developing a particular character. Season 6 was about Tina gaining confidence in herself and season 7 was about Louise becoming a human with empathy

I think jokes about her empathy showing when she doesn't want to were always there. They just generally substituted more mellow character-driven humour for their edge, so Louise is less edgy now.

I've watched a few episodes but that kid legit looks like Bobby Hill

Well he kinda does I guess.

I knew someone would say this. Rudy's an anchor. He pulls Louise down, because he is about to die. Bob gets himself into trouble just as much as Linda does. Whenever either one gets passioned about something, the other joins in and becomes competitive or tries to talk them out of it. Or just let them be, as they have enough of their own problems to focus on.

But Rudy's an anchor. He is not talking Louise out of anything. He is not causing Louise to rethink whatever they're doing. Louise pauses doing whatever funny shenanigans she learned from movies, because Rudy is killing himself.

Rudy is funny as the wheezing joke as he is, but theres nothing there to ship. He is just bringing a main character down from her purpose, that doesn't even need shipping. And he offers nothing, because he is a simple joke character. Even if they later on gave him more depth to reason the ship, the intension to ship came before the reason to ship.

Even the build up for this ship is bad. She made herself jealous out of her own misunderstanding, and as she tries to fix things up, she offers Rudy pity. I understand why it happened and how it goes with her character. Same season on later episode she even saves another kid from bullies and gets attention for it. But the ship/shipping itself is character assassination.

Yeah that one... that was a little... eh.. it was sweet, it just.. kind of killed a ship AND made louise puss out
thing is it's always cute when Louise pusses out. because she's fucking eight.

aw man I liked that episode. the only problem was the fucking warped moral: that there definitely isn't any kind of fate to life. like.. maybe shut up?
it's weird how theyre one of the most normal and genuine families on tv but they're also weiiirdly.. like.. modern in some ways. mostly attitudes.

I feel like she was perfect in the chinchilla episode. absolute perfect balance. that scene when they bond over how they both hate the name the class decided on
i also loved when louise realized she was being used as a tool to overreact to any obviously bad idea and thus make it seem good

Yeah but she and tina are both natural girls who enjoy the smell of a man and don't pretend it's gross. Given their dad it's not a surprise. They are both fantastic waifu and I would marry either of their asses in a heartbeat. our children would be wookiees and that is just fine

jim dauterive produces this show along with loren bouchard, in that episode they decided to throw KotH a bone and make a hank-lookin' character and a bobby-lookin' character. neither one is actually like them, it was just sort of a visual easter egg
like how Isabella wears Helga's outfit

>the only problem was the fucking warped moral: that there definitely isn't any kind of fate to life. like.. maybe shut up?
What's wrong with this?

by definition you can't be certain of something like that, and you sure as hell don't need to make it a lesson.

Gene's got a girlfriend?!?! Holy shit what did I miss