Supersons toy

Before anyone sends me to /toy/ I consider this relevant for my Sup Forumsmrades...
So, AFAIK this would be the first figure we get from John.
Goddammit John, what's with the fat neck?? It [would] be an otherwise perfect figure if not for that stupid disproportioned thing below his head... John deserved better for his first figure.
Fuck Kotobukiya and their "I can't into sculpting".

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At least Krypto is nice.

That cape

Neck looks fine from the back, I think the problem might be the face itself.

Look at the jaw line in neck looks alright again but dear god what is that jaw line, the hair under the ears.

Yeah, the problem is the jawline, the neck, or both. It just doesn't work.
Again, I'm raging 'cause this is his debut figure (unless any kind user can prove me wrong).

What happened to pic related?

He works at GameStop?

Will you hotglue it?

Got released it seems. Thanks, knowing kotobukiyas' wasn't the debut figure does help (although John looks like a 30 y/o Tom Welling, but still).

That face is just creepy. Looks like a ventriloquist doll.

The sculptor is not even bad from what I have seen, here is his twitter:
The problem is that he has zero experience sculpting child characters and no idea how to make something look cute and endearing.

His Black Manta is pretty rad

Hot damn.
How tall is that? And how expensive?

Good, you pedophiles deserve a shitty un-hot-glue-able figure.

that krypto aint bad
7'7'', 60 bucks on Amazon (August release).
You could dig other places to get it way cheaper for sure tho'.


I agree. John is NOT for sexual... and yes, I'm the OP. I like the character for different reasons: as a father Supes becoming one really hit me in the feels, and I can't help to both [project fatherly proudness on John] and [be happy I can get my boy a superkid to identify with].

Also I know: 1. everything I just said will be ignored/flipped in an icky way and 2. ppl ARE going to go all pedo on the statue once they have it. So this little [not ur personal blog] is futile, but hey, I just wanted to make the distinction and get it out of my chest.

Hope another father user can relate.

The quality of toys have dropped since I was a kid