Sup Forums's Favorite Terrorist Groups

Do you HAIL HYDRA, HAIL COBRA, or HAIL another group of very aesthetic nazis?



You forgot Kobra.


Cobra. I want to be a Strato-Viper.


What GI Joe media is worth consuming? Is it mostly generic war story stuff, or is there some sort of fun twist to it? Generally 'neat guns and vehicles' has never interested me, even as a youngster - I like me some 'deepest lore'.

Here's the thing with Hydra: you are almost guaranteed you'll get superpowers of some sort. But if your gimmick sucks you'll suck forever. You are sure to get killed.

Here's the thing with Cobra: chances are you'll never have a great gimmick. However their rank and file are really diverse and make you feel cool already. 50/50 on dying.

Take your pick folks. Me? If I can work with Storm Shadow I am sure I'll survive anything algeady.


Larry Hama's classic 80s run is the cream of the crop. The fun twist to it is that after a few issues of mostly episodic military-themed adventures it turns into this huge, engrossing, almost uninterrupted serial with a strong character core, both from good and bad guys. It even gets pretty soap operatic after a while, but by then you're pretty much hooked. And being written by an actual veteran, there's a strong feeling of genuine veracity running through most of it.

If you'd like some more modern stuff tho', the IDW run is also pretty good. The main GI Joe series is ok-ish action stuff, but the real gem is Costa and Gage's Cobra series. It's a gritty reimagining done right and it's worth every panel.

I praise skeletor

Thanks, Judge user. I'll check that classic stuff. Are the cartoons good?

Say Judge, have you read the current volume with Skywarp?


Ayep. It's OK. I'm mostly reading it for the art tho'. Milonogiannis is touching me all over my 80s manga boner and I love every second of it.

I haven't watched much of the original cartoon, but GI Joe: Resolute is great if you're looking for a short, fun ride, and GI Joe: Renegades is a pretty cool twist on the formula.

Cobra propaganda is best propaganda


Better healthcare.
Job security, even if something happens to make me a cripple.
Multiple opportunities to move up in my work place or even laterally into another field of work.
Retirement plan.
Free house, with a white picket fence.
Planned, safe communities where the homeless and mentally ill are taken away to a education/health centers.

In the unlikely event of the US Government destroying my hometown, they'll even relocate me to a better one.

>Do you HAIL HYDRA, HAIL COBRA, or HAIL another group of very aesthetic nazis?
Ironically, Cobra aren't Nazis.

They want a libertarian meritocracy where the governmen only exists to keep people from taking advantage of others and businesses aren't allowed to take advantage. They're basically libertarian socialists (with some differences).

The problem is they're going about their goal by destroying the already-existing paradigm, which makes them rebels, and go about it through methods to scare and destroy existing governmental structures, which makes them terrorists..

I like you a lot buddy, have a wholesome pic

If you wanna check out the IDW stuff someone was storytiming them last weekend

Cobra has the better aesthetic, but HAIL HYDRA is a much better catchprase

The Inhumans

>HYDRA and COBRA come together and form OROCHI

Toxo-Viper is best Viper.

>Pounding the Evil Cobra

I would sooner be a Tele-Viper, and those guys are dorks.

wtf I love cobra now

Remember when Cobra tried to eliminate fiat currency?

You beat me to it.

He'd totally be into Cryptocurrency

Oh, I see. You're more into the first gen Toxo-viper gear.


You don't hail Cobra you just shout it.

That said I go with Cobra over Hydra anyday, at least in Cobra you get to live in Springfield and they somewhat take care of you.

Also they have gyms and pools and a good employee culture, plis you can file for unemployment in the US.

They might be space nazis with mechs that handle like a pig, but they were stylish.

Titans have better fashion though.

There's always one edge lord. Too far buddy.

HYDRA has cooler leaders/named characters. COBRA has cooler grunts and gear... I'll go with COBRA.

The Helghast


Who are these guys?



the principality of zeon AKA the space traitors from gundam


JK, but seriously how well do you think these fictional terrorist organizations would do against a real global terrorist organization?


I've been reading the classic stuff for the past year that's some top notch shit.
So many writers try to be political and just end up it coming off as preachy but the way Hama does it feels meaningful like showing that a "power to the people" revolution can just as easy become as bad or worse than the government it's overthrown.

Bullshit nobody wants to be in the leaky suit brigade.

To say nothing of perks like awesome Cobra recreation center bases.

There's a fan comic, copy pasta, or something floating around of Cobra Commander going after Bin Laden after 911 and turning Cobra into a PMC with government contracts.

>Cobra as a PMC taking government contracts for lucrative profit in fighting middle eastern terror
>often find themselves working with G.I. Joe
>When Heavy Duty asks a grunt if they think he's got a chance with Baroness

They're snake men from the Himalayas, whatever political ideology or philosophy they purport to espouse is a truck to ensnare dumb Americans as their minions.

Who would win in a catfight, Baroness or Madame Hydra? I will join the victor

>Snake men from the Himalaya
Well now they're clearly cooler than Hydra.

I mean they also lived in gigeresque cities and used organic echnology
So im with Cobra


>Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life. [...] Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people "I offer you a good time," Hitler has said to them "I offer you struggle, danger and death," and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet.

I would Die for Darkseid. Anti-Life justifies my Hatred. I am Justified. I am a Justifier.

Darkseid did nothing wrong