Why are most cartoon characters seemingly designed to be as visually unappealing as humanly possible?

Why are most cartoon characters seemingly designed to be as visually unappealing as humanly possible?

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Because you're watching the wrong cartoons.

Making things look nice requires effort and making animators put in effort requires money so they just don't.

I like Jeff's design. What's wrong with it?

Sorry I should've specified modern cartoons.
His cube shaped head freaks me out.

Fair enough.

I probably have a high tolerance for stuff most people find ugly (Clarence, Billy Dilley, Uncle Grandpa, etc.) but I don't think there's too many straight-up ugly cartoons floating around. The PPG reboot's one of the few and I guess that's mostly because they're poorly imitating an established style.

Sounds like you're just a pussy user.

You need better cartoons.


Fish? What?

And that's not the original show style anyways.

The source of OP's image provides some choice Mary Wendle material

care to share (google search gave me different results)?

>His cube shaped head freaks me out.
For the record, his head is cubed shaped since his character has a squared personality. It's quite clever actually, and it fits into the style of the show.

What is a squared personality? I have never heard of this.

like yours

It typically means you're a boring person. And let's face it, at face value Jeff seems like a boring person to hang around with. He wants everything to be perfect all the time and can't stand doing unsanitary actions like playing in dirt (which the other kids do at times) and he's overly cautious of his surroundings (like the pool episode where it took him the entire episode before getting into the water).


Bless whoever commissioned this

You keep posting that. That's shit, dude. Any $2 anime slaps the shit out of that.

Ugly girls are the best you fucking weeb.

She looks like a knock off of Assigned Male comic girl

Yeah, Jeff would not get anywhere near a vagina with his current personality.

Most? In recent history the only character I can think of that is seemingly designed to be visually unappealing is fucking Billy Dilley. That MC alone ruins the show even though the rest is pretty good.

I feel like it's brilliant on a second level because the cube head instantly evokes the image of Minecraft in modern kids (aka the target audience), and Jeff is basically the poster child for "Minecraft kids".

Combine that with his usual attire and I can agree with it. It's a great way to get kids to watch it since they basically recognize a character from the get go.


sumo at the end!

Because people in real life are ugly and cartoon creators today realize that, so they make intentionally hideous character designs to prepare kids for the fact that their IRL friends are probably just as hideous as their escapist fiction, but that doesn't mean you can't love them. It just means you have to learn to tolerate that not everything conforms to your standards of "Beauty".

Shape theory + Uglyness being praised in the west. Jeff is't ugly tho. His head symbolizes formity, oder and predictability. You immediately know he is the straight man of the group.

not gonna lie I would still fuck right

Honestly, I don't find current cartoons as unappealing as they are same-y looking.

I don't know what you see in this picture, everyone in it looks lobotomized.

Why'd you put "beauty" in quotes user? There's nothing wrong with finding sexy things sexy and beautiful things beautiful, and not finding things that aren't to be, well, not.