What is the worst comic that's ever been recommended to you?

What is the worst comic that's ever been recommended to you?

I have a good enough quality filter that I don't read bad shit accidentally. But I disliked Kingdom Come.

Killing Joke

I hope you're no longer friends with whoever recommended that to you. Mine is The Walking Dead.

Fun Home

Anything Batman related.

Silver surfer requim.

Killing Joke.


Not a Western comic, but the only one I can think of atm is Attack on Titan. Terrible main character and terrible pacing.

>Insert universally beloved comic here

Ultimate Spider-Man

New 52 Aquaman and Alias

Young Avengers the Children Crusade.

This try hard pretentious shit fest. We get it. You don't like mutants who look normal, who deal with social issues or care about the previous history. Thank god it's almost all vanished.

Bendis Guardians

Anything Marvel.

The best part of Alias was Jessica's backstory of getting mindraped by Kilgrave.


Walking Dead

The Dark Knight Returns. Frank Miller at his best is still average. I'm as not impressed at it.

Even better Jean Grey made a cameo. Bendis loves writing that cow.

Heard that.
Maybe I'm just spoiled for good stories but the dudes overrated as all hell


why did everybody hate this again? I don't remember much from this arc except for lois being a bitch to clark and saying she'd trade their marriage for truth or some shit

The main character is one of the few elements in that series that works. There's a refreshing consistency to his dumb rage.

Nextwave: Agents of HATE.

Ir was...OK, but I don't get why everyone raves about it. It was a bit too lolrandum for me.

Probably the ASM run after Superior. My friend told me it was a good jumping on point for Spider-Man so I tried it and wew lad.

Sup Forums


And it's ugly as sin

Gillen Star Wars
Fraccion Hawkeye
A lot of Nu52 books that were boring as shit

Kingdom Come

Whedon's X-Men and Runaways.

I don't hate the guy, I really liked Firefly. But those were ass.

Whatever happened to truth justice and the american way?, is basically the author whining about modern comics, and how superman is so much better than not-The Authority.

I read that shit for a graphic novel class at my college recently, absolutely boring af

I thought from the thumbnail that the symbol behind him was a stylized version of his cape, only for that to turn out to be a mistake. I don't think anything in the comic itself could disappoint me as much as that.

But all they do in new xmen is deal with social issues

And Grant Morrison's run on New 52 Supes.

Why do people think, Grant Morrison's run on New 52 Supes is a good idea to start reading Superman?
I see it recommended again and again.

Saga, back in the early days when Sup Forums was crazy for it and storytiming it constantly. You all say now that it sucks, but it was a different story back then.