ITT: Episodes that ended your interest in the particular series. I'll start

ITT: Episodes that ended your interest in the particular series. I'll start.

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Jesus, it took you until that episode to stop being interested in Family Guy, OP?


There were others before it (The Juice is Loose, Peter-assment, April in Quahog) that were really bad, but this one was the killing blow.

OP, Family Guy stopped being good way before those episodes.

The end to this episode was amazing
>Glen just kicks the shot out of Brian
>leaves him a blood mess on the floor
>threatens his life and storms off
>Brian picks himself up, staggers to the door
>Hey, Quagmire, I fucked your dad!
So good

The Bill Clinton and Drunken Irish dad eps were the last straw for me

The Drunken Irish dad episode was honestly the last truly funny Family Guy episode in my opinion.

Honestly that episode wasn't so bad I actually like the ending but this fucking episode just killed any interest I had in Family Guy

"getting the last word"

why exactly did he beat brian anyway considering all the awkwardness he did to his dad?

it's not like brian would actually sleep with him if he knew.

or was it he found a reason to do so, no matter how flimsy?

I think that's universally recognized as being one of the worst episodes Family Guy ever did
anyway personally I still watch family guy so I can't post any episodes but man does it have some really bad ones

I liked that one offspring that looked normal

Why would anybody watch Family guy after like Season 3 or 4? The show was cancelled once and should have stayed that way.

>anyway personally I still watch family guy


Glen really fucking hates Brain. It'd be the equivalent of that one co-worker you despise, the one who always eats your lunch and talks obnoxiously about nothing at all fucking your mom in the ass.

I know they did an episode of glenn giving brian all the reasons why but it felt really shallow (some feel it can be applied to himself).

like they never really said why?

It took you that long? Shit, talk about masochism, I only lasted into the second-third season the show came back, at that point it was absolute shit quality and falling fast, I would go a whole episode without laughing once, I can only imagine how much worse it became, it was pretty much unwatchable already by then.

Only fanboys can't admit south park has become the new simpsons in terms of dragging on too long

an unhealthy and inexplicable obsession on the character of stewie for some reason, I really like the little guy

It was bad writing disguised as cleverness

What does it say when there are no episodes in particular that make me lose interest? Rather I just stop caring about any of it after a while.

Glenn is self aware and works to better himself in areas he knows he can to try to offset himself.
Brian is just a bastard who's own arrogance blinds him from his negative traits. Brian always exempts himself from his judgemental ideals.

The next 4 seasons will just be LOL DRUMPHF

Every episode I saw had garrison dressed up as Trump that I caught a few seconds of, I havent watched it seriously since like 2011 though and got sick of it back then

>Glenn is self aware and works to better himself in areas he knows he can to try to offset himself.
He's a serial rapist user, guilty of way more shit than Brian on his worse days.

The only reason why Glenn isn't as despised as Brian is that most of Glenn's sexual exploits happen off-screen while Brian's bullshit...isn't.

At this point it feels like South Park is trying to stay relevant

that's basically the beef i have with the two.

basically it's glenn saying "i maybe a sexual predator but at least i don't lie/manipulate women into sleeping with me"

that's like saying "I maybe a nazi but I ain't no redneck!"

A look at the wiki tells me that I stopped watching after this episode. By then I realized I wasn't enjoying what they got in this show, it wasn't making me laugh, and the annoying voices grinded my gears. Just stopped about here as I have no memory of later episodes beyond the april fools one I caught when waiting for Samurai Jack.

I stopped watching We Bare Bears at the Hybernation episode as I realized I begun to find it boring.

This was an easy one.

Funny how in retrospect their Chimpokomon episode makes them look like out of touch old men since they predicted that it was just a fad.

>analyzing character development in family guy

Wew lads


Because Glenn is a shitty person.

One should not even dare to start watching that show

I despise FG too but why were exactly those ones the episodes that made you quit the show?

Dropped it the moment Stewie become gay and Brian become an hypocrite and asshole.
The voice of reason being the dog was amusing, I maybe would been able to tolerate gay stewie, but not the change of Brian.

Wasn't the whole point of the two parter basically acceptance from the creators that they were getting old and increasingly unable to understand modern cultural trends.

You didn't read the whole interview about their feelings on Trump or heard the Season 20 commentary, have you?

gay stewie is the best thing about modern family guy if you ask me, the rest is shit

Doesn't Quagmire also ending up fucking his dad in another episode?

At this point I realized I'd just be disappointed seeing this through to the end.


The first episode of SU.

Nice try, Glenn.

This honestly. I tried getting into it but the show was so boring.

T. Faggot.

I can't imagine how any series could do anything like this and not just think "Time to hang it up. We have NO IDEAS".

There is literally nothing about this that is not an abomination.

Everything Steven Universe does is a disappointment. Period.

Honestly I think South Park has done everything it can and it should just focus on telling stories and shit like the Stick of Truth and so on.
They were daring back in the day but now that things have shifted, well the impact is less. What can they possibly do without being so out there that it just isn't possible to take them seriously?

People don't say "South Park is a horrible influence on our children!" they just post about it on Facebook and shit. This isn't the 90s anymore. Shock humor doesn't shock.

Family Guy tries but...just look at the Stewie/Brian hybrid pregnancy babies. That's not shocking it's just fucking awful.

I started off with "Ah well it's cute doing their own thing."

And then...not so much. It's just obnoxious and awful.

>Character has the least screen time and little to show. Only has 2 episodes to shine and focus her character now lack thereof.
>Kevin Sullivan being the faggot he is with the influence of Luna Loud's VA makes her Bisexual.
>Let the LGBT, twitter, and tumblr pandering grow even more.

Clydes fathers wasn't too big for me to complain since they only appeared less than four times.

L for is for Love ended my interest for TLH as a whole, at least for the entire month.

The worst part of that was the huge missed opportunity they had to make fun of the media, the way they depicted big news anchors really showed how out of touch they were with why Trump was popular.

I mean that was pretty funny though

there's nothing wrong with the episode itself but the retcon that peter isn't biologically a griffin was just such bullshit. that means that all of Peter's ancestors that were mentioned before that episode only looked like him out of pure coincidence

Isn't Family Guy usually really anal about keeping all their autistic lore in line (and if they go to change if they at least acknowledge that it was bs before)?

To be fair, Family Guy has really fucking shit story consistency and continuity.

I think they handled the gay parents pretty well since from what i've heard they didn't get much screen time and they didn't point at them and say "this is the first time Nickelodean has a gay married couple, we're so progressive!".


This piece of trash ended my interest for the Loud house

>inb Sup Forums

...I fail to see the problem here.

What is with these snowflakes being triggered over an episode in this thread?

>way too forced kiss
>interracial couple

Its a little hard to hang it up when the show keeps getting renewed, I find thats generally how shows turn super shit, they're forced to write episodes they dont want to do

Lincoln is living my dream. I want a latina

Incestfags got their panties in a twist

I honestly still watch it just because sometimes I have nothing else to watch (It's best for background noise desu cause you don't have to pay attention to it to know what's going on).

But the worst episode for me was probably when they killed Brian, not because they killed off Brian but because they pussied out and didn't permadeath him and it was all just a dumb cash grab for new ratings while people held their breath hoping Brian would come back (lmfao at people who got RIP Brian tattoos though).
It was just a huge fuck you to me. Plus their italian jokes are reeeeally weak. I don't get if Seth McFarlane just had a bad experience with an italian family once or if he thinks this is the 50s and people don't like italians (They do, because less italians immigrate now) . Once in awhile they hit the mark with a joke (The italian cutting in line joke for instance) but most of the time i just kinda shake my head.

It's fine to make fun of everyone. I hate censorship. But if your joke sucks, then you're only spewing hate. A joke has to be funny to only be a joke, capiche?

I think Family Guy is the new simpsons in terms of dragging on too long, personally (which is kinda fitting honestly).

South Park I think is at a very "hit or miss" state right now. some seasons are good, some are garbage, some are somewhere in the middle. I'm pretty sure Matt and Trey will end it if they truly get tired of it and I think Trey is on his last legs with it, but I hope the focus does go to more video games instead since playing in the south park world is a lot of fun, especially if they just keep improving on it. It's a new way of writing for them too so it'll be easier to make things fresh.

But i'm a diehard fanboy, have been since I was a wee kid and saw Chinpokomon, so I do have a strong bias of loving the series even through it's shitty phases.

Also next season won't be all trump jokes. They aren't stupid, they know that'd get boring quick.

This episode made me cringe because actual Pewdiepie was in it. If they had animated him i probably wouldn't have hated this episode so much.

thats cool and all but i think the thread is more "shows i liked and when i realized i stopped liking them" and not so much "shows i tried and ended up not liking"

this commentary?

All this tells me is they are so fucking out of touch it's fucking sad.

hey watch me derail the thread
he wasn't popular, he literally lost the popular vote by a record amount. Trump won because of gerrymandering and the Dems throwing a shit fit about Bernie vs Hillary even up to the election

I need to fucking watch this episode. The hysterical breakdown people had over it was mindblowing.

I had realized the show was getting a bit too weird and melancholy and (fucking boring instead of fun LOL) buuttt I said hm I'll give it one more shot. The next episode to air was this one! I cried myself to sleep that night, to mourn the loss of the 15 minutes I spent watching that episode, the end

>"Trump fuck it all up by winning"
>being such fucking hack writers that your stories are dependent on real life events to actually happen
>no back up plans if things don't go the way you want them too
>it's Trump's fault.

These fuckers use to be so smart. What the hell happen to them?

Mmhm. Tell me more about this 'popular vote' user.

>Sup Forums

>If they had animated him i probably wouldn't have hated this episode so much.
fucking this
That shit was Family Guy tier to a fucking T, live action segments crop and cut in? What the fuck.

Forced? Maybe but it was gonna happen sooner or later.

I don't care much for interracial couples as long as both characters are likable and not stereotypes. Take Star and Marco for example.


its the actual number of people who voted rather than going by the electoral collage.
the person with the higher number of those is said to have the "popular vote" i.e. more actual people voted for them than for the other.
see the way we actually count the votes is through the electoral collage where the number of vote is counted not by the actual number of people but by the states party lines. but the problem is is that those lines are rarely bipartisan and tend to lean heavily on one side due to who makes them. this is called gerrymandering.
and how all this relates is is that despite more people over all voting for Hillary, due to gerrymandering and the way the electoral collage works Trump ended up winning despite the record divide with the popular vote.
now while this is very much a truncated look at the matter i highly suggest you look it up yourself because its all rather fascinating!
hope you learned something user!

it gets worse later in with them being like "well we were right the last 4 times!" to which tells me that they have become that detached with logic and reasoning to not pause and think "shit this will really suck if we are wrong"


The Juice is Loose, aka the one with a 5-minute long cutaway of Conway Twitty

The 6th season of AT in general was awful. I wasn't interested in S7 at all, but its been really great so far. The VR episode is probably one of my favorites in the series now.

Is this even canon? Later seasons literally pretend it never happened, even blatantly contradict it.

Please, explain, I only watch it now and then.

I would love svtfoe if it weren't for half of the episodes being uninteresting. But when it hits it hits pretty hard. Season 2b was the most consistent so let's hope season 3 stays that way

Watching this episode with my trans gf was fucking weird.

Almost as weird as when I showed my Ftm friend the Robot Chicken sketch about Daria

Honestly pre and post cancellation Family Guy are so different from each other right at the very start you may as well consider it a different timeline.

Lisa called him Armin about 10 years ago I think that's the most recent reference to it.

>trans gf
those people are REAL?

I remember they had an episode where Quagmire straight up murders the husband of his sister. The guy even gets the upper hand on them after they plan to murder him and is willing to forget it happened but they refuse.

Pretty unfunny and uncomfortable, I'm not sure why they expected us to be okay with it. Joe was a cop who could have intervened at any time. Anyways, Family Guy was always shit but for me that episode was the lowest of the low, beyond even Stewie giving birth to Brian's children or Brian giving Stewie herpes.

I'm not defending Trump however going by the entire point of the electoral college was to allow a broader range of people having their votes count rather than candidates just campaigning in a few states that had the largest population. Now whether or not the electoral college fucked up when it comes to maintaining that idea I'll leave up to you.

The Bill Clinton Ep had Peter getting chucked by Lois, and then had a forced emotional scene why Peter should forgive and accept Lois. Nt too mention it was the first case where they had cutaway gags that last five minutes so it saves the writers a lot of time from writing.

Irish dad because they killed off such a funny and well-written character that had depth and then replaced him by Le Drunken Irish Peter XD

It's a thing we pretend matters when we're mad about an election result.

Was it just awkward "No one's saying anything but definitely not laughing" kinda weird or were you the only one feeling weird or what?

>I'm not sure why they expected us to be okay with it
didnt he spend the entire episode openly abusing his wife? I mean yeah it's stupid that he got away with it so blatantly in the open and the episode focusing on it so much was uncomfortable, but I didnt see any reason to not want the guy dead.

What's even sadder is that's not even the worse abuse themed episode they had. There was one with Meg where the overall message was pretty much if you're being abused then to just put up with it because if you're not there to be the person's punching bag they'll just lash out on someone else they love and have their life fall apart.

"Well i have more pieces on the board so i should be winning"

Lib logic is really something.

Actually, the electoral college exists because the founders didn't want just whoever deciding elections (even when eligible voters were only landowning men). Remember, the states didn't initially have provisions holding their delegates to vote the will of the people; they could vote for whoever the fuck they wanted.

You shouldn't be losing a chess game with more pieces on the board, so in a way the whole shebang feels unrepresentative. Granted, it was intended to be.