

my personal favorite bat-redemption is when he gets a talking to in lego batman, when he learns he was the bad guy all along

People talk about the DCEU being not muh, but Lego Batman is fucking nothing like the real Batman either.

the difference is that lego batman is generally (among most people not from Sup Forums) well liked

it is accepted as batman filtered from the view of an 8 year old, an innocent approach, filled to the brim with bat memes
to see batman as a child again would be wonderful, and i shouldn't idly dream, i can start now

>the difference is that lego batman is generally (among most people not from Sup Forums) well liked
That's irrelevant to my point?
They are both changed from their comic counterparts.

How many times are you gonna make these threads? It's always the same shit of you posting a bunch of screenshots, pretend it's deep, and just post some shit like "really makes you think"

>pretend it's deep
Why is it always phrased like this?
Lamenting on themes that are in the film=/=pretending its deep.

That's like saying that piecing together Grant's wild ideas is "pretending he's deep"

>Lamenting on themes that are in the film
That's some top tier pretentiousness, perfect for a Snyderfag. The shit you post is the most surface-level attempts at character building; the kind of bookending you posted in the OP is something you'd expect from a high school student.

>That's some top tier pretentiousness
Again, pretentiousness would be projecting pseud ideas onto the movie that aren't there.

>the kind of bookending you posted in the OP is something you'd expect from a high school student.
Please show me a high school paper that meats this criteria.
Burden of proof is on you.

1) stop samefagging. I can see the poster count not rising.

2) It's pretentious to pretend that basic themes from writing 101 are somehow extraordinary. No I don't have high school papers, what kind of request is that? However anyone who has passed 9th grade English shouldn't need that "proof" because they remember learning this shit. If you don't then you're clearly another example of our how school system is failing.

>are somehow extraordinary.
Show me where I said or implied that.

>However anyone who has passed 9th grade English shouldn't need that "proof" because they remember learning this shit.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
Kids learn Shakespeare but its still unusual for a person to create something Shakespearian in quality and style.

You thought it was worth making a thread about and constantly imply in the various identical ones that it makes the film good.

Stating an antoginistic view of a character in the beginning, only to state a similar but reflected viewpoint at the end is the most basic and simplistic ways to convey growth to an audience. How can you possibly be so simple that it impresses you? It's on the level of "this character was standing in the shadows to we know he's evil/untrustworthy"

Well it certainly doesn't support the film being bad now does it?
Unless you're going to imply that certain other cape movie franchises don't use "high school tier" structure.
protip: they do

>Star Wars wasn't impressive to audiences
really made me think

>Well it certainly doesn't support the film being bad now does it?
No, the terrible plotting, simplistic attempts at symbolism, juvenile "mature" tone, and retarded character motivation make it bad. My point being that this mediocre story structure aspect is not worth making a thread over.

How do you lack so much reading comprehension? Yes Star Wars uses that technique, but that's not what makes it good. You need more than the bare minimum. Star Wars was critically acclaimed for it's amazing cinematography. lovable characters, groundbreaking soundtrack, painstaking costume and set designs, and a bunch more shit I could list. Your argument boils down to "this shares one aspect with a good movie, therefor it's good." Well The Room had a script just like Citizen Kane, does that make them comparable?

Truly a marvel of modern cinema.

but nobody expects lego batman to be like the real batman, because they all saw how he was in the lego movie.

Wow, it's almost like the screenwriters saw a movie before.
So overwhelming. Consider me whelmed.
It's almost as good as when characters have arcs and the movie doesn't feel the need to rub it in you face with dialogue cues.