Who else hates the fucking main characters of this book!?

Who else hates the fucking main characters of this book!?

Start we Raina! That fucking bitch brings Craig to his parents' house, starts dating him, fucks him in his parents' house, and then their relationship becomes basically just some esporadic phonecalls. Yes, just calling each other sometimes to talk. And that fucking stupid whore breaks up with him and says he is only her "best friend" and that she "couldn't handle with a compromise"!? IT WAS JUST FUCKING PHONE CALLS, YOU STUPID BITCH! Sure, that guy was a fucking freak that scared people saying autistic shit like "I've been wearing your shirt and socks for a couple of days", but they cleared loved each other, and she ruined everything for what!? Some fucking phonecalls!? Couldn't she just tell him to be less creepy!? Couldn't they just keep calling each other!? The only rational reason I have for her breaking up is Bigdick Thundercock having arrived in her town!

And about Craig, why did he have to be so creepy!? Sure, everybody is a creep as a teenager, but he should have noticed he was freaking out Rain Girl, and stop. Just say the usual crap boyfriends tell her girls. And did he have to be so needy!? Couldn't he just give her a little more room!? And then that burning out her stuff thing... fucking autistic, man!
But I think his worst thing is the bullshit excuse he found out to stop being religious. MUH BIBLE ISN'T EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHEN IT WAS FIRST WRITTEN, THEREFORE IT ISN'T THE WORD OF GOD, THEREFORE RELIGION IS WRONG! I mean, come on! He acts like he was the first person finding that out! Any normal adult realizes some parts of it can be changed and still be the word of God. But I blame more his fundamentalist Protestant community for that bullshit than Craig itself

I hope Raina kills herself after her siblings die, and Craig gets whacked doing some bullshit stuff for a literal whore! I really fucking hate them for having a chance of happiness together and ruining it

>Being this mad

You know this is autobiographical right? The point was to show you that people make mistakes. Nothing is infallible.


He's basically a protestant fundie from a fundie community. That so many WASPs get him just goes to show how common dangerous religious fundamentalism is among Anglos.

Even so, they annoy me

That is not a bullshit excuse you fucking retard.

If you actually grew up in one of those retarded Protestant Evangelical apocalyptic cults, you would know how it fucking feels to realise you wasted 18 years of your life on bullshit.

Unless you grew up in a war zone or spent time in Aushwitz, these autobiographies always suck.

Calm down dude

>MUH BIBLE ISN'T EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHEN IT WAS FIRST WRITTEN, THEREFORE IT ISN'T THE WORD OF GOD, THEREFORE RELIGION IS WRONG! I mean, come on! He acts like he was the first person finding that out! Any normal adult realizes some parts of it can be changed and still be the word of God. But I blame more his fundamentalist Protestant community for that bullshit than Craig itself

You're right on that latter part and honestly that excuses it imo.

The kind of religion he was taught is highly dysfunctional. It's literally "God took a pen and wrote down each and every word in the Bible word for word, the word is infallible, don't question the word, questioning is sin, science is sin, global warming is Satanist propaganda, liberals are antichrist" etc.

Once anybody with half a lick of sense gets a clue, the whole thing comes tumbling down.

Fun Home was cool

Don't tell me to calm down

Dude this shit is like 800 pages long. Did you just seethe in your autism juices for the whole of it and then came to post here about it?


Well, yeah. It's a beautiful comic but it's trite as fuck. Really wet. I prefer Chunky Rice for an oblique and playful yet effecting treatment of the same story ('cause it is the same story, about the same person). For some reason it works much better than a straight-up autobio. having said that I think Blankets would have been almost great if it had been a third of the length and concentrated on Thompson's childhood and breakaway from Christianity.
tl;dr: Thompson needed a better fucking editor

What are:
A Child's Life by phoebe Gloekner
Summer of Love by Debbie Drechsler
My New York Diary by Julie Doucet
Sick and/or Monsters by Gabby Schulz
Arab of the Future by Riad Sattouf

To be fair, it triggered me the most because Raina looks, physically, very much like my crush, and that Godforsaken Thompson got to be with her, and still managed to ruin everything

Not because it's not that great of a comic?! Never change, man (no facetiousness intended)

Well, at least people are discussing a non Big Two comic that's not Image...

Yeah, that's something I suppose.
Were you as shocked as I was when D & Q announced they were publishing it, taking it from Top Shelf? Feels to run-of-the-mill and banal for a D & Q comic. But they have been making some weird choices since Tom Devlin and Peggy Burns took over. I thought it was great that they put out the Brian Chippendale book, though...

It ain't that bad. Sure, Pyongyang, Fun Home and Maus are better, but it's still a great piece of work

It's not great, user. It is aggressively mediocre.

Hell big two prior to 2000 would be refreshing, even.

I'm with , "aggressively mediocre" is a great description. I feel people are blinded by the art style, that mixture of Will Eisner and Dylan Horrocks is potent as fuck but the "substance" unfortunately isn't that substantial. Like I said I think Chunky Rice is a far better telling of the same story precisely because it isn't overtly autobiographical. Here are some autobio comics that are very, very good. I'd also include the Chester Brown books The Playboy and I Never Liked You (I jusssst prefer The Playboy, I think).
Any autobio recs I haven't mentioned?

That doesn't prove your point. I've read the top three and only liked the first one. The rest were alright but unremarkable. A child's life was good only because it dealt with more than first world problems.

Totally disagree, they're all much more sincerely felt works with no "disconnect" between the art and the subject matter. They're considerably more organic than Blankets...in fact I would call Summer of Love and New York Diary "remarkable" desu. If, say, the former was a work of literature it'd be fucking fawned over and mentioned in the same breath as, I don't know, Cider With Rosie or some US equivalent I can't think of at the moment. I'm not sure if Thompson is a "better artist" than Doucet, Gloeckner or Drechsler but I certainly prefer them. You said: "unless you grew up in a warzone or spent time in Auschwitz those autobiographies always suck" and I kind of think the six examples I chose easily hold their own against something like Persepolis, Waltz with Bashir or Maus. You don't have to have some hugely perilous circumstances in your life to make great art from your experiences. Having said that I DO think that the great percentage of autobio comics are rubbish, very concentrated on "first world problems" as you said and mostly devoid of any real worth. but the ones that ARE good really stand out, I'm sorry you don't feel the same way about Drechsler and Doucet, maybe you should try the two Ken Dahl books I mentioned and the two volumes of Arab of the Future. Or maybe you shouldn't, I dunno.
do dream comics count as autobio?
...and I forgot Couch Tag by Jesse Reklaw, that's a worthwhile autobio comic.

>Raina was mean!
that's how long distance relationships get fucked
people change over time and especially in a time and day when you didn't have the internet it was next to impossible to keep these relationships going
>Craig is a creep
that's what happens when you're raised by religious fundamentalists in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
Blankets is Craig coming to terms with his absolutely batshit crazy and abusive upbringing
did you just forget the parts about how he was repeatedly sexually abused, along with his brother?
>Religion is his scapegoat
if you grew up in a religious family, especially a fundamentalist family, you'd realize how difficult it is to get out of that - especially when you live out in the sticks. it's not like growing up in some fundie family in a city suburb and then being able to move into the city. you have nowhere to go and losing your family means losing your entire social and financial safety web. you are held hostage.
you also forget that he was raised by religion and then had his entire worldview shattered.
I know it's hard for you post-9/11 fedoratheists to understand but this is pretty ego-shattering for someone in the 90's
>forgetting that Raina and Craig are real people and not just random characters
I don't know what happened to Raina but Craig is a successful artist now while you're alone on a Sunday night complaining about a graphic novel on a Mongolian singing bowl BBS

Wtf is wrong with you user?

Are you ?