True archenemy of the Flash with the deepest personal connection to him

>true archenemy of the Flash with the deepest personal connection to him
>killed off in a spin-off series

Other urls found in this thread: this your first Flash comic? He always comes back eventually.

Anyone else think that Season 1 Prof. Zoom looks like an idiot now that we know that his greatest enemy is, and always will be, a whiny crybaby dumbass?

He's already been killed before that. He'll come back again.

No, because the whiny crybaby dumbass Barry that we have is, specifically, a creation of Thawne, who changed the timeline after he was stuck in the year 2000, killed Barry's mom, the real Wells and his wife, and then made the particle accelerator experiment happen much sooner.

As Thawne tells, the original Flash became the hero in the year 2020, never had his parents die, and was presumably tutored by the real Wells and Morgan until the year 2024, when Thawne forced them both to go to the year 2000 to kill younger Barry, but ended up killing his mom instead.

Basically, Wellsobard had experience of dealing with a very different and older hero. He himself created a depressed guy with parents issues. Now, current Thawne is a product of the new timeline, created when Wellsobard was erased, but the singularity was prevented, forcing for a time remnant of Thawne to appear in 2016 and "recreate" the first meeting of Eobard and Barry for the timeline to make sense of itself, even though all Thawnes were now supposed to be erased anyway, and the original Thawne would have met Barry somewhere between 2020 and 2024.

Eobard's real superpower is coming back from death.
You can't kill someone who hasn't even been born in a constantly shifting timeline. He's basically protected by paradoxes.
If Eobard were to be erased for real you'd have a situation like what happened to Jay and Wally in Rebirth where people feel like they should remember something but can't quite put their finger on it.

>You can't kill someone who hasn't even been born in a constantly shifting timeline. He's basically protected by paradoxes.
Well, I'm not sure if that works for either comic or show Eobard. Comic Eobard has definitely been born, show Eobard is not exactly protected by paradoxes so much that there's a lot of time remnant versions of him that need to exist at certain points of time just because he time-traveled so much and caused many events.

Comic Eobard has repeatedly claimed because of how much he has time traveled the rules apply to him less.

Just think for all his talk about fatherly pride, how dissapointed Thawne was that the Flash he created and trained could never quite match up to the Flash he fought and destroyed by changing the timeline.

He was killed off in the main series but his remains were buried in the spinoff.

>Professor Zoom
>Killed off
Are you an idiot?

>lmao Cavanagh did a great job as Reverse Flash so we're gonna retcon that he's not actually the RF but some random nobody whose face he stole and the RF is actually this uncharismatic literally-who blond guy

Literally what were they thinking?

Maybe I should actually start watching this series

They did the same story 3 seasons in a row. It's played out and he shouldn't come back(Especially as blondie, but not even as Wells). It was fine to loan him out.

Now stealing Cold, THAT hurt the series. And then they fucking killed him so he can't carry either series.

fuck off they're both good, it was a stupid plot device and tom is better tho

It would make more sense than Harrison Wells coming out of nowhere. They got two great actors to play Eobard. Matt Letscher does a more classic comic book take on the character. Really has pettiness nailed down.

They didn't need Harrison Wells to be a character, period. Just a fake identity that Eobard came up with when he got trapped in the past. That's what seemed to be the case until his whole backstory episode.

And Cavanagh is the best actor on the show. Reducing him to a literal-who character is so insulting to how much effort he put into the RF role.

Compare this to anything the new RF has said or done.

>Defeated by Arrow man while Barry was useless as usual

They never knew what to do with him once the identity twist got out of the way

How/where did he die anyway, i stopped caring during S2

After all the talk in Legends about no one wanting to use the spear because they would unintentionally change how things are supposed to be based on what they want I expected Mick to get it and bring back Snart without changing anything else because he was already happy with his life otherwise.

Its the CW, known for shit writing

Don't bother. Only the first season and first half of season two are any good.

No fuck you, they're not both good, blonde dude is garbage in comparison and it isn't even close.

Cavanagh is great. No denying that. He plays an Eobard who matured after many years. Not being as obsessed with ruining the Flash as he used to be. Matt Letscher plays the classic, arrogant and petty Thawne from the comics.

He literally survived a bitchslapping from the hand of "God" in The Button, he'll be back soon enough in the show, too.