We are in for some tough times ahead, and when I say "we" I mean you

We are in for some tough times ahead, and when I say "we" I mean you.

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Those scenes were great

How do you think Aaron McGruder would portray Trump? I feel like there would be a Twitter episode or something.

I think he would play Trump completely straight. I mean, how do you joke about Trump in a way that he himself doesn't later outdo? All you can do with Trump is portray him as he is. It's more outlandish than any fiction. No wonder Sup Forums latched on to him, he's basically a living meme.

doesn't matter how he did it, pro-Trump people would freak out over it and claim its part of a left wing conspiracy to stop Trump from saving America

I think Riley would fucking love him

no Riley would hate Trump

but he would also quote Trump and use things Trump said as an excuse for the stuff he does all the time

Onceler is fairly Trumpian. Onceler III is obviously a Bush satire, but Onceler I is based on stereotypes that are very much in line with 80's Trump.

Trump saw what the pundits did with GWB and beat them to the punch

so pretty much how south park portrays the president

>Inauguration speech 2009

Wunceler is Trump's dad, or he'd be somehow the power behind Trump's throne.
Trump is a damned moron, exactly the figure that Wunceler uses as a tool (for example, the episode where he used Grandad's resturant to destroy property values and get that park). Wunceler is THE FUTURE, the smart, ruthless, unkillable, unbeatable, invisible power mongers. He's a Cheney, Gingrich, Kissinger, etc. The one who somehow always is there, in part because he is never stupid enough to become president and draw a massive target on his back.

Wow, it's like I'm in the comments section of the Washington Post.

To clarify, Wunceler I is the Boondocks future.
Just as there is that quote from Socrates about children disrespecting their parents these days, there has always been a Wunceler I. The various corrupt ministers of China and Japan and so on, for thousands of years there has always been THE FUTURE of a shadowy figure who really conteols things and would openly call his sons and his followers assholes because he cares about nothing other than the naked power he weilds.

>Trump is a damned moron
What does it say for his opponents, then? I mean, whatever you or I think about him he did become the president of the united states

I'm never certain if he's really smart and and conning the opposition or really dumb and conning his supporters. At the end of the day Trump knew how to whip his base up and was really good at exploiting the system. From playing money ball with voting districts to wide spread brand recognition and publicity. Trump is truly the President America deserved.

>Trump is shown to be president
>Every scene has Wunceler in the background somewhere grinning, or a scene after of him bitching out Trump

That actually feels almost exactly like what Aaron would do. Wunceler has always represented that "behind the scenes" government force.

it says more about the american people than anything

the Democratic leadership is a joke, but I'm pretty shocked how many people buy into just hearing what they want to be told even when its an obvious lie

Trump reminds me of Idiocracy, when a WWE wrestler becomes president.

Shit, if the Rock wins, Idiocracy might have been a prophecy.

Matt Taibbi put it best, from my perspective: American politics has devolved into a bad reality TV show. It is therefore not at all surprising that an actual reality television star would be able to win the whole thing.

>Trump is a damned moron
>defeated all his republican opponents and the democratic ones
>defeated the single largest media machine worth billions of dollars smearing him for months
>not only has he totally avoided impeachment, he has now exposed Loretta Lynch and republicans are demanding she testify before congress

Yea what a retard. If you're so much smarter than him, why didn't you become president? You make it sound easy.

To be fair, his opponent was Hillary "Obviously Satan" Clinton. Democrats picked the ONE person with a worse disposition than Trump.

I hope she runs again in 2020. That would be hilarious.

You make it sound as if he wouldn't have crushed Bernie too. The sad fact is that the democrats have no likable leaders. Not a single one.

I love how fucking accurate that was.

Or maybe the fact that they constantly shit on the white working class in favor of the welfare class and pushing Marxist identity politics.

It really is pretty breathtaking what a shambles the Democrats are in right now. I'm honestly not sure they'll be able to make any gains in 2018 despite the obvious opportunity that will be there due to everyone hating Trump. It seems like one half of the party hates the other half and they're constantly trying to stab each other in the back.

I mean sure, but who else was there?

Bernie "I'm not actually a Democrat" Sanders

Joe "I'm a decent meme" Biden

and a few other old bats that just come off as less qualified more wooden versions of Hillary

its pretty sad that there is literally no young blood in the democratic leadership now that Obama is gone

I imagine this scenario in his episode where Trump literally shits on a baby's face, killing it in the process by infection, and the crowd stills applaud while the news justify it as a brave move against liberals.
Not far from reality

>everyone hating Trump

A retarded statement. Dems are heading for an even bigger ass whooping in 2018 than they've received so far with their embarrassing failures in the special elections. The states up for 2018 are majority Trump voting states, it's very possible that the republicans pick up a super majority. The Democrat's attitude is their worst enemy; the more they lose, the more they continue to lose.

>while the news justify it as a brave move against liberals.
>Not far from reality
What news stations would those be?

that shows how much stupidity exists within america, and not the opposite

fox news
cnn when they invite trump supporters and scream to each other for hours

When you lay it all out like that it is awfully impressive. It's almost enough to make you believe in meme magic.

Bernie would have eaten Trump alive. The Sentator from buttfuck nowhere (a state whose primary industries is reminding people their not Massachusets and giving blowjobs to trees) defined the race against YAAS QUEEN, the heir aparent who's will must not be denied. Not to mention that Trump was created by the Clinton team because they had so little faith in themselves they wanted a literal turd as their opposition.

>The Democrat's attitude is their worst enemy; the more they lose, the more they continue to lose.
They deserve it. Their dwindling number of supporters haven't bothered to learn anything from the presidential election, and keep quadrupling down on the same shit that drives more and more people away.

I am intensely amused at the fact that Sanders seems to have initiated the slow-motion self-destruction of the Democratic Party.

Fox, Breitbart and Alex Jones

Fox news was very blatantly anti-Trump up until very recently.
CNN isn't news.

not to mention a percentage of trump voters were actually voting against hillary

>not a product of the media machine

Or Sup Forums, they've been identical since Trump.

>CNN isn't news.
Fox is less news. It's literally propaganda.
At least CNN is a boxing match with old people yelling at each other instead of indroctination

Oh please Fox was never anti-Trump, the closest they ever gotten was bill O'reilly and even he kissed Trump's ass at times.

nah, first of all of those special elections were replacing republicans that got appointed to the cabinet, they were already republican districts, the tv news just liked drumming them up as a big deal since they try to find the drama in everything

second, Trump is already unpopular, if he doesn't have major political victory in congress or in foreign affairs and the midterms are framed as a referendum on Trump, he will lose the Senate and likely even the house

third, its possible the midterms aren't viewed as an anti-trump vote and the republicans maintain better, pretty much only if they turn on Trump to keep his negative favorable ratings away from them

>Now that Obama is gone
>Implying that's a bad thing in of itself

Obama was probably one of the most baiting leaders we've had in some time. He literally would toss in opinionated comments into his speeches about events where not all evidence was even gathered yet. Dude had a hard-on for dividing the public.

>Bernie would have eaten Trump alive

An absurd statement. The man is a literal, card-carrying communist. His ideas about moeny and politics are infantile at best and dangerously retarded at worse. Anything you think Trump has said that was idiotic Bernie has said something 10x as worse. He is a known fraud and indeed is now being brought to court for it by the FBI. If there is one thing Trump knows how to do, it's manage a company and make money. Trump would have torn him to pieces over anything to do with the economy which people do in fact care about. Bernouts took votes away from Hillary, sure, but all the moderates of the party would never have voted for him.

>It's literally propaganda.
That's all "news" is, user. Every news station is propaganda that twists anecdotes to change public perception. Fox isn't any better or worse than CNN, WaPo, etc.

This entire post is pure stupidity. 96% of Trump voters say they still support him. Majority of states that are up for reelection are states that went Trump that had their democrat state legislatures/governors replaced. The only thing that could stop Trump and the republicans is like, WW3 starting.

>Trump knows how to manage a company and make money
nah he just knows how to pay other people to do it for him

pretty easy to turn money into money, literally anyone can do it when you start out with as much as Trump

also fun fact, making money isn't really the primary concern of a president

>card-carrying communist
Man you Americans don't know shit about communism, so do us all a favour and stop calling Bernie a communist.
>Bernie has said something 10x as worse
Like what? The worst statement Benie said is that white people don't know poverty, which is nowhere near statements like "We need to take out their families" or "The Geneva Convention a problem" or my favourite "it's a sunny day" when everyone can see it's raning

>Imagine this scenario where Obama literally bankrupts the entire nation by printing more money and claims he's fixing the national debt by raising the debt ceiling. And then he initiates a healthcare policy that causes some people's premiums to skyrocket and also causes some insurance companies to go out of business in certain states.

I didn't like Obama or Romney and I didn't like HIllary or Trump. I've seen way too many butthurt people on both sides in the last 3 elections (fortunately I only became eligible to vote during Obama vs Romney and I voted for Ron Paul) I haven't voted in an Presidential election since. I find the news media is filled with bias people and you really don't know what they're agenda is.
For example: Lester Holt directed his questions towards Clinton and Sanders, but hardly directed any questions towards Omalley. Also why in this past election did all of the Republican debates only air on high end cable channels and not on fox45, NBC, or CBS but these same networks aired the Democrat debates?
Just seems a little unfair to everyone.

>and claims he's fixing the national debt by raising the debt ceiling
Blame congress, not Obama.


sure, alternate facts boy
live in your own world, that's what fox news is for anyway

"We need to take out their families" has already been our policy for at least the last decade. The families of Islamic terrorists are often involved in terrorist activities as well. That's why it's fairly standard CIA practice to go ID body parts after a drone strike, to provide leads into family members of the rest of the network.

You're not smart by blaming Fox for being propaganda while giving every leftist rag a free pass for doing the exact same thing.
That just makes you a tool.

Riiiight because the CIA are a shining example of morality, and Trump is also advocating take down the families who aren't involved in terrorist activities.

>still applauds while the jews justify it as a brave move

What do you call all the news coverage of the Riots in Baltimore?


yeah because a couple billion dollars is totally worth attempting to stop a retard with a knife stabbing some people, we can't be bothered to help starving people in Africa even if that would just be a few million dollars, but when it comes to saving a literal handful of Americans from dying to terrorism, trillions can be wasted, even if all it really does is make people feel better about it

and that's putting aside the fact that anti-terrorism operations probably create more terrorists than they kill, why do you think their are more now then there were after 9/11?

What about Wuncler II?

Is this bait, or are you being serious right now?

I'm merely stating that's objectively what we already do. Its not "some crazy idea Trump came up with".

>Trump is also advocating take down the families who aren't involved in terrorist activities.
We already do this too. Drone strikes aren't very precise.

which part that we waste so much money fighting terrorism despite things like gun violence and drugs being much larger domestic killers than terrorism?

or that "anti-terrorist" operations largely just create more terrorists? Because that one should be pretty obvious by now

At least when Obama hit civilians they could claim it was an accident, when Trump does it we know it wont be an accident. So you put a very bloodthirsty man in charge of the worlds most powerful army

Have fun with that

You speak like American hasn't put billions into fighting drugs, a war which has been a waste of money, time and life.

Except that Obama literally didn't want to cut spending to unfuck the national debt, no Democrat wants to cut spending. The best you can get is what recently happened in California where they didn't pass single-payer healthcare because they realized it would literally require double the existing budget of the state to fund.

>he said, as he got on his high horse

I mean we waste money on tons of stuff, which is part of the problem

we aren't spending money we are wasting it

War on drugs is another perfect example because we probably don't need to be fighting it and the way we fight arguably makes the problems worse not better

Obama can't cut spending, congress can
>no Democrat wants to cut spending
First or second term? Because Obama's second term had congress ruled by Republicans.

So your entire problem is that Trump is honest about it, but you wish he'd not be honest about it like Obama?

>anti-terrorism operations probably create more terrorists than they kill

Whether it was an accident or not doesn't change anything for the families who lost their loved ones to drone strikes.

I'd wish that you didn't hit civilians, but it's bound to happen with drone strikes because of how hard it is to identify something. So I'd rather go with the one who said that the 2 year dying was an accident and not a missions success

oh please, show me a republican that has seriously attempted to balance the budget on the national level in the last 20 years, they love cutting taxes and some times cutting spending, but they aren't any better at balancing the budget

Can't even have a nice Boondocks thread

The wahabis has said that they don't care, they would attack us anyways.

>equates racial/religious insults with the US military literally murdering people's families

yeah being PC really won't change or hurt anything, I mean no matter what you will get some Muslims going all Columbine on us, but literally every race does that sometimes, Americans are just stupid and label it something special when a Muslim does it

But that kinda shit isn't what creates ISIS

Didn't John Mcafee run from president at the time. What if he somehow won?

That's a dry well, user. All the good Trump gags have been played out and memed him into office:


>But that kinda shit isn't what creates ISIS

Islam is what creates groups like ISIS and the hundreds of other Islamic terrorist organizations around the world, because it's an inherent part of Islamic scripture and ideology.

So I don't really care if some terrorist and his seven terrorist wives get blown up.

Trump has been the butt of jokes since the 80s. The only difference today is the people who loved him the most, liberals, turned on him when he ran for president.

oh sure blame Islam, and not the US intervention during the Soviets war in Afghanistan which was the thing that started this whole mess.

Riley would have a crisis of faith when Gangstalicious goes pro-Trump because the rapper is tired of how the (now super-liberal) entertainment paradigm has shifted into forcing him to be TOO GAY (like so homo that butch fags won't even give him the time of day) just to stay relevant:


>actually being this ignorant
yeah devastating their nation had nothing to do with it at all

its just a coincidence that terrorists appeared in Afghanistan, after it was devastated by Soviet invasion and then in Iraq after American invasion

Sup Forumsfaggotry ruins another thread, what a surprise

Oncler 1 is Bush senior or maybe Prescot bush.

I agree. Simply play trump straight. I'd take it one step further.

The shit I really want is Uncle Rukkus on Trump.

A dumbass wouldn't have gotten past the primaries. There are at least some things, like media savvy and self promotion that he's best in the world at.

>I'm pretty shocked how many people buy into just hearing what they want to be told even when its an obvious lie
Pay more attention. This is actually very common.

He's just a symptom of the divide.

Don't underestimate choosing quality personnel as a skill.

Trump episode is just a repeat of the Obama episode with Huey being just as apathetic to the change of guard as he was when the first black president came into power while the requisite fat-headed (and hypocritical) riots about how the election was rigged take place. The climax of the episode has him help special guest star Dolph Lundgren fight off angry ANTIFA members who accuse him of being a Russian hacker.

B-story where Grandpa is constantly accused of only liking Bernie Sanders because he looks like a black version of Bernie. A Prince and the Pauper kind of story takes place where they switch places (Grandpa just says he got a tan and that's why he's so black-looking) so that Sanders can escape his Fraud investigation drama for a while. Infuriated that one man can have so many houses, Robert uses his title as "Bernie" to give the less nicer ones to down on their luck families. Meanwhile, U. Ruckus loves the all-new white version of Robert.

They're literally just doing what they're told to in the Qur'an and Hadiths.

They've been doing it hundreds of years before the United States or Soviet Union even existed, and they'll keep doing it until Islam is wiped out.

So no, America and Russia aren't to blame for people following the teachings of a genocidal child rapist like Mohammad.

Its hard to tell what you know less about

Islam or history

Why not both?

Can we fucking talk about the Boondocks, please?

its a classic perfect show

assuming you ignore the 4th season ever happened

Actually, the problem is that I know too much about both.

Which is why I know better than to believe such silly historical revisionism as "its the west's fault that muslims refuse to act like human beings".

The Dems being retarded doesn't change the fact that Trump is widely hated. The fact that there was even a contest in some of these special elections is a testament to the fragility of the Trump administration. What surprises me is that, with both parties so obviously incapable of getting shit done, why isn't a serious third party starting to emerge? Now is the time.

>refuse to act like human beings
>He says while calming he knows to much about history

Jeb, relax. It's over. You tried.

The third season finale was goddamn perfection. Especially as a bookend to Season 1 opening (Huey imagines he can send the white people into riot with THE TRUTH vs Truth is powerless against power).

somehow I only just now got that Wuncler's name is supposed to be a riff on the Onceler

Wuncler II is just a sociopath

You're not using meme arrows right.
You're supposed to use them to point out a contradiction.