Why does Calvin work as an annoying jerk when many other 'childish/immature characters' in Sup Forums are just...

Why does Calvin work as an annoying jerk when many other 'childish/immature characters' in Sup Forums are just unlikable assholes?

Because there's more to him than just that. Yes he can be a little shit, but a) he doesn't do it out of malice, and b) he's not always a brat.

Because him being a jerk followed by a waaaaacky grin isn't typically the punchline

He's often a jerk but he never goes far with it because most of it is only verbal and if he does do something really bad then he really regrets it afterwards and tries to make amends.

Because he's a kid.

Children always have sociopathic tendencies because the pathways in the brain that facilitate social behavior haven't fully developed until you're 6.

Hence why being a dick as a child is funny, and being a dick as an adult is a problem.

Whats honestly the worst thing he's done? Not eat his dinner? Cover the driveway with snow?

He wrecked the car once.

Because we also see his good side too, and because when he does bad things he almost always gets punished for it.

His actions have consequences and we're supposed to empathize with the people he annoys.

Bad "jerk" characters get what they want all the time and are expected to be unconditionally loved without a display of positive traits.

Pee on stuff.

He knocked out Suzie Derkins's eyeball

The most damaging thing he ever did was break the binoculars which cost 500 dollars.

Impregnate his babysitter.

Chevrolet will never recover

There wasn't any damage and his Mom didn't even ground him for it. It was an accident.

The noodle incident.

You can't prove he did that.

What is the noodle incident

oh come on! Don't bring slander into a conversation about Calvin and Hobbes

We don't talk about it.

Probably the darkest that Calvin and Hobbes ever got

I always thought it was over the line.

If you're genuinely asking(which means you've never read the comic, which you should. Like right now), there's a running gag where the characters mention a "Noodle Incident" which is only mentioned, and never explained. It can be assumed Calvin did something and there was grief for everyone involved.

because he's so much like us.

I always liked that one.

Leave this thread right now.

>"dropped it"

I put my money on locking the babysitter out of the house.

Thank you for showing me the way

Didn't he skip school one time? I vaguely remember something like that. If not, probably his antics with Rosalyn. Really, most of his stuff was harmless in the end. Half of his jerk moments were with Hobbes.

A genuine sense of wonder and whimsy

he flooded the house once
