Beautiful Canvas #1

>You're overthinking it.

Bought it as a blind buy this afternoon after seeing it was featured in the first issue of PanelXPanel.

Now let's take a peek at what the hub-bub is about...



















Pretty art.



What is this about? Worth reading?





I've never even heard of Black Mask.

But I'll read this because I saw some Twitter people shilling it yesterday.




Oh right, is PanelxPanel out? What's the verdict?



Thanks for reading.

Seriously though, support the official release.

Ok what in the goddamn hell is even going on?

Wow, it's a fucking superhero comic!!!!1!!

bump fo reading

While i don't have the faintest idea of what the hell is going on, it at least picked my interest, and it has potential to be something good.
Thanks for the story time op.

>coke off carrot
already lame.

look up space riders, my man


thanks Norrin