Can a movie's ending really ruin a movie for you?

Can a movie's ending really ruin a movie for you?

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The ending of The Matrix Revolutions ruined an entire trilogy for me. Not Sup Forums-related, I guess, but there you go.

I can't watch Chinatown ever again. I don't know about animated films tho.
Animal Farm is fine because we know how the story ended in real life.

Wait, what was wrong with Chinatown's ending?

forget it, user
it's Chinatown


user that was the whole point of the story. That their revolution and all the talk about equality was complete B.S. Not having it ruins the message of the story

He meant the ending in where they overthrow the pigs.

Not really. Generally you know how a movie is gonna end anyway. Really it's how you get there that's important. Plus is recent movies of all makes it's been hard to really get any with a great ending, even if the movies are good. So knowing it doesn't make a difference.

If I really enjoyed it up until then it wouldn't be "ruined," but it would bring down my overall opinion slightly. Partly because an ending feels more "haha fuck you" than something similar happening in the middle would, but also just because if I don't like it, I don't like it. Not gonna deny what I did like before then either though.

For it to ruin the entire thing for me it'd have to be either ridiculously bad, or I didn't like the movie much in the first place.

Well that just doesn't work thematically at all. Sounds like the book was better.

Love interest fucked the badguy (who is her dad), and her "sister" is her incest daughter. Movie ends with love interest getting shot to death by police, badguy takes incest daughter with him and gets away with absolutely everything, and Jake is told to leave it all alone.

It's a fantastic movie, but the ending is guaranteed to piss you off.

Yup. The animated movie just goes "jk good guys win yay."

>the book was better
That's usually the case.

True story - the animated Animal Farm was partially funded by the CIA. The new ending was made to inspire counter-revolutionary movements in Soviet controlled countries.

yes,a shity ending can be detrimental for a good movie,thought i can think of any example now,strange

I don't see what the problem with the animated ending is. It's not some happy ending where they live happily ever after. Those animals are fucking dead. They don't know how to run a farm and no humans will take them. They'll fucking starve.

The problem was that the movie was funded by the United States government during the red scare, so they couldn't have a piece of fiction that depicted communists winning.

They changed the ending in the live action adaptation too.

Only in this version a couple of the animals escape, go in to hiding and return a few years later after Napoleon died and a new family bought the farm.

Stupid, but I really liked the casting in that one. Patrick Stewart was Napoleon and Kelsie Grammer was Snowball.

> that fucking cop out
>"And they lived happily ever after."
Has Nolan even fucking read batman?

the pigs did nothing wrong
all the other animals where just too stupid and uneducated to understand the pigs vision
they got killed by racism and neo nazis

He wanted an actual ending instead of the eternal status quo all other Batmen are condemned to. TDKR was poorly executed, but if Batman had an end it would be something like that.

Yeah, the communiists won in the book, but it's portrayed at one of the baddest ends that could happen.

The point was that Orwell was obsessed with Stalinists hiding under bed. 1984 was shit as well.

>but if Batman had an end it would be something like that.

I beg to differ

I guess the pigs literally morphing into humans wasn't on the nose enough.

Casuals already bitch about Batman being fascist. Having him actually building a paramilitary is just pouring gasoline on that fire.

real animalism has never been tried!

Just wait till the furries take over.

Explain Serbia then.

Spending months freezing in a Spanish trench only for the communists to end up selling the entire revolution and engage in witch hunts will do that to you.

If we're perfectly honest Bruce does have some pseudo-fascist tendencies because of his obsession with his "war on crime". the Miller ending makes the most sense for him.

who was in the wrong here?

Kek and checked.

>Guys this movie will show you how evil Communism is
Alright show me what happens
>The pigs end up really rich and pampered while the common worker has to live with much less
Oh wow that's terrible. What happens under your capitalist system?

The only good for of government is one where humans are not a part of it
Machine overlords > Human overlords

Batman moving to Paris wouldn't stop him being Batman, tho.
The only way he could really retire is moving out into the woods somewhere.

This image alone could be applied to the current situation in the US.

What happens in it?

Spoiler tag it if you want

>Oh wow that's terrible. What happens under your capitalist system?
The pigs end up really rich and pampered while the common worker has to live with much less but has the chance to improve his circumstances


I'm currently reading For Whom The Bell Tolls and holy shit it's account of the Spanish Civil War makes me want to just give up on any sort of idealism.

You really trolled him.

Neo runs into a literal Deus Ex Machina that allows him to re-enter the Matrix and fight Smith in a DBZ ripoff (seriously, it's a total ripoff) but then Smith absorbs Neo and they both explode and the Machines suddenly call off the war.

That's how I remember it at least. It's been years.

oh is that what they tell you? Go run for President, tell me how that goes.

I just find it difficult to believe that, of all things, Batman ends up building an army out of random street thugs. He barely likes working with people he can trust, nevermind former criminals.

DCAU Batman Beyond seems more Bruce's style.

are you going to pretend for a second that hilary cared in the slightest about the working class or that democrats give the tinyest bit of a fuck about them?
at least if trump sells them out tthey got to choose their executioner

They should've just shown the animals starving and eating each other like the Ukrainians did. A far more accurate portrayal of Communism.

I was thinking that Boxer right there represents the average Trump voter.

>you need to become president to improve your life
you can always tell a poster who never experienced life under communism

I don't disagree with you, but that's the point. It's Chinatown, not Hollywood. The ending is intentionally miserable and cynical. Much like Roman Polanski's own life. He raped a little girl and has been living it up in Europe avoiding extradition for 40 something years. Sometimes life is a fucking bitch and the villain wins.

i know


>I just find it difficult to believe that, of all things, Batman ends up building an army out of random street thugs.

The problem with the brooding figure of darkness is that he can't be a symbol of anything other than fear and revenge. If Gotham were to change, it needs a preventative symbol of compassion and goodness that would-be criminals see and refuse to turn to crime, which means for Bruce to have a happy ending, he needs to inspire people and learn to work with them as Batman because doing it as Bruce clearly isn't working. If Gotham ever gets to the point where the average thug is more interested in violence and tribal culture than money or status, as it did in TDKR universe, a pseudo-fascist societal protection gang is the only real way for them to be a positive influence on Gotham without completely changing their nature.

I'm a democrat and I definitely care about the working class. That's why I support taxing the most wealthy to provide them more benefits, because the working class are the ones actually creating all that wealth.

So you admit you couldn't become President.

And why not? What prevents it? Ask yourself that before talking about how everyone in a capitalism can climb to the top

>I'm a democrat
what a shock
>i care about the working class
thats why you vote to tax the middle class?
remember user?
remember we have to tax the middle class?
you know whats ugly user?
lies are ugly
telling lies makes you an ugly person

>if you can't literally become president, there's no upwards mobility

Capitalism definitely isn't perfect but you sound like a middle schooler who just learned about communism

the sad thing is, this would be a legitimate views of a professor in the modern age tasked with understanding Animal Farm.

I would recommend Orwell's own Homage To Catalonia as well.

You know it's more productive if you argue against what a person actually says instead of making shit up as a strawman

I consider making over 100k to be wealthy, not middle class. And yes, we should tax them more so people who make under 50k can get more benefits.

Orwell was obsessed with needlessly totalitarian societies, and guess what the biggest totalitarian society on Earth was when he was alive?

No, I can't look at this picture, too soon.

That's not an ending, though
Batman doesn't stop being Batman there, he just keeps working from behind the shadows there

Nolan wanted an ending where he actually washed his hands of it all, for good

Orwell was a filthy commie himself. Animal Farm is basically NOT REAL COMMUNISM in the form of a narrative

i did
he said he is a democrat, pro working class and pro taxing the rich and not the working class
when the democrat candidate openly stated in a speech she wanted to tax the middle class
sorry your bias makes you half blind

No because I'm not a "character I like should have been rewarded and character I don't like should have gotten their comeupance" buttburglar.

how about we tax the people making over 40k so the people making half of that dont suffer?
also nice 100k backpedaling, nobody ever said middle class starts at 100k

>the comic is out of character, he should act more like in the adaptation!
Casuals should be banned.


The ending is the final payoff of the work. It doesn't matter how good the rest of it is if you don't stick in the landing. It takes you out of what you liked and taints the work on rewatches

You forgot the part where Neo spouts some gibberish straight out of Camus when Smith asks him why he's fighting. It's the ultimate symbol of how the Wachowskis weren't smart enough to make a smart movie, but they sure were dumb enough to try.

Also the part where Trinity gets killed and then takes like 20 minutes to die, to the point that you just get bored and want her to get on with it.

I actually hated this, I usually stop reading at Bruce's funeral

Orwell had zero love for Stalin or Russia.

Neo agreed to be a carrier of a virus designed to destroy Smith, saving the Matrix, and in exchange, the Machines called off their semi-annual culling of Zion. The catch was that he had to be absorbed to trick Smith into assimilating the virus. That does make the prolonged DBZ fight scene so much sound & fury signifying nothing, since why would Neo fight if he HAD to be assimilated? But the rest of it is a pretty straight-forward "hero sacrifices himself to stop the villain and save everyone" Christ analogy.

Plenty of people who lived under commism regret that period. In fact since the fall of the USSR the communist party has been coming 2nd in literally every election in Russia.
And then there's this Edgy Romanians on Sup Forums can bitch and moan as much as they want, it's not been better since, except if you like your women literally whoring themselves out to western Europe.

>all democrats support the same stances on every issue

Also if you watch the actual video that started that claim, she said "we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class." What politician in their right mind would ever say they'd raise taxes on the middle class? Even if they believe that, it's politics 101 in america that everyone considers themselves middle class for some reason

Fuck you dude, even if TDK and TDKSA are done by Miller and on paper they're still technically alternate timelines anyways.

Just like DCAU Batman Beyond was a different universe.

Tell me, in what other Batman comic has Bruce been shown to teach masses of random street thugs his techniques and unite them under his banner with no real vetting whatsoever? I'll wait.

TBF they kind of were at the time.

Fuck you, cockstain. I make 32k a year, and you know who gets fucking shafting by all your progressive horseshit? Fucking me. I haven't had a raise since 2008, but my taxes sure as fuck have gone up by almost $1,000 in that time. And that's a god damned fuckhuge chunk of my budget. You can believe in unicorn rainbow farts all you fucking want, but that is not the god damned reality.

And he had good reason to, he spent much of his youth fighting commies just to come to the US and be told by his left-leaning intellectual friends that communism is totally the way of the future, guys.
In a way, we need an Orwell of the modern era to slap the pissbuckets waving the hammer and sickle on college campuses.

Thatr's just called "fuck Stalin".

he contradicted himself on the first thing he said
i called him out on it
deal with it
not everyone can handle an argument like me, i than growing up with very angry lawyer parents

>And yes, we should tax them more so people who make under 50k can get more benefits.
Every time I think the Sup Forumsumblr meme is a myth, someone comes along and makes a post like this.


Also note that the machines literally win because status quo is all they ever wanted and billions of humans are still in that matrix.

Better Orwell work coming through!

>2nd in literally every election in Russia
Like Putin would ever let any other party have any power whatsoever.
Orwell was at most a socialist, and his ideals shifted greatly over the course of his life.

This is one of the most fedora things I've ever read

>No one is as much of a master debater as I am. It's a curse.

He didn't contradict himself because
a) he never stated that he supported taxing the middle class, you just assumed that because a different democrat said that
b) Hillary never said that
c) Middle class =/= working class

why do you assume people will benefit more from your tax money than from the their employers not paying those taxes?

corporations and big business are an economical system of their own, you're better off taping on their output than their input to receive wealth to invest.

No, Orwell was obsessed with Stalin.
That is why in 1984, literally everything, down to the mustachioed Dictator, the timeline of English Socialism, the Trotsky analogue, etc is just "The USSR but with gin instead of vodka and on a 20 year time delay."
Asimov ripped 1984 a new asshole and the only reason it or Animal Farm were popular is that they served the interests of Red Scare propagandists.

>>all democrats support the same stances on every issue
No, but they have very effective party whips to keep everyone in line, they turn on each other very quickly. There is definitely a split or restructuring on the horizon, though. If the mid terms are as much as a slaughter as the projections are saying.

>I haven't had a raise since 2008, but my taxes sure as fuck have gone up by almost $1,000 in that time.
What the fuck gave you the idea that had anything to do with politics? That's inflation and your employer being a dicksneeze (which is usually allowed by ecnomic liberal policies, and by that I don't mean commies).

Orwell was a socialist and Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. It's primarily a critique of Stalinism specifically.

>he never stated that he supported taxing the middle class
he did by proxy
>Hillary never said that
>n- noo she meant she loves cats
save it
>Middle class =/= working class
wrong, working class can very well be lower middle class. This isnt 1800
argument over, congrats on squeezing an extra reply out of me

Orwell very clearly hated the economic systems of capitalism and communism but no one seems to grasp this

>trickle down totally works you guys! Any day now!
>A consistently lowering of taxes on the wealthy over the past 40 years totally hasn't led to a constantly widening wealth gap between the rich and poor!

Asimov is a fucking meme, its all about muh boi Dick.

Eltsin was pretty lad tough. I can't imagine what Bush/Obama/Trump having such a good time with Putin would have resulted in in the internet era.