Whats the deal with this Sup Forumsmpany war?

>Every thread I see
>MCucks say DC is too dark and not fun.
> But I never hear what Dchads have to say about them.
Why do Dceu fans hate the Marvel movies?

>same plot over and over and over and over again
>all characters are Iron Man copies
>Super shitty villains
>giant plot holes(the president could have escaped with the armor,he knew how to pilot it)

Kill yourself Sup Forums cancer. The board would be better without you.

DC films have poorly executed depth, whereas Marvel films do a great job aspiring to nothing.

I don't.

Movie tickets are like 7-10 dollars, you'd have to be a fucking retard to not see both due to some kind of idiotic sense of brand loyalty.

What if we skip the ones we're not interested in

That's cool too user, watch whatever you want, as long as you're watching it because you want to and not because you've been brainwashed into mindlessly supporting one corporation over another.

I hate the whole concept of the cinematic universe and think Marvel fucking poisoned cinema with it. It's nothing but a clever marketing trick to fool dumb people into going to see films; a serialization of what were typically standalone affairs.

Both DC and Marvel films don't have a soul. They are company-controlled, focus group-tested products. The differences lie in tone and style:
Marvel films are fun and their characters, by and large, desperately attempt to be likable by being quirky and funny. Overall, it's like going to a large house party - you wake up the next morning with little memory of what happened but you know you had a good time.
DC, on the other hand, is like somebody's thesis on superheroes - it is dry and boring with numerous references to mythology and art. Much like sitting around a table with a few good friends, drinking and talking about philosophy and politics - with the occasional joke here and there. The next day you might still think about some of the points in the conversation but with contemplation rather than fondness.

Nah, I haven't seen any DCEU movies but that's because they've mostly looked like shit until WW.

And I haven't seen that because My brother died about a month ago and I haven't left the house much since then.

And Spider-Man was his favorite character, too.

I honestly think it's kids under 22 with nothing better to care about.

>but with contemplation rather than fondness.
Their movies are really, really dumb tho, full of obvious mistakes, plot holes and horrible decisions that very clearly hurt them.

They make you contemplate in the same way that the Prequel of Star Wars make you contemplate.

But WW was fun.

Aww geez, hope things get better for you user.

Don't hate them at all my top superhero films are...
1.) The Dark Knight
2.) Man of Steel
3 & 4.) Winter Soldier = Civil War
5,6 & 7.) GOTG = X-men DOFP = Doctor Strange

thank you sir

Sorry user, my grandmother & mom's cousin just died.
Sent a prayer your families way.

Speaking the fucking truth.

Go to Sup Forums for childish fights between anons that suck a corporate's cock.

Haven't watched a movie from Marvel Studios but for Civil War. I'm going to see Spider-Man (albeit begrudgingly) because Spidey was my first superhero. I'm embarrassed to say I really hope it fails literally because it's "not muh Spidey"

Please don't mean to imply that Marvel movies are in any way intelligent.
This user
summed it up pretty well, though.

When my dad died there were a couple things coming out over the next few months that we were going to watch together. It was emotional to see them without him, but it did help me feel better to see them and think about how he would have liked them. Homecoming might be good for you.
It took over a year before I was able to watch the one we were planning to go to on the day after he died.

Superman should always be in the front