Post brutal violence. Bonus points if there's Mortal-Kombat-Fatality-esque creativity

Post brutal violence. Bonus points if there's Mortal-Kombat-Fatality-esque creativity.





And a ching chong nip nong to you too young man



This one's not so bad.



The hell is this?



The chink editions of Tony Wong's Jademan Comics, which are technically American comics. These are just the cover produced for the chick releases.










Is there anything in comics more satisfying than a Punisher kill?





>mfw the guy who did all those bloody chinese comics actually did a Batman story, "Batman -
Hong Kong"

>These are just the cover produced for the chick releases.
Do the covers have ANYTHING to do with what's going on inside, or is it just Silver Age-style fuckery?

See: for an example of what the comics were like.

If anything they were actually more insane than the covers.

banned in europe





Hi! Welcome to Sup Forums! You fucking nigger!

Jesus Christ!!
Manga Jackie Jokers doesn't fuck around does he?!?

This was so much better and so much gorier than anyone could have ever realistically expected it to be.

he only drew it not wrote it

I'm so sorry.

Judge Dredd has some good ones. I'd post a few but all my Dredd stuff is on my other computer.


you got the classic Ec stuff which at times gets pretty brutal

>not getting the joke

The head should be
Im disappointed by this fact




explain it then

You have to go back.