
Time for two old men to babble

Quigley is like a really verbose emo kid.

why is his reflection blinking

Yes, this is what I waited for this whole time. Now we need them to shittalk each others sports teams, and put their kids against each other in junior league baseball teams.

That wouldn't work so well when Duane would cheer for everyone (while telling Sette that stealing bases isn't literal; and to stop cheating) and Quigs would just not care

Now I'm just imagining Sette actually digging up the bases and running off with them so that she can't be tagged out by the person standing on the base...

I don't know, but the way the panels are arranged, it's very clearly not a mistake-- there's something wonky going on.

Something has the stormbringers and water women "frantic" and now Quig's reflection is all funky... I think it's connected.

Also, Quigs is complaining that there's "too much shit on the lines". Something big is going on pymarically, here.

I love Duane/Quiqs interactions. They'd make a great buddy cop movie.

>implying she wouldn't have her lil bronze nigga spin up webs to trip up the competition

The blink.

Oh hey they're back, that's neat but for a moment there I thought this comic was going to be about some asshole I don't a fuck about

I want to see the Quigley play so bad.

One in the capital features a rather big star in paleface.

You know, thinking about it, Quigley having a fucking play made about his sadsack life is intensely funny. Plus if you actually knew him you could give him neverending shit about it.

>Time for two old men to babble

Good, let's do this for like two or three more pages. These guys are the best.

Given how dismissive Duane is and his, rather inappropriate, excitement for the play, I wonder if Matty withheld or fudged on some details. Otherwise, that's a pretty flippant response to someone whose wife died.

>Hey Quigley, what's worse than a Sharte in a bank vault?
>The crescian that owns the bank?

Aww fuck, that gave me quite a giggle.

So Quigley's about to say something like "I wish i'd given Cresce something that could win them the war" and Duane's gonna go full political.

I think he already knows Quigley's views on Alderode at this point, he wasn't shy about stating them when they first met.

Calling it now Quigley was the one that told Alderode about the Uaid. He thought they would just confiscate it but things got messy real fast and everyone died.

I don't get why they randomly change back and forth between Aldish tounge and regular speak

People go back and forth on that.
Quig was working for the ald's when it happened and seem to have found out about the situation soon enough to get their moments after the torture.

The questions are
how did he learn of it so quick
why would he have given uaid up if he did
who leaked the Uaid news
Why does he blame himself so much

>Duane wants so badly for Quigley to speak with him in Tainish and Quigley knows it.
From the patreon

I thought the reflection was actually the vision of his dead wife, considering she was also a plat with glasses that could work. He remembers her tragic death, feels like shit but prefers to blame it on "storm".

Is there a translation for the Aldish that's used on this page?

Will Duane and Quigley finally become friends??

Quigley isn't allowed friends.

It seems plainly apparent Duane knows nothing about the play or Quigs himself.

When the subject of dead wives comes up, I expect someone to get accusatory, the other to follow suit, and the pair to be at one another's throats again.

If you were from a bilingual country like Alderode, or the Philippines, you'd get it.

The first thing Duane says means "everything is alright". Dunno about the rest.

Weren't they just on a giant in a river?

>Duane trying to seduce Quigs into the mother-tongue

there's smut material somewhere in here

I think it was mentioned a long time ago who leaked the Uaid news and it wasn't Quigley-- I can't remember the chapter, but I vividly remember the panel. Or maybe I'm imagining it.

But we do know Quigley loves money, and it was Vivienne who wanted to keep the ogre and make a construct to donate to the resistance. So...

They are.