Who would win in a fist fight? no gadgets allowed

Who would win in a fist fight? no gadgets allowed.

Stark would almost certainly lose. Hes a tech guy, not a bruiser.

>>At first I thought it was a stupid thread
>>But then I thought about it

That's a great point, OP.

Luis was in a prison and actually knows how to fight. I'm pretty sure he takes down two security guards in one punch each.

Stark is a tech guy and we have no reason to believe he can hold his own without a suit, every fight he has involves him using at least part of a n Iron Man suit.

>"Ex" con vs pampered ceo.

Lewis wins.But.....

>"ex" con vs Ceo who has become a crime fighter.

After becoming iron man we see Tony training. Yeah it was played off as a joke at the time, but assuming stark stuck with the boxing and mma and paid for good instructors then he could possibly reach a point where he could win.

The thing is Lewis is basically a realistic one punch man.

He just needs to get one clean punch on Tony and he wins

There may be no gadgets, but can Lewis summon the power of a lipsynced exposition flashback written by Edgar Wright whenever he wants?

tony wins because people are forgetting that he spars with cap America and can fight

Luis is a metahuman with the power of single punch K.Os, so he wins.


>vanessa on kof15

what wizardry is this

>Juan Punch Man
>vs Iron Manlet
It's not even a contest.

Iron Man is an AVENGER

fuck out of here with this crap

>inb4 "he's nothing without the suit"
He knows this, which is why he would not lose

Definitely Juan Punch Man

Tony just threatened Scott, and Iron Man heard that Luis has a bottle of whiskey in his house.

Who wins?

>Luis has knocked out two trained security guards and is the only guy at the prison who was able to knock out Peachy
>Tony couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag
Luis has fucking got this

Everyone seems to forget Iron Man 3 ( what ever, hate it all you want it's still canon) that Tony has learned some martial arts, namely Wing Chun. In the movie he's able to hold off multiple armed assailants with just a boot and guantlet. Tony knows how to fight. Tony would win, he's a fucking avenger.

THAT SAID, I would still like to see luis win anyways.

What? So if you know you're a complete imbecile that means you can solve really hard equations out of nowhere?

No it means Tony would train to be useful with out his armor. He's a fucking genius.

> just a boot and guantlet

A rocket boot and a gauntlet that shoots fucking pulse blasts. The argument is is whether or not he can win without a suit (or any parts), and we haven't seen anything to suggest he can.

But we haven't seen him successfully fight without his armor, whereas Luis has a track record of being able to successfully knock people out cold with one punch. We don't have any scenes of Tony being useful without his armor or pieces of it.

True, we have only seen him in one fight with out his armor. To be fair he had just expended the use of his hand watch blaster to temporarily stun Buckey in Civil War. He showed signs of CQC during the small scuffle. He took a punch from the super strong Buckey to the face and stayed conscious, keeping a black eye for the rest of the film. Luis is someone with a good punch, something Tont is used to at this point. :/


In Civil War Tony managed to fend off brainwashed Winter Soldier and he didn't have a suit (sans the glove at the end).

I'd still root for Luis tho.

>written by Edgar Wright
The Luis exposition scenes were written after he was shit-canned.

Tony is a no-show to the fight, later found passed out on Luis' couch.