Serious question: is this the worst design in the history of design?

Serious question: is this the worst design in the history of design?

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OP, it was the worst season in the history of seasons.

Idk, all Beast Machines designs were utter shit, but that one is pretty bad

His fucking head was designed to look like a BMX rider with headphones on, fucking puke, Beast Machines reeks of late 90s

Is this some kind of fetish?

HOLY FUCK I had this toy as a kid

No, this is.

Primal, Cheetor, Silverbolt and most of the Vehicons didn't look too bad.

>didn't look too bad

You ALMOST had a good point. ALMOST

But yeah, the rest of the guys you mentioned looked ok.


Found it. Damn op, way to dig up that repressed memory

The Beast Machines designs are fucking weird.

>shitty Samurai bird man
>didn't look bad


Beast Machines was the worst show in the early 2000s and is arguably up there for "worst Canadian cartoon" with Johnny Test and the middle TDI seasons.



Why did Dan Didio tell the writers of BM not to watch BW?

One of you are going to answer this user , you don't show me these
and leave me with more questions than answers at night.

Loose canoon. Beast machines Is etter though.

Beast wars is babys first transformer.

>Optimus becomes a hippie
>Rattrap goes from being best boi to "useless tech guy"
>Blackarachnia pines for Silverbolt 24/7
>Silverbolt becomes Jim Carrey jet and then angsty samurai chicken
>Rhinox likes being evil
>Waspinator's happy ending gets overridden
>"Technology iz bad u gaiz! We shouldn't be sentient robots anymore!"
>Nightscream is an emo faggot

>MFW that one contrarian shitposter says all of the above is better than Beast Wars

Beast Machines is literally one of the worst Transformers series of all time, it's down in the shit pile with the first RiD and the Unicron Trilogy

Beast Wars is near the top, and even Rescue Bots is so much better than Beast Machines

But user, Beast Wars had a fart joke and slap stick humor. Therefore it is infinitely inferior to everything. Forever.

bleh. All the transformation consist in move 45 degrees rat's head.

Controversial even by the standards of other Transformers reinventions, Beast Machines is remembered by some as a series which tried to tackle heavy philosophical concepts, discussing such issues like what it meant to live in an increasingly technological society, the dichotomy between the desires of the individual and the needs of the whole, the inevitability of conflict and inequality in a free society, the ugly consequences of fanaticism, and the paradox of a living technological world. Story editor Bob Skir describes the series as a "religious epic novel for television". Most of the Transformers franchise lore about sparks, their abilities, and the mechanism of their life cycle, was introduced or developed in this series.
The series amassed many detractors early on, who complained that core cast portrayals were inconsistent with how these personalities had been established over the years of the preceding Beast Wars series. Examples include Megatron being a far grimmer villain with a completely different agenda from before; Rattrap appearing to be too cowardly; Rhinox apparently choosing to become a villain (though it sounded like he was no longer in his right mind); and, later on, Silverbolt being a grim, vengeance-driven soldier with none of his former goofy-noble personality. Critics also alleged a "hippie" agenda behind Beast Machines, with Optimus Primal becoming an anti-technology guru (it was actually intentional that Primal was going too far and he'd moderate his views in Season 2), and criticised Bob Skir's decision that the Maximals would not use guns (though big swords and highly destructive laser blasts were okay).

>Let's me show the worst version of BM Rattrap

It's a McDonald's toy.

note: it's an alternate universe design that's already considered WTF and is considered worse than the original (stat wise)

I don't know what the worst character design ever is, but I'm positive that it was conceptualized by a member of the furry community.

It looks like a rejected overwatch character

At least RiD had cool-ass designs like Fire Convoy, Rail Racer, Landfill.

Also, Rescue Bots is cozykino.

Goddamn, I had forgotten this existed, and I kinda liked it back then.

The only bits I liked was Megatron impersonating a holo G1 Prime, and Optimal Megatron vs Optimus.

If this show didn't have the same voice actors I would think it's a complete reboot.

Despite threads of plot continuity essentially no characters behaves in the way they do in BW

>"Technology iz bad u gaiz! We shouldn't be sentient robots anymore!"

The "technology was bad" thing was later revealed as/rewritten as Primal misinterpreting the Oracle's message, and Primal was written as a zealot until he realized the error of his ways. The second season was all about the balance between technology and organic. Everything else is generally true.

>those Dreamcast graphics

>tfw don't think this show is as bad as everyone in the fandom constantly yells it is
>>all of the above is better than Beast Wars
Yeah no. And that technology vs nature shit was so cliche it was annoying.

There's robot people on those buildings living their robot lives and oblivious to the robots fighting?

The moment I looked at that it felt like I stepped into a David Cage game and now I'm scared Sup Forums

All the characters were just so ... Off.

They all lacked that "something" that made them who they were in Beast Wars, despite being similar on the surface.

They literally had completely different personalities.

I have this fucking toy

The only part of the BM that was good was the ending

Megatron jacking Optimus' end-BW body was pretty good, though Dragon Megatron was infinitely better than that body

i hate that robot-design but i fucking LOVE his beast mode
i love it so much i even bought this japanese edition of figure just to have cool looking shiny metallic green robo-rat

but yeah i never transform it

Nope. You are just faggot.

Are you referring strictly to Transformers or all of media? Because Problem Solverz is a thing. solverz&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMpPPavejUAhXC2SYKHTwhC9UQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=645


Beast Wars had the best fucking toy line. The Mcdonalds ones for the poor kids while still making them feel special and the big boys had the lead painted shit.

are you fucking with people

Remember the time they had an immortal insane cannibal serial killer crab tank robot?

I hate his color

It looks like a sewer rat

I once tried to think of ways to make Beast Machines less shitty, purely as a creative writing exercise. The best I could come up with was "make everyone more in-character", "no Nightscream", "introduce more of the toyline characters e.g. Dinobots" and "give Waspinator his happy ending, damn it"

Honestly, those aren't half-bad ideas

>no Nightscream

I liked Nightscream.

At least, conceptually and with a different head. I mean the bat mode design was cool and I liked his wing legs

>e.g. Dinobots
Wait, there were Beast Machines Dinobots?

There is nothing wrong with samurai bird.

So no then