Post a comfier Sup Forums location than Arnold's bedroom. Go ahead, I'll wait

Post a comfier Sup Forums location than Arnold's bedroom. Go ahead, I'll wait.

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>No TV or Video games


He said comfy, not lonely and filled with despair

You don't need those. You just lie on your bed and listen to some jazz while looking up at your window.


Golden Oak Library

Good luck with the varying heights if you live there.
One day you're taller than the counter, the next you'll need a step just to see over it.

A pile of charred wood isnt comfy at all.

>inb4 "muh school episodes"

That's what's comfy for me, though.

Heh, good one. The original concept plant is what matters, let's ignore everything that relates to the garbage show.

School episodes were great

step up nigger

arnolds room would be terrible on sunny days desu

GOAT during rain and snow though

Are there any Hey Arnold episodes where it rains?

What fucking kid needs a personal watercooler in their room?

I think there's an episode were he pressed a button on his remote or wall and it makes a roof shade appear

Pretty sure it's a water cooler turned fishtank


Yeah there were a few

care-a-lot is a comfy place

I agree. Some of them were dull but i enjoyed a lot of them. It was a nice way to try to refresh the series too.

This. Arnold's room is still the coolest singular room in animation (But doesn't compare to some houses)

I think Sandy's treedome is great. All the greatness of outdoor living underwater!

Where's the photo with this one IRL?

I kekd

I'd be scared to fap in this room



Unless someone is on the roof and leaning over the window, who is going to see?

>implying he didn't rig up a shutter system when he hit puberty

>having the computer facing the door
I don't like that idea

what about the sun?

Now we're talking. I would live there in a fucking heartbeat.

Did they ever reveal what's inside the mystery drawer?


heh... 'member the "park safehouse" from the "longest monday" episode? was comparably cozy. nothin beats the bedroom tho...


How does this room keep cool during noon and summers with those windows?

I like how to get the room, Arnold has to pull down the stairs as well.

Mystery stuff.

Arnold's collection of panties from all the bitches he's banged in that room

Look at the inferior left corner, that's a video game controller, that means, he has a tv too.

I'm sure it's only a water dispenser

Not everyone has a porn addiction, I would give you an example, but I don't know any person without it.

Skin cancer: the room.

Genuinely this

>Unless someone is on the roof and leaning over the window
Helga is. Always

Helga is a C U C K

>Fish tank.
That being said, folks in that sort of community tend to keep and swap stuff rather than throw it out. Someone down the street might have put it out on the curb for anyone interested.
In the days before Craigslist, it wasn't worth it to take out an ad in the news paper for small, cheap items. And apartment dwellers typically don't have a ton of extra room to store junk until they have a garage sale.

i swear i never understand the damn tree house,is a real living tree?doesn`t look like it in this ilustration

I always thought the leaves were really long and shaggy and more like hair and they hollowed out the inside.

>No bathroom


It may not look very expensive, but it's pretty cozy inside.

Shame it blew up though.

in the middle of nowhere and still have internet, that's a great place


Look again.

Must be a tedious task cleaning the birdshit of the window ceiling everyday.

That room must be hot as hell during the summer time.

Indeed. But the happy memory of a few friends enjoying a slumber party in it during the rain far exceeds the sadness of its lost.

as far as strictly cartoons I'm drawing blanks, but including all of fiction I still think bilbo's hobbit hole is the pinnacle of home comfiness

>Unless someone is on the roof and leaning over the window

In about half of the show's episodes Helga is doing exactly that, trying to break in to either steal Arnold's used chewing gum, clothing or to find something compromising on herself that Arnold might have accidentally picked up.


I win.

Kill yourself.

>wasting your time replying to every post in this thread just to post "lol redditfags get out XD!!1"

Either contribute to the thread or get out, pham.

sorry, I was just trying to get some (You)s

Thanks for the (You)s, you do not get one though.

What do I win? Anyway come in inside, breakfast is ready.


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File: f48ec4cc0cf2dfdeb2ac62b6b(...).png (320 KB, 500x379)
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Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:16:55 No.93582073▶ Post a comfier Sup Forums location than Arnold's bedroom. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:24:02 No.93582245▶ File: van.png (515 KB, 640x480)
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Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:39:59

You don't need those. You just lie on your bed and listen to some jazz while looking up at your window.
Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:50:28 No.93582811▶ File: fwsrxcbxum8x.jpg (411 KB, 866x1228)
411 KB
Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:52:39 No.93582861▶ Golden Oak Library
Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:53:56 No.93582885▶ Good luck with the varying heights if you live there.
One day you're taller than the counter, the next you'll need a step just to see over it.
Anonymous 07/01/17(Sat)20:56:14 No.93582940▶

Sure you would have to put up with filthy muties, but still.

ikeee ah

You okay there?