I never asked for this life

I never asked for this life.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's a cute sticky figure

now kill yourself so you don't shitpost again

>tfw no soulmate to share pain and raise offspring together

Being an adult sucks, I'd kill myself if my parents didn't need me to take care of them

Speaking of sticky figures, tell your mom I said hi.

finally get to use this image.

This, but honestly they should have never created me. All they had to do was keep it in their pants. I've just decided to dive head first into my sociopathy.

Train in a combat sport to affirm and appease that part of you that hates modernity .

Oh boy! This gonna be another depression thread?

r34 when?


>it's another "I'm stressed out about adult responsibilities! Aren't I so relatable?!" comic

what about get a job?

Why would you ruin your mate time with offspring?

>existential dread setting in
>get wife
>get children
>never have time to think again until you're 50
>wait for existential dread to return
>it doesn't because you've won at life



It's about existential dread, not adult responsibilities.

The title is called "How to Adult"

The existensial dread stuff becomes a problem when you have way too much ti e to think about it.
Get busy with something that keeps you distracted


I actually do hate sales people.
I know it is their job but just let me fucking browse.

What I hate is corporate policies that make people push things on you. Having worked retail I also know they get punished if they don't push enough of them so there's added guilt when I have to refuse.

reminder that if you're young enough, there's a pretty decent chance that you might have the option for living for several million years

at 70 you'll extend your life to 100
at 100 you'll extend your life to 150
at 150 you'll extend your life to 300
at 300 etc etc

and of course de-aging will go along with that at some point, assuming you don't just ditch your organic body altogether

Pat is three THOUSAND times more fucking interesting than these, "I-It's so relatable because I can't cook but need to eat cause ha-ha I'm an adult now!" horseshit punchlines.

Pat actually has quirks that seem fucking alienish and unexplainable. Like his way of getting into bed:

>it's another "ADULTING IS HARD" comic.
It really isn't backbreaker people make it out to be.


I think these "how to be an adult" comics are really stupid.
I refuse to believe that people are so stupid and worthless that they find everyday tasks such as paying bills and going to work challenging.

i have a theory that none of these facebook webcomics writers have a job

They do it to make you feel as if they're always watching you to prevent shoplifting.

Is Pat the most accurate representation of what existential dread is?

What is the original "I can't in being an adult" comic?

The character doesn't seem to mind the responsibilities as long as they keep him busy enough to ignore his depression

>mfw adult life, have a job, pay taxes and all that shit and happier than i was before i got a job

>Outside the circle
>Question why you are quiet
>Annoying random employee
This is no lol.

Same. My parents always told me when I was a kid that being an adult was way worse but honestly I'd never go back to being a kid again, having to go to school five days a week and having no money outside of a $10 allowance that required me to clean the entire house top to bottom fucking sucked.

It's not that they're hard, it's that you hate doing them, and you realize, you'll never reach a point where you're done and never have to do them again until you're dead.

When you're 70, you'll be a wreck and will welcome death. Science and technology aren't moving as fast as you think. The Singularity is bullshit.

Yeah, I went through some pretty bad depression during my early teens that I only just recently started to reverse so I'm not particularly nostalgic about that time either.

We were supposed to get hover cars two years ago science is bullshit.

>Implying the scrubs on here will be be able to get into that
That technology is only gonna be accessible for the top end earners. The average smuck wont be able to afford that.

No, but modern generations are sheltered little fucks whose parents keep telling them to follow their dreams, even if it doesn't pay the bills, and grew up in the era of the "participation award".

>mfw my dream also happens to be very lucrative

Nobody does. That's why I don't see how suicide is so taboo.

Man I would straight up deck a motherfucker to have the job my parents had for the money they earned. And I'm lucky in that I actually HAVE a job, which is more than half my old uni friends can say.

The responsibilities are part of the depression. The fact that these activities are so monotonous emphasizes the sense of dread the man or womanchild feels day to day repeating them.

Believe it. That's the truth.

You best start believing in neet stories, user.

I hate this bitch so much.
When I read these comics I really get people who complain about others appropiating their culture.
Don't act like a fucking loser like myself when you are so pretty, you slut. She is just doing it for charisma points

>tfw i'm the dude you quoted and have every intention of becoming a high end software engineer and make mega bucks
not as much as a CEO mind you but still enough

that's a fundamental physics problem though

70 isn't THAT old dude. you're thinking of like mid 80s
the singularity is probably bullshit but the key is to basically keep following the curve as it trends upwards. Cures for most of the common cancers as well as some kind of cure or preventive treatment for Alzheimers would be a huge boon

is she actually hot tho

>How to adult

Gee, those old folks had it so hard, being able to support a family of four and buy a house on a factory worker's salary.


More cute than hot. Her comic persona is inaccurate to her real appearance.

It's not that they're challenging, it's that they're boring, repetitive, and unfulfilling.

what the fuck she looks fine

it's th meaning of life.

These webcomic authors specifically indicate that their adult tasks are challenging, though.



>Trying to be cheeky
>While proving the point exactly
Most people now-a-days joke about how hard it is to take care of themselves with basic shit like fucking showering, eating, and walking. The "old folks" were able to support a family a four.

Those aren't adult tasks, those are social interaction socially awkward/retarded people have problems with.

Ah, yes. The mythological pale, short haired attainable girl. The neet's kryptonite.

Right, every single person years ago had their life completely together and only now in this modern age do people fall apart. No you retard, the only reason you hear about these people now is that they can bitch about it on social media.

>The neet's kryptonite
How so?

I deal with 3 and 4 a lot, nor do I try to fix it.

Or maybe they realized it was socially retarded to brag about how you're incapable of boiling water or forming basic sentences to say to other people?

It's not about actually having your life together so much as taking pride and constantly jabbing about how difficult it is to go to work for a basic eight hour shift.

If I joked to my grandmother about paying my bills and how hard it is, she'd give me a fucking earful and tell me to grow up.

Lets not forget that when his girlfriend is dieting, rather than eating his cake/candy when she's out of the house, he will eat it in his closet.

That's just part of it. But people back then also were less pampered, and hence could manage more. They were hardier. They weren't pumped full of anti depressants and got surgery to pretend to be another gender. They drank and fucked whores.

I'm so glad I'm not a purpose less manchildren


I'll never understand why does Sup Forums get so upset at these comics.

I don't think they're taking themselves too seriously, and they're clearly playing things up for comedy.

They also beat their husbands/wives/kids

Thank god im just an adult with infantile tastes

I think Sup Forums hates the context behind it, where the author isnt socially awkward at.


I recently bought a house with a mortgage and live by myself and adulting isn't hard at all.

I've allocated money for bills, I don't buy frivously but don't have to budget crazy hard, I can cook and clean and do normal maintenance tasks fine. Got a good work/life balance too.

Is it really today's sheltered upbringing? I guess I'm only a few years older than these people but my parents were firm, instilled a sense of having to try hard at things, had teachers who asked if me wanting to do biomedical science was being realistic and I worked extra hard to prove them wrong. Had disappointments and tough times but saw them through.

My younger sister tried to overdose on paracetamol because she "couldn't cope" with exam stress.

People couldn't say those things because there was no outlet for them to do so. Now you can talk about your retardation all you want from the safety of your own home

They sat on their ass and watched television in a vapid consumerist society as bad as the one we have today

I deal with 2, 3, & 4. I don't have problem with sales people, I just say I'm browsing and they leave.

Restraunts with no online ordering, I rarely deal with. However I can do drive thru stuff easy. I once had to go to Saltgrass to pick up an order, almost had a panic attack. They have their pick ups near the bar, which was packed.

But that's dumb. By that logic people should hate Alan Moore for not being a rapist.

>halfway talented cartoonist
Don't kid yourself.

They aren't?

or maybe 'cause those who didn't make it died off with no offsprings, so nobody had them as their parents/grandparents and so on
In two generations they'll be saying the same about ours yet look at us

>Most people now-a-days joke
thats the keyword here. There have always been failures who struggle with real life, where you think those uncles and aunts that never married and live with their mother came from?

But you are being a naive if you think that if the internet existed back then, you wouldn't have people making light jokes about their every day inconveniences.

>If I joked to my grandmother about paying my bills and how hard it is, she'd give me a fucking earful and tell me to grow up.

And most people her age, and those a couple years younger, constantly bitch about their medical expenses. You are being a kid who is putting an older generation on a pedestal. I have worked factory jobs with people in their mid to late 40s and they talk bout their everyday problems just as much as any kid in his 20s.

Joking or commenting on keeping up with paying bills is probably the most unifying sentiment in the current economic climate.

>here is where I go full
We just got out of the worst recession since the great depression. Your grandma is probably a boomer who didn't have to deal with either of this economic climates so she is an entitle cunt. fuck what she has to say

>Still has friends and social interactions and people who care that they're not interacting with them
I can't relate to this at all

1. You politely tell them you're good and don't need any help. If they keep talking be friendly even if you don't want to be because working in retail sucks and you should have some compassion.

2. You literally just have to pay attention when you ask them their menu or order from places you've been to

3. Stay involved and look for a way to join in. Even if you make it awkward, you're still trying and people can tell.

4. You just have to be honest and say you don't know a lot about what they're talking bout so you can't really say anything. If they're nice they'll steer the conversation into something that can include you

I'm introverted as fuck but even I understand you have to be try. Those aren't even real nightmares for introverts.

Real Nightmares
People exposing your interests you want to keep private
Being left to watch someone's kid while they do something
Someone getting into your personal space and being aggressive

Its different.
Sup Forums knows about social awkwardness
Sup Forums mostly doesnt know about sex.

>You're still trying
Don't people hate people who try?

It's called depression. I'm introverted but also used to have moderate depression. Once I got on some meds and talked to a therapist, I don't have a problem with any of these things anymore. I don't even get the last question.

Only assholes do and if you care what assholes think, then you're fucked no matter what.

>People exposing your interests you want to keep private
I hate when people find out I like comics, cartoons and anime because I don't know how to die my powelevel and I always come across as trying too hard.

I've known pretty girls with social issues before. It's the equivalent of an alcoholic living next door to a liquor store. Most of their relationships, romantic or otherwise, end in them having a neurotic meltdown, but they have such an easy time meeting people that they just keep repeating their mistakes. I knew one in particular who seemed like a typical cute "lol nerd girl", but the moment you were alone in the car with her she'd start getting anxious and ramble about her medication. I was always afraid she'd drive the car into a wall or something.

I can't look at this picture without thinking Sarah is thinking "Is this nigga serious?"

I don't get it, what exactly is weird about this?

Suggesting it isnt a crime in america.
"I am going to kill you" = illegal
"i think you should kill yourself" not illegal

Introverts sounds prettier than depressive.
Also you are right, most of these are issues cause you automatically weighting your self-worth on menial shit.

Why is Christchan so perfect?

>4. You just have to be honest and say you don't know a lot about what they're talking bout so you can't really say anything.

But that wouldn't be an honest answer. An honest answer would be I don't want to be here but have to because life requires me to be in school or working and would prefer to be left alone.

Of course being this honest would just make you look like a weirdo. So you end up having to give some shitty non answer like "I don't have much to say"

There really isn't anything wrong with people finding out that you read comics, and watch cartoons and anime. Just don't let them know you browse Sup Forums, and that porn comics are part of your reading list.

>That wouldn't be an honest answer

That's only if you don't want to be there. You can have a reason to be somewhere and if there is a reason, then you've weighted the opportunity cost vs not being there and have decided you WANT to be there because it's worth more than not being there. In which case you should try your hardest to make it worthwhile because you made the choice

What was the original ''i cant into being an adult'' comic?

yeah, but she still tries to portray herself as ugly when she isn't at all for some relatable points
one thing is having personal issues, other is blatantly lie because it's popular to be the underdog

and I hate fake underdogs