Are you tired of events?

Are you tired of events?

I'm tired of bad summer events, like what Marvel's been giving us for years.

Only pointless ones.

I'm okay with events, just not ones that interrupt almost all the books for months on end

Yes. Especially the events that last for months.

DC doing a crossover between few books every month was fine, but doing a months long event isn't and what I hate most about it is how it will hurt a lot of smaller books.

Yeah, for about a decade now.

>mfw I've never read a single event in all my years of reading comics

The last event I liked was Annihilation.
>Cosmic scale
>Gave focus to a lot of lesser known characters
>Annihilus finally getting recognition as a major villain
>The last time Thanos was written well

some are great, others bot really. It's a mixed bag.

Rebirth, Secret Wars, and Secret Empire were great. Civil War II and Inhumans vs X-Men was ass

Rebirth wasn't event, it was a relunch.

I am tired of constant events like they have at Marvel.
DC still annoys me when they have major events, but they're far less constant so it's less grating.

Don't count your chickens on Secret Empire, user, they could fuck it all up before all's said and done.


No, it's not. I already hate the idea of the upcoming metal event.

>Secret Empire
I have no reaction image for this.

>an event
>Secret Wars/Empire

>Snyder has desrcibed Metal as "the heavy metal love child of Frank Frazetta and Jack Kirby"
How can you hate this?

Because it's written by Scott Snyder

>believing what Snyder say

Yeah, maybe it'll be disappointing, but that description alone makes it far more exciting and interesting than anything said about Secret Empire. To me, anyway.

That's because DC events are readable, dronie bronie

Im tired of events, and huge super team comics.

I want more single (or at most duo) hero comics across the industry (especially in Marvel).

It sucks though, because very few modern writers are talented enough to write single charachter comics.

I dislike the constant Event cycle. I think an Event can be good when properly plotted out and with good coordination between other books. I don't like Marvel constantly throwing Event comics out insisting that they're going to have long-standing repercussions because we know they won't, because in a few months they'll be ramping up for another Event and just as little will change then too.

SE isn't a good standard and anything would look good next to it.

It's cool if you are excited, tho. No event has ever meet up my expectations despite how low they are.

tfw the big two rip off Sup Forums memes

Marvel events yes since they happen so often and derail individual characters I like.

But when was the last DC event? Forever Evil? It's been a while. I'm not happy this event is Batman centric but I'll give it a shot for Hawkman's sake.

I ignore almost all of them.

Also didn't interrupt any series.

do you really think this is the only place where people say they're tired of events?

Not all the time. Future's End and Convergence were mostly ass.

But otherwise, yeah. Most other recent DC events were good reads and made lasting contributions to the canon.

This, self contained ones are OK.

Events killed Kamala's book and the Ultimate Universe as a whole.

I'm not okay with that.

The Ultimate Universe killed itself well before Ultimatum

>>Not reading a single Crisis
>>Not reading Seven Soldiers

Sucks to be you senpai

>Seven Soldiers
You stupid or something?

I wouldn't call Seven Soldiers an event

And half the Crises aren't even remotely worth reading

>Crisis on Infinite Earths
>Infinite Crisis
>Identity Crisis
>Final Crisis
I know which two I'd rather not read again, and it better be the same two you'd rather not read again.

The ones that start with I

You're goddamn right!

When was the last time DC had an event that wasn't heavily associated with Batman? Blackest Night?

I mean that image of Mongul


All of them? Batman was involved with Forever Evil, Final Crisis, and Flashpoint, but he wasn't the focus of any of them

Are you retarded?

>Forever Evil
Batman is the primary main superhero in the core book.

>Final Crisis
Literally featured one of the biggest Batman moments in history and tied into one of Batman's seminal modern runs.

For Christ's sake, Thomas Wayne in Flashpoint has become *the* biggest aspect of that event. Even moreso than The Flash and the birth of New 52.


I've stopped reading capeshit 6-7 years ago because of events. I only keep up with a few series now.

I do enjoy the movies but unfortunately most of them are worth watching only once.

Forever Evil was far, far more focused on Lex than Batman.

Final Crisis was just as much about Flash, Darkseid, and Superman as it was about Batman. Just because a big Batman thing happened doesn't mean it was all about Batman.

Flashpoint is literally all about Flash. Thomas Wayne is at best a plot device.

I've been done with events since Onslaught. On top of that it's been a decade since there was even a remotely enjoyable one, and those weren't that great either.

You seem pretty cool, so I'm sorry for calling you a retard, but you are still in the wrong if you don't think that Batman was tied to those events in a massive way.

>Forever Evil was far, far more focused on Lex than Batman.
Of all the heroes, Batman's plot had the most 'screen time'. His villains also played a huge role. Not to mention Owl-Man.

>Final Crisis was just as much about Flash, Darkseid, and Superman as it was about Batman. Just because a big Batman thing happened doesn't mean it was all about Batman.
I didn't say it was 'about Batman' I said it was heavily associated with him. The Death of Batman and all of the stories that came after it (plus Morrison's run on the title) are arguably the biggest things to spin out of the event. Even the return of Barry Allen takes second place to that.

>Flashpoint is literally all about Flash. Thomas Wayne is at best a plot device.
And yet, you never hear about Flash's time in Flashpoint - Batman's role in that story is - by far - its most iconic component. Dude is in movies, video games, spin-off comics, etc. I agree it is a Flash-focused story, but even that has been overshadowed by Batman. Even fucking Green Lantern Rebirth had Batman as a tertiary antagonist, instead of just being a JL stand in like Superman or Wonder Woman.

I wish Marvel would do this with Spider-Man. Dude hasn't been in a major event role since Civil War. Maybe that's a good thing.

Well at least Snyder knows no one is excited for his newest batman event

Im tired of events where SOMETHING IMPORTANT IS ON THE LINE! and then nothing happens in the end.

Im not sure how Metal will develop on but it seems interesting so far.

not him, I agree with most of your point except for forever evil.

granted that batman is the POV superhero there, however it had more lasting impact in superman's story with lex's arc and subsequent face turn; Also, the batman villains didn't take most of major roles there since lex, bizarro (both superman villains), catwoman (batman villain) and captain cold(flash villain) were the primary characters there beside the crime syndicate.

well, snyder said it's not meant to be an earth shattering-status quo changing event, but meant to be a return to fun stories and entertaining events.

maybe that's why the event has very little tie ins (only 8) and only has about 17 books with the main book+one-shots

He did say that it'll have a lasting impact writing-wise but it's because it'll be launching a new metal imprint along with a new "dark-multiverse" setting for writers to play around with.


I get why they do them, but crossovers and events are often not very good, ruin multiple books, and takes me out of the story a book was telling.

see, I'm the exact opposite. As long as I don't have to give a fuck about it, go ahead do the shitty event. But if it fucks with canon or status quo then I'm out. That's how some of the worst shit ever gets written and unwritten through reboots and retcons.

Especially with Snyder, I don't want that fucking loser doing anything to fuck up what Rebirth has got going with anything actually meaningful.

forgot the actual quote and link:
>It’s more about being additive, celebratory, doing a big, new story that’s daring and really change things in ways that will give us new story opportunities. But none of it is, “I need to kill someone! Someone needs to die in this event!” It’s really about celebrating the joy and bonkers fun of DC Comics in two different ways.

I kinda am, but then again it would get super boring if it was just mostly smallish scale stories across the board. I mean if you've got a shared universe, share the damn universe when a world ending threat pops up.

On the other hand they're mostly really stupidly put together, ruin the pacing of books I like-Kamafam still hasn't recovered and I doubt she ever will-and they tend to be a little desperate to feel important. I can't deny I've actually enjoyed a lot of them, Final Crisis had me gripped and I even sort of dug Blackest Night and Court of Owls, and they've been done MUCH better in the past, I can't count the number of JL events from the 80's and 90's I thoroughly still remember and enjoy, but everyone's chasing the Phoenix Saga and it shows.

Yes. It caused me to drop buying floppies way back in the 90s

>Marketing your event with "Someone doesn't die here!"

we're truly at this time where this is a fucking selling point

No matter what we say they will continue selling.

Tbh senpai CoIE is a pain in the ass to read, and although important to comics as a whole, not the greatest story
Final Crisis is underrated gold.

given that i only liked AXIS, spiderverse, secret wars & convergence for their tie ins. and how almost all the books i like get derailed/cancelled by them i can safely say that I'm sick of them.

>hating infinite crisis

You are pleb as fuck boi

>tfw when they are doing muh Batman instead of cosmic with a cosmic metal

get some taste

Yes. They aren't special anymore. Marvel's last couple have been a hassle to follow with poor payoffs.

>Scott "this will change Batman forever, but not really" Snyder

Im tired of yearly status quo changing events when we don't even get to establish a status quo

I'm tired of events that take relatively new characters that are still trying to get their bearings and then throw them into the deep end of the pool while butchering the characterization they have in their main books.

So pretty much everything Marvel has been doing with Kamala.

This. It's hard to stay invested when everything is constantly in flux.

Only of the ones helmed by Snyder. Dude can't write a satisfying ending to save his life.

to be fair, I don't think Metal is trying to change the status quo.
From everything they've said during interviews, this events seems to be just cool shit for cool shit's sake.

Yes. I've given up on monthly comics about half a decade ago. I'll still check out runs that are highly acclaimed and buy trades but events are too much these days.

yes it is since they don't have 2 o 3 per year and stepping on the toes of the previous one


i don't know i what i hate more the fact that shoving into kamala into events pretty much flatlined the book with little chance of recovery or that nobody knows how to write kamala outside of her creator and just flanderize her or use her as a soapbox.

kamala was a freak accident that will probably never happen again thanks to marvel's incompetence killing interest in legacies.