How is it possible to make something so bland and uninspired out of such amazing source material?

How is it possible to make something so bland and uninspired out of such amazing source material?

Too much time spent on the backstory I think. I thought the ending pretty clever, but it took so long to get going.


You try and make it "magical Tony Stark".

Par for the course in the MCU. Idk why comic fans celebrate these movies, they rarely display the creativeness and unbridled fun of the comics they base themselves off of. I understand wanting to see your favourite characters on screen but you would think the initial joy would wear away when you realize the movies don't contain a lot of what you hold dear about them

>everyone accuses Ant Man of being an Iron Man retread when Dr. Strange exists

They're both Iron Man retreads.

Ant-Man has grown on me since I first saw it. I definitely think it's in the top half of MCU movies now.

At least Antman was more fun because of the heist. DS was really poorly paced in terms of Strange's development.

And I don't know why comic fans are so uptight about them. Like, I read comics because I like comics. I watch the movies because it's two hours and ten dollars out of my day, and they're generally pretty enjoyable, breezy action adventure movies. They don't hit all the highs that the comic medium allows but then I don't expect them to, I don't go to these movies expecting the ultimate cinematic validation of the source material. But it's still fun seeing the characters and concepts come to life in a different way.

I guess I just don't understand why we can't like both.

>"They're supposed to bland and uninspired!"

I bet you like Bayformers.

nobody likes bayformers
don't even joke about that
we call each other autistic faggots and a whole produce litanies of racist, sexist shitposts, but we aren't savages

I feel like the movie had some interesting things going for it, but then they remembered it was an MCU film so they had to fill it to the brim with unnecessary jokes.

>nobody likes bayformers
I do, but then again I'm from /m/.

My apologies user

I like the MCU but this film is the biggest evidence of an MCU formula existing.

>paying for movies

Meh, I liked it.

I agree. Visually its amazing, other than that it falls flat for me. Doesnt feel like an insane acid trip like Dr.Strange of old.

I had the good fortune of seeing Strange *after* I saw GotG2. So by comparison, Strange was an average-to-good movie, compared to the literal shitfest of Guardians.

Then you're nobody.

Old fashioned technocratic brainwashing.

It was too obvious of a tie in to the franchise, rathe than being it's own thing that happens to be tied in. This was "Not-Tony teaches us about another infinity stone."

Plus there wasn't one good funny moment. I don't need funny moments to happen, but bad funny is so much worse than no funny. Fuck that cape slapstick.

The scene where Tilda Swindon grabs Strange's head is pretty damn psychedelic. Probably closer to DMT than acid though.

>get an actor who can play a pretty menacing villain
>do nothing worthwhile with the character to make the actor play to his strengths
Another day for MCU.

Tilda Swinton was the best part of this movie, and that really shouldn't surprise anyone.

>pick cumberbatch instead of Phoenix
>using Mads and making him paper thin and not letting him breathe
>relying WAY too much on visuals that are subpar til the Dormamu scene
>relationship drama
>bad out of tone jokes

I dont know, you tell me.

>All MCU movies.

Wait, people don't like this movie? I thought it was pretty great.

>no one complains about WW, one of the most generic superhero films ever made

you have to wait until the next two MCU movie to come out for anyone on here to think it wasn't shit comparable to the new movies.


They decided to be cowards and play it safe. I decided I was done with the MCU after this because all the film will follow the same formula. Spider-Man really confirmed it


DS was poorly paced all round. I have no idea how long he was training for. Months, years, a few days? Who the fuck can even tell.

>>no one complains about WW

I dunno. I enjoyed the movie, but it definitely took the magic side of Marvel which has always been a dark, twisted corner of that universe and made it a very bright, simplistic setting. It felt like they were trying to make it about the same tone as Iron Man or Spider-Man, which in my opinion doesn't feel right. You can kind of forgive them on making Strange a more light-hearted character since the movie actually features him right after he learns sorcery. In the comics he was introduced at a point where he had already worked as a wizard for decades and was a dignified, mysterious figure whispered about in legends. This is more Strange taking his baby steps into that greater world, which is a whole different story. They really made Mordo a boring character in this one, though. In the comic, Mordo ended up sacrificing his own mother and grandfather to demons in order to secure more power, and while I am aware that blood sacrifice to demons isn't going to appear in a Disney branded movie, the movie Mordo was just a big nothing. Maybe if there's a sequel they'll find a way to make him a more serious character to explain why he'd go bad, but I dunno.

>Film opens with a decapitation
>Deaths everywhere
>the "romance" subplot has no happy ending
>Strange himself is savagely killed over and over.

But yeah, BEYONCE. A few minutes of levity turned the entire thing into a dopey Adam Sandler comedy.

>and while I am aware that blood sacrifice to demons isn't going to appear in a Disney branded movie

It may not have been blood but Princess and the Frog. Honestly the animated films we grew up with like Lion King are more mature than the MCU

>source material?

This is the problem:

You kids aren't old enough to understand that movies aren't copies of the source material. If you want the source material, read the fucking comics. You're never going to get source material from a movie and you were ignorant for expecting it. The movie is the movie. It's what it is.

>Man drowns slowly while suspended upside down in sink
>But muh Mufasa offscreen death!

If you aren't genuinely retarded you do a convincing impression of it.

These kids don't understand comic panels don't translate that well into a moving pictures

Even as the casualest of casuals when it comes to knowing the source material I could tell this movie had a lot of wasted potential.

This is the drawback of being so far into the MCU, everything has become too similar. If this film had been made in the early stages it may have been able to be more of its own thing.

The easter eggs were Thor tier. The next in line would have been the latest GotG. I appreciated it

Not after panel-to-film conversion. But strong elements like storylines and character development are a rich source to tap into. Instead you get 'More Of The Same: The MCU Film'.

>blood sacrifice to demons isn't going to appear in a Disney branded movie
Because Disney saves all that for the boardroom?

More of the same is what synergy is made out of I'm afraid. You can only be so unique till shit gets called into question since everything is supposed to connected through 1 universe.
I don't even see how you can blame them for bleeding more of the same for what it's worth since its been proven to be worth billions. Even now you'll get why didn't X notice X or where was Y during Z because movies try to hard to put themselves out there. It's a slow powercreep introducing characters into an established universe without making them God in their own spotlight

>"B-But DC!"

Every time.

>Doesn't understand context

By your shill logic, The Lion King is the darkest film ever made because Simba sees his dad get brutally trampled over by wilderbeasts.

Shut the fuck up. The movie squanders it's source material you autistic fuck. Nobody is asking for a 1:1 adaption but they sure as fuck didn't ask for Not-Iron Man with magic.

>people liked all the time travel bullshit and thought it was clever

Why so?

hey it worked for odysseus

>I've never read Doctor Strange

Yeah user, we can tell. The similarity between Strange and Stark has been noted for years, they were both created by Ditko after all.

>they were both created by Ditko after all.

Ditko had nothing to do with Iron Man. He was designed by Kirby, the backstory/personality was cooked up by Lee and then Don Heck drew his first appearance.

misunderstanding what 'dark' is is par for the course on Sup Forums

It's funny when MCU shills try to Wikipedia their knowledge.

Have you read an actual Strange comic, shill? Because Iron Man and Doctor Strange couldn't be any more different. Iron Man was about tech and filled with corporate espionage. Doctor Strange was all psychedelic stuff and magic. Strange and Stark as characters were not similar at all until you boil them down to their basic character traits(like I expect you to do in your response). The movie however completely miss this and just remade Iron Man with not-magic.

What is essential Doctor Strange core? I've only read Doom and Strange.

Honestly, the film was good, but stopped short at being great.

It needed less jokes in order to set the heroic mood up.

It also needed clearer passage of time. Either let the camera linger on longer shots, or do a montage.

The Ditko run is essential and is reprinted in a single omnibus as well


I personally, as well as many others (Reviewers, critics, as well as the RT scores 90% for critics and 86% for audiences!), thought it was a great movie.

But of course people here love to dump and hate on the movie.

>(Reviewers, critics, as well as the RT scores 90% for critics and 86% for audiences!),

Is this a false flag?

If you're for real you have to be the worst shill that ever existed

>How is it possible to make something so bland and uninspired out of such amazing source material?

Movie was fine, bitch about Thor

Because they just wanted Magical Iron Man instead of the well of amazing material you can get from Strange.

>Dormammu being in the film at all

If there is any villain you build up to, it's him. Otherwise you get "Climactic CGI Monster #17636"

The only thing the Thor film succeeded at was it's villain. And when I say "succeeded" I mean Love ki survived his introductory movie and had some level of depth. Every other MCU villain has been straight up cardboard.

>Too much time spent on the backstory I think.
DEFINITELY a factor.

That one in the movie wasn't anything like Mordo anyway.

>Film opens with a decapitation
Felt really out of place with the rest of the movie.

>Strange himself is savagely killed over and over.

Then the road runner cartoon must be terrifying for you

It gets better every time I watch it. There are real character arcs and the script has many clever set ups and call backs. It rewards repeat viewings.

It suffers from the formula. If it had kicked off the MCU instead of Iron Man, it would be universally liked.

Let this "Stan Lee & Steve Ditko were racists, but don't worry everyone... I fixed it!" A-hole write your movie.

>Reviewers, critics, as well as the RT scores 90% for critics and 86% for audiences!)

You dont know how RT works do you?

>How you want your supernatural entry familia?
>Didn't we already do that with Thor?
>No, that was like sci-fi mythology
>Aight, Just linger on some Grey's Anatomy shit at the start, then fill the rest with like exposition and some special effects fights.
>You uh--you sure about that?
>Huh? Sorry I was rolling this dank with a 100 dollar bill from all this MCU money we have, you say something?
>Nah, say no more.
Everyone short of Swinton was underutilized, and then she goes and dies. Damn shame.

>rolling dank
>rolling adjective
fuckin square

>I've only read Doom and Strange.

Triumph and Torment? That was the pinnacle story for both characters. You won't find anything else as good out there.

Because they're afraid to try something different - every god damn movie looks the same, have the same plot and there's just nothing special about it.

That would be X Men

Ant-Man was the most boring and uninspired Marvel movie period.

>What is Age of Ultron?

Don't harsh on my slango, home dawg.

>Thinking these are all dark and scary
Is this what TV Tropes does to people?

First time I feel asleep while watching a movie in a theater.

Age of Ultron is a lot of things but uninspired is not. Whedon put a lot of heart into making that movie. He tried his best to make it unique while the studio wanted it to be generic and formulaic like Ant Man.

Whedon pls go and stay go

I'm from /m/ and I haven't managed to watch past the second movie.

Bayformers would be good if they dropped the "relatable" human shtick
The characters are uncannily like their original depictions
Yes, Optimus always has been fucking batshit

I don't know but it killed any interest I had about the MCU. They had Cucumberbatch. They had Tilda Swinton. They had MADS. They had some great trippy source material and all I got was "LOL sentient cape" and pretty SFX like every blockbuster in the 21st century.
If they couldn't make that interesting what hope is there for the rest? Worse, they still get the usual praise, meaning they will never bother changing things up.
This series isn't for me anymore. I'll see GotG 2 and Spider-Man at some point for sure, but I'm not going to theater for them. A shame, I was fairly hyped for Black Panther after CW but now I can't care. If you still enjoy the MCU, great for you. It's fine. But I have no reason to go back to it.