Why this version of Superman was so hated?

Why this version of Superman was so hated?

He didn't even lasted a decade.

Maybe he didn't last a decade because he was hated..?

Don't let Jim Lee do the costumes, and decide about the romance

He was capable of making Diana cream her pants by talking to her sternly.

Fuck off Alonso

He was missing the wisdom and authority that make Superman who he is.

That's what makes "young Superman" such a difficult concept to do right. I still think Morrison and Pak both did a fantastic job of it.

Once folks found out that this version of Supes liked to take it uin the butt by Lois and her strapon, people just weren't that interested. Red trunks Superman would have never put up with that.

He acted more like superboy than superman

Terrible first impression, retarded romantic plots, chronic editorial mismanagement, 40-50-somethings trying to write a HowDOYouDOFellowKids Superman, etc.

Take your pick, there were plenty of reasons.

He wasn't the mary sue everyone loves.

One word: autism.

Bad storylines. People legitimately liked those first few issues of Action Comics that hearkened back to golden age stories, BUT his self-titled series was pretty mediocre from the get go and eventually went downhill from there.

People also hated the Wonder Woman romance. Objectively it was half-assed, they'd only known each other for a little while in-story before they started sucking face. Bonding over stupid shit like "Nobody else UNDERSTANDS me"

But Soule wanted to write a Twilight like romance.

>Twilight Romance
>No emotions,shallow, and ultimately too quick to be real

He succeeded.


As with everything else in the New 52, they weren't sure what parts of Superman's story was still canon or had to be retold. Action Comics was fine because they were laying the groundwork of Superman's early years. However, the actual Superman comic basically had to fly by the seat of their pants and it showed.

NOT MUH fags continuously bitching, leading to five years of writers continuously changing everything to see what made them bitch the least

Early N52 Superman was essentially the old Superman without his marriage. It clashed both with Morrison's great Action Comics and Johns' terrible JL characterizations.

I know buzzwords the posts


buzzword is a buzzword faggot

It was a superman with flaws and that didnt sit well with batfags

Elements of the character are still used. The no kill rule and the no crying, dead parents.

Zod never died in the rebirth universe. Pocket Zod never existed.

Is this the one who acted as a man child and was pounding Wonder Women?
>A hated one indeed.


He's not allowed to cry?

Guessing half of the posters in this thread are also people who think superman can't work without the trunks

I certainly think he looks better with them.
I mean, I get wanting to update a character to reflect the times, but Superman is already pretty timeless, so the end result just seems like people trying to fix what isn't broken. Plus, the only reason they keep trying to change stuff is due to legal disputes with the creator's family, so there's this whole underlying layer of corporate cynicism sitting right below the more blatant layer of corporate cynicism that is trying to make Superman some marketably edgy cool guy that all the hip young teens will like.

Not very mature.

Most writers had different takes on him. Morrison and Pak wrote a socialist, man of the people superman while Jurgens, Diggle, perez wrote him as post crisis Superman while lobdell wrote him as a edgy brooding superman

I just hated his costume

He wasn't written well, and had boring stories. Too edgy.

The overall suckage that was the NuMetal52.


It's earth 1 Superman shining through. Rebirth very much is what if Earth 1 (pluse other earth's still merged in) carried on post crisis with the comics added made later added in.

The marriage, doomsday, etc.

Shazam himself is reverting back to earth s. Sivannas time pills and his old costume.