Can we take a moment to laugh at the current state of Marvel Comics?

Can we take a moment to laugh at the current state of Marvel Comics?

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eh, nothing new there

You could have gone with something that wasn't almost a year old.

Why do they keep doing stupid shit like this?

Trudeau is such a fuckwad.

Remember when his dad was a villain?

I'm not laughing anymore.

He can't even list all the provinces

I fucking hope he gets voted out of office but Scheer is such a nobody with zero charisma that I'm starting to doubt he'll win the next election.

What's with this guy and boxing?

damn son.

Marvel comics are just doing everything wrong

>What's with this guy and boxing?
Boxing day

If you kill your enemies, they win

as a canadian: wtf is this, please dont.

So this is why Hitler killed hinself?


>hittler died

>You could have gone with something that wasn't almost a year old.
Nobody on /co reads anything, including blurbs under pictures.

So, how's Canada under Trudeau? Is it better, or worst than the previous guy?

He allowed Alberta to become independent

I honestly can barely tell a difference. But he's more fun to make fun of, so I'd say he's better.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I though Quebec would be the first to become independent.


Canadian politics are sort of nothing most of the time, but he's a total idiot and the Libs are morons repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot.

It's absolutely fine. Sup Forums will flip shit about him daily because he's liberal and is the second biggest source of the current year meme, under John Oliver.

>they elected this thing
Canada going full retard

I can't believe a comic book is using the popularity of a world leader to help sell their books. This has never been done before in the history of comics.

Selling freedom of speech for trannies and the muslims who want to kill them.

It was a bit of a surprise up here too. But his declaration speaks for itself

>We may live in British Columbia, Yukon, the Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or Newfoundland and Labrador, Trudeau said. But we embrace that diversity while knowing in our hearts that we are all Canadians, and that we share a common pride in that red and white flag.

The US elected Bush twice and Trump. Party boy is the least embarrassing world leader in this part of the world.


Oh my god, I thought you were kidding about him not being able to list all the provinces.

The US elected Trump because nobody liked Hillary and the Dems were mooching off Obama's popularity.

>a-at least we're not US!
Nice try but you're still a joke.

>Can we take a moment to laugh at the current state of Marvel Comics?
I make sure to do that every day.

>Nice try but you're still a joke
You got me there. I'd try to kill myself, but our healthcare system would probably end up saving me and I wouldn't end up in crippling debt sue to hospital bills.


Hello, foreigners. German here. How does it feel to get a different head of state once in a while? Gotta be really surreal having them change more often than once every two decades.

>muh health care
Nice meme

It's really no better or worse

I want to swap this one out already.

>Implying Justin "Trudeau" Castro is in any way popular

You're posting a comic made by a literal who publisher. Op is talking about a Big Two comic. See the difference?

Isn'the there a new law in Canada that allows Child Services to kick down your door if your children show even the slightest association with things such as LGBT? I vaguely recall that being a thing.

>It's another episode of "Manchildren getting angry at things that have been happening before they were born."

Sometimes I feel like you guys don't actually read comics or watch cartoons.

I love how many trumpfags are getting triggered by this


Depends on your situation, not surprising a lot of canadians who can afford to shell out cash for the premium "let-the-poor-die" package come down for a procedure. But they aren't going to do that for a regular doctor's visit.

It says right there in that article that the only country ranked worse than canada among wealthy nations in terms of healthcare is the US.


What in gods name are you talking about?

>If your company fails, you win.

most white guys are gross and embarrassing regardless of their nationality

My head of state has been in power since before my dad was born

What the actual fuck is wrong with Marvel?

Bill 89 categorizes parents rejecting gender politics as "child abuse", which gives them the ability to take away your children from you.


>If you punch your opponents, they win.

He hasn't done anything yet. Not even pot legalization.

The most interesting stuff is how its shaking up the conservatives and how they are panicing and falling all iver themselves. I didn't like harper but he managed to bring the right into line now the right is all killing themselves

This . That is what I'm speaking of, user.

>rejecting gender politics as "child abuse",
Which it is.

Harper was in charge for 12 years

He elbowed a woman once.
The people in that video just make me feel so bad for Canada.

Don't forget that it allows them to take those children and place them into homosexual households, with more "acceptinget parents", despite most gay couples being overwhelmingly pedophilic in nature.

>The US elected Trump because nobody liked Hillary

But Clinton won the popular vote

>inb4 'muh 3 million illegal voters'

So's Merkel. Soon gonna have her fourth term since her winning this years election is all but a foregone conclusion so it's in all likelihood gonna be at least four more years.

She took a fall and everyone forgot about that really quick.

Who would you rather have in control of the free world? Trump gave up on it and so it's between her or the nee france prime minister.

It could just be because hes new but the france leader is pretty cool. He's got balls and even showed up trump

youre right there were far more illegal votes than that chum

The new France president is a banker who funded his campaign with stolen money.

He's bourgeoisie as fuck.

>Who would you rather have in control of the free world?
That fact is, she is not, Germany got no army and lost control of UK, US control army and the economy, germany is a powerless paper tiger that can't force Greece to pay debts.

He's right.
>Parents who oppose or criticize the LGBT agenda will be considered potential “child abusers” and may have their children taken away by the state, according to the new bill.


I dunno. Some decent country. Like Norway or New Zealand or something. Seriously though, I don't hate Merkel, I just kinda dislike her. And I dislike how we as a country have become so used to her and her party being in charge.

I don't know nearly enough about Emmanuel Macron to judge him so I wont.

Go back to the 1930s. All power is economic

By the way, even if your kids aren't LGBTBBQXYZ they can still take them away if you don't like the agenda.

>Child services in Ontario, Canada received wide criticism in April when it removed two foster children from a Christian home because the parents refused to tell their girls that the Easter bunny was real
What a fucking joke.

Y'know, the difference between Marvel and DC isn't one of politics. They're drawing from the same pool of talent after all, they really don't differ much politically.

But Marvel just shoves it down people's throats. Their writers seem to have their priorities backwards, where it's politics first and storytelling after. I'm not against politics in comics, I'm not some sort of philistine, I'm all for expressing your viewpoints through what you create, but goddamn, are we just gonna throw subtlety to the wind?

Sure and like you said this is [current year] and US economy dwarf Germany even while keeping NATO alive

Thanks god I live in BC and not shitty Ontario. The only think we have to worry about here are Asians taking our homes.

That's some Orwellian horror right there.

China and india are bigger than US

Intermarium when

From browsing the catalog I thought it was a Comic version of Todd Howard.

>it's another "company is shit because they aren't pandering to MY politics" thread"

Leftists, Progressives, Liberals

I'm the only one that hates the current leaders of US,Canada,Russia,Germany and France at the same time? Fucking west put your shit together.

Laugh all you want he'd probably beat you in a fight

Most people voted for Trudeau to combat the crumbling infrastructure and to repair the damage Harper did to various government operations like the Canada post.

Getting the remains of Harpers legacy out of all the fractions of government takes time but the real issue right now is managing the budget for our roads and other public constructions. Because of the terrible firestorm that happened last year and the, rather too generous benefits given to the refugees, the budgets is not big enough to handle all the work. based on what I heard last, Trudeau is looking for more modern solutions that will work for each city individually.

Personally I think he would have a bigger budget if Ontario wasn't paying New York to use our electricity for the last 20 years.

We lost over 6 billion paying others to use our shit, that's cucking at it's finest.

I know nothing of leaf politics, gimme a quick rundown on this guy.

The Liberals have no idea how to run anything.

12 years of Harper have basically robbed them of any experience they could have gotten.

>Russia,Germany and France
Lost you there

Alberta doesn't deserve to be listed. Fuckwads just can't stop voting for the same party even after it fucked them over over and over again.

He's an idiot who got elected because the female voterbase thought he was attractive.

US rapes Canada again. It happens all the fucking time. And we dont have the power to fight back. Cucked hard

I just think they got into power at the worst time.

Running the country at the height of alt left and dealing with over sensitive snowflakes. Feels bad to be associated with them.

He barely brought Canada back from the brink of madness, after many years of abuse at the hands of "principled conservatives".

That's all you need to know, really.

King Ralph says you MUST vote for him. Even if he blows all the budget on gimmickes to reelect him

>make trudeau II your leader
>expect us to vote for his party

This doesn't sound like madness to you?

That's Ontario you absolute dumbass.

Well harper conservative is pretty tame compared to US conservative. Theywere more centrist. But canada as a whole is more liberal than the us

People forget that provinces have near the autonomy of us states