My little brother doesn't understand the reference

My little brother doesn't understand the reference

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Take him out of the gene pool.

You should show him the Wachowski Sisters' movie.

the show originally aired over fifty years ago, and has had minimal presence since then.

Yeah, it's terrible how a reference that was for children who watched Speed Racer on Cartoon Network somehow isn't got by children who never watched Speed Racer.

Go back in time and punch your dad in the balls there problem solved.

born in '91 and i know what speed racer is

Don't forget to go just back enough in time so that you don't exist either.

They reran it all the way into the early 00's in the US, even had a few attempts at revivals during the 90's and 00's, and there was a movie that came out just a few years ago.

>and there was a movie that came out just a few years ago.
nearly a decade ago


Well fuck me

Speed racer never aired in my country and was unheard of in the USSR as well. The first time I heard about it was when they released the live action movie.

Good for you I guess bud?

Born in 85 and only know about Speed Racer because of that episode. I'm from Europe, though, so that might be the reason I've never heard of it.

I remember when they used to run Speed Racer on MTV of all places.

At least let me buy you dinner first, user.

Regardless its excellent.

>Regardless its excellent.

*Regardless, it's excellent.

You should work on that

The only reason kids got the joke when that episode originally aired was because Cartoon Network still played Speed Racer as filler during the late-night hours. I'm not surprised modern kids don't get it.

Speed Network also aired it for a while. I only know this because people used to bring it up when talking about random networks trying to start anime blocks.

>Speed Racer on MTV
That explains that weird music video from the 90's

I only know about it because when I was a little kid we rented the speed racer movie from Blockbluster it was one of those things they had at the end of the movie.

Wait, 'sisters?'

both are trans

im gonna do it guys

is that a jojo reference?

Is transgenderism fucking viral or something?

no? why would you assume that?
chill out

So it's genetic?

or, you know
both had similar lives
or one helped the other realise
or good ol' fashioned coincidence

Maybe transgenderism is memetic?

A psychic disease that can spread from one person to the next in the form of an idea.

Yeah, most mental illnesses have a notable genetic component

Then go watch the show together,I´m sure he will appreciate the uncensored death of all those drivers.

why do you assume it's a disease

I can't believe how high the body count is in a racing anime.

born in 99' and even i know about the wacky races

/Sup Forums

because it is

Yeah, I love it. that how 5 years old me learned about mortality.
Very disappointed that the movie showed all the characters surviving the crashes on those weird foameggs.

I have dysphoria because the chemicals in my brain are messed up. It's a disorder

won't you supposed to be on Sup Forums or /tttt/ ?

I have 2 box sets of this show

Born in 2001 and even I know about Wacky Races

>"He's goin' over the cliff--AAAHHH!"

I barely understood the reference when this first aired. Speed racer wasnt exactly primetime showing during that time. It was either really late in the night or on during school hours

It's the hip thing to do nowdays!

Its a shame kids today dont even watch Initial D




>Having the courage to post on an anonymous image board at that age
You're too normal to be here.

Wasn't that done after situations like his brother "dying"

How to make people feel old:
1. Ask what something is.
2. Remind them when things they enjoy happened.

I don´t know, in the old show most cars clearly crash and explode with the drivers inside. The movie whent out of its way to show the racers jumping out of their cars before crashing or being save by the weird buble thing that worked like airbags. It feel like the old hulk movie where Hulk didn´t kill anyone even when he clearly should have.

>The movie whent out

How about that.

I love how meta Cartoon Network got back in the day. It had a fucking animated ecosystem, or at least felt like it.

To be fair, it does seem to cause nothing but discomfort and suffering everywhere it pops up. Getting rid of it completely would be a total net gain for everyone.

I didn't get the reference back when I watched it.

I have no idea where you guys watched Speed Racer, but it was all Scooby Doo, Pepper Ann, Animaniacs and shit before I watched Cartoon Network.

>I have no idea where you guys watched Speed Racer

Cartoon Network used to air old Speed Racer back where I used to live.