Just a reminder, in current Simpsons seasons, this guy has a sexy fianceè...who's into comics

Just a reminder, in current Simpsons seasons, this guy has a sexy fianceè...who's into comics.

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So Sal from Comicpop?

Just a reminder, Simpsons is a work of fiction. Keep on with the eternal virginity.

god damn fan service

She's yound, asian, attractive, loves nerd stuff and loves the fat, socially awkward guy.
Feels like a wishfulfilment written by the intern or something.

does she also have a strand of dyed hair?

Does she cosplay Sailor Moon?


I died a little inside.

does she ad suffixs?

But user, the Simpsons finished in 2000.

Wife. They got married at the end of the episode.

It was actually kind of clever how they used Milo and Strawberry going from newlyweds to parents to indicate the timeframe of the episode.

Is her name strawberry?

Nah, CBG's wife is Kumiko. Milo and Strawberry are returning from "Husbands and Knives." Alas, they did not get Jack Black to return as Milo.

no those are the owners of the other comic shop coolsville

Strawberry is another hipster. CBG's girl is Kimiko.


Is the general perception of Japan by Americans still this fucked? You would think after all the contributions to film, cartoons, music, international politics, technology, cars and the internet we'd move past the early 2000s stereotype.


i bet she ""reads"" marvel


It's just for a montage the rest of the show she looks normal, it's still shit

user, please. Anime in Japan is a highly respected art form.

The problem is that if most Americans have any experience with or knowledge about Japan, it's through their games or media which are full of ridiculous exaggerations and cliches. That and reports in Western media on Japan really push the "Japan is soooooo weird and wacky" angle, and report on crazy shit that's not reflective on how normal people live their lives because those stories are more entertaining.

It's like if you only heard about the US from American movies and TV and "news of the weird" stories or People of Walmart stuff.

>She's yound, asian, attractive, loves nerd stuff and loves the fat, socially awkward guy.

Remember when CBG existed to make fun of these kind of bitter, angry, obsessive losers?

>that face

What were you expecting? The Simpsons writing staff (and the majority of mainstream sitcoms) is composed of nothing but out-of-touch normies shut off from everything but their middle-aged, comfortable pseudo-intellectual lifestyle. They write in the same tired style that the golden years staff were ripping to pieces on a weekly basis.

>old simpsons would fuck him over at the end of the episode for expecting the perfect woman to just land in his lap and like everything he likes
>new simpsons literally lets him stay with the thin asian nerd girl who doesn't hate him despite how badly he has treated women in the past
what the fuck are they even doing?
I thought new simpsons were SJW, why are they giving the objectifier what he wants?

>treating a THOH as canon characterization

he has always been one of the show's punching bags though, his whole shtick was that he's judgmental despite being a loser.

She's not designed to be a realistic portrayal of the average Japanese woman.
She's a nerdy counterpart to Comic Book Guy.
CBG himself isn't supposed to be an every-man character.

Is it Agnes Skinner?

Honestly, I see people like this irl.
Maybe not "sexy" girls though, but average to above average girls. you can't really tell if CBG girlfriend is sexy or not since it's a cartoon
but im not fat or even ugly but im a permavirgin

don't know why but that cat face creeps me out

He doesn't want to kill but life has given him no other choice

and she never has a speaking role after her introduction.

>it still isn't

are you serious? CBG having a totally ridiculous gf which is basically called out the entire time she's introduced is a running gag almost specifically targeted at fat weebs. It's just a level above actually SAYING it every time you see them.

Keep on projecting.