How would you write the finale to X-Men as a whole?

How would you write the finale to X-Men as a whole?

The Old Man Logan way of Wolverine killing everyone.

If I were Marvel and wanted to kill the X-Men I would do this

-Take the Morrison "Sublime" plot, mutants are hated because sentient bacteria that wants to be the main species on earth and hates competition has infected the whole planet, making people dislike or gate mutants.

-Defeat Sublime in a big crossover event

-Mutants arent hated anymore. X-Men are disbanded.


Magneto gives Charles a blowjob

I agree with this, although it bothers me that in this event you have the terrible shitty retcon of Hope Summers needing to practice Kung Fu with Iron Fist for a weekend to be a good Phoenix Host.

It's called X-Men: The End. Pretty shitty desu.

Have all the sjw characters kill them off in humiliating ways while making fun of them and their fans.

A series title "No More Mutants"
The issues will switch back and forth each issue between a House of M style world and one where either the x-gene has been "cured" or all mutants have gone extinct.
That's my shitty idea for Marvel to stretch into 8 issues, delay indefinitely, and grossly overprice.

Morrison's New X-Men had the best finale.

I like what Whedon, Gillen, and Ellis did with their respective runs, but Morrison wrote one Hell of an open ended, yet hopeful finale.

Things felt done, while giving the reader hope for a new and prosperous future.

>Someone releases a 'mutant cure' into the atmosphere.
>All mutants revert to normal, powerless humans.
>Most of them are happier like this.
>A few people who defined their entire lives by being a mutant, being an X-Man or part of the Brotherhood, can't deal with it, try to undo the cure and bring back all the mutants.
>They get beaten to death by a mob of ex-mutants who prefer being humans.

>X-Men fans still REEEEEEEEing about Inhumans so start pushing Atlanteans or Deviants instead. Retcon Wolverine into being a Deviant so he can stick around.

something something naked Psylocke

Morrison already did it IMO and I'm always up for a chance to shit on his run. A climatic battle with Magneto featuring the Phoenix that segues into a time travel story. By the end of everything Scott has become the new headmaster and is looking forward to the future.

I would just cancel all their shit books. Fuck the xmen, they don't need an "ending" they just need to stop getting published.

Far future timeskip. The war between the mutants and humanity didn't end in absolute annihilation or a draw. Like was prophesized early on, the mutant gene has become more pronounced in all of humanity now through years of invreeding between mutants and humans. And what do you know, not much changes. The world continues to spin, oppression takes a new form, but mankind has begun to expand outwardly into the stars. There are no more superheroes, because everybody has the power to do something spectacular.

The age of guardians had ended. Mankind had evolved, and the age of exploration begins anew, with an optimistic tint as humanity seeks to explore new horizons and expand where no man has gone before.

Shut up Ike.

Done already

>no more superheroes

This is wrong on principle. There are a lot of superheroes but they are still the minority in the world. We just see mostly quirk users because of the premise.

I'd hate to ask for spoon feeding but anyone know where I can read AVX? Image search just shows forums debating about Scott being right. he's always right. ALWAYS.

Just torrent, it's most likely on Piratebay and every other major torrent site.

Ah, alright. Thanks, user.

>storm dies
>magneto dies
>the chief member of the X-Men is now Hank
>Hank does what Hank always does
>there are no survivors

X-Men are only allowed to have bad ends. Good ends negate the idea of fighting the proverbial good fight even if it's already lost (which arguably is also true for biggotry of all sorts).