What's the shittiest cartoon from your country?

what's the shittiest cartoon from your country?

germany here, Benjamin Blümchen is the blandest shit

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leave Benjamin Blümchen alone!

here is your shittiest german cartoon

completely forgot about this abomination

Is that a young fat Hitler in rhe right?

kind of

Tell me more.

although i am german i don't even remember what channel this shit came on nor it's name

it was some series about a punk, hippie and lil hitler on the right doing dumb shit i think

>shitting on Benjamin Blümchen
That cartoon is pretty cozy, if you want something bland you should watch the Hexe Lilli reboot.

it's called DIA show and you usually had to suffer through it on RTL II when you just wanted to get comfy watching Dragonball Z and Shin Chan in the evening

Not only is this badly-written, badly-acted, looks like shit and is absolutely incompetent from any standpoint, it's downright hateful and offensive. And no, I don't mean it in a tumblr or MrEnter way, I'm no moralfag, but exploiting Kosovo conflict to shit on Harry Potter is at very least petty and disrespectful to the victims of that conflict.
The fact that this garbage is targeted at kids, let alone exists sickens me. Nothing wrong with inspiring patriotic feelings in young generations, but "your country is the greatest and you should never question it, everyone else is evil and subhuman" is just vile.

>watches show for extremely young children
>calls it bland
also the movies could get real intense. Like Otto being lost in the snowstorm


sounds interesting. Got any link?
I'm not expecting subtitles, just want to see what it looks like

I can give you a review of a popular Russian Youtube critic (not really a fan of him, but I have even less desire to give the movie clicks.)
Turn on the English subtitles.

i clicked trough the video and holy fuck, that does look terrible. the animation is sickening and it looks like the most blatant propaganda i've seen in some time

>germany in charge of not being bland

Flammin' Thongs

DESU, I don't think Australia has made any good cartoons since the early to mid 2000's

Crap, that was supposed to be DESU!
Stupid phone.

I'm starting to think that this website replaces T.B.H. (had to add full stops so it wouldn't happen a third time) with DESU just to mess with me

works fine for me desu senpai

Just wait a bit, Super RTL imported some Australian detective cartoon to replace Sally Bollywood, and if it manages to be as popular it might be enought to kickstarter Australian animation for a few years.

>CGI with virtually no textures, yet characters are made humanlike, when ever they are not some monstrous creatures, wether intentionally or not

Jesus christ, my eyes are bleeding!

I liked it desu

I'm not sure Austria's even made any cartoons themselves, and if so, I've not seen them.

>I and the rest of the production team have the start resolved to avoid Disney cliches in principle.

I dare say they did a pretty damn good job of doing that.

>Tfw our animation died along with gommunism to such extent that near-entirety of our animated productions can be traced to a single internet drawfag and animator


Goddamnit, 'freedom' sure ain't free.

Can't believe I watched this whole thing.

>Western dark magic is bad, except Christian magic, which isn't western at all
>To practice Harry Potter-style magic you need to give up your religion, homeland and family
>"They are turning Russians into Russophones!"
>Americans and NATO are helping Hogwarts brainwash russian children because they are the special snowflake nation which is always good
>Entire movie is a Christian jerk off and then it starts defending the deeds of the soviets despite them being anti-christian
>Apparently it's based on a series of children books that demonizes Harry Potter and is full of gore and violence
>Filmmakers got funded by Russian Ministry of Culture and orthodox christians and spent most of the money on paid views and likes

What the fuck

I think it's because all your good animators work the video game industry now.

>Filmmakers got funded by Russian Ministry of Culture

How in the hell is this pure shit? Soviet paid animation wasn't even this bad.

All of my country's cartoons are stiff ass shit made with a shoestring budget and bland morals. I don't think I can find any one of them being enjoyable.

America here, Steven Universe.

Nah, the other way around - they work in vidya because actual animation is no longer sought after our TV companies. Basically speaking, after free market waltzed in, our TV stations - national TV included - built their schedule upon purchasing generic TV shows from other nations AND crafting their own half-assed renditions of them.

Animation cannot be half-assed like soap operas and family comedies, you see. That is, not if you want anyone to watch it.

It's a pretty interesting concept, DESU.

Imagine something like Little Witch Academia (magic is fully mainstream, and it's treated like programming or something else) but it's tied to pagan traditions and such, with Abrahamic religions, over the history, tried to suppress it.


Post them, then. Now is the time for your homeland to shine on that other end of quality spectrum. :^)


Just imagine someone doing this to Maradonia saga.

The animated version of El Chavo del 8 was cancer

It was ultimately worth it just for this:

Not really a cartoon nor bad, but y'know.

Yeah, our stations never could afford to make any animation per say, just either puppet shows like this or an actor in a set in silly costume.
Rölli the troll.
Hermanni the circus clown
Donkey, Morso and Mouru (cat named after the noise it makes)

You aren't fucking real

Leave Benjamin Blümchen alone. I grew up with the audioplays. You're gonna bitch about Pumuckl next?


>Sloppy animation
>pushes liberal/SJW agenda of "love always wins"
>the nazi like fanbase
>LGTBQ undertones
>not to mention the creator made a gay EEnE porn cartoon

And parents allow kids to watch this garbage baka desu senpai

Muh Werner, tho

>Russian Ministry of Culture
There's your answer.

Ah, you're not talking about German animation. Your pic tricked me.

>exploiting Kosovo conflict to shit on Harry Potter
my mind blanked for a good thirty seconds
what in the actual fuck

>Thread about foreign (read: NOT AMERICAN) animation
>Amerifats don't get the hint and just try to derail the thread into "STEVEN UNIVERSE IS CANCER THREAD No. INFINITE BAJILLONS"

>what's the shittiest cartoon from your country?

I think this is objectively the correct answer, at least for commercial endeavors.

>from your country?
>America isn't a country

put on your fucking suicide vest Ahmed, you have French people to murder.

Thats not fair, your bringing a tank to a knife fight

At least let the other turds float to the top of the toilet for a change.

> Ah, the Svorov [Military] Academy.
> Physical training. The hard sciences. Firing ranges. Ventriloquism.

These guys are fuckin' hilarious.

>animations in your country
>says nothing about excluding united states
So what's it like being this retarded?


Benjamin Blümchen was good tho

>I don't think Australia has made any good cartoons since the early to mid 2000's
and just lookat me manga m8

That's how you know you lost the culture war.
If you have to mobilise ideology and political crisis against economic success.