ITT Cartoons Tropes that sadly justifies truth in real life

>> U.S. (dunno about Canada though )school lunches are of dubious quality.
>> Meat is unknown.
>> very little fruit or vegetables are shown other than the typical apple.
>>Meanwhile in France school kids get a 4-course meal rich in nutrients.

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I'd contribute to the thread if you weren't a tripfag.

>Meanwhile in France school kids get a 4-course meal rich in nutrients.
I remember school lunches in France when I was a kid, they were awful. I'm sure Americans have it even worse but Jesus Christ I still have nightmares about how gross fucking everything except the cheese was. The bread was stale, the salad was lower than McDonald's tier, the ham was so pink you could see it in the dark, and every piece of meat served was dubious at best
And recently they've been going full food-processing industrial complex, going as far as forcing schools to serve pre-made lunches delivered by large corporations, where some schools up until had the audacity to try and actually prepare lunches themselves, the absolute madmen.
But I guess that saves money so we don't go bankrupt Greece style, so... great?

Basically this

In Germany the school usually just orders stuff from a local catering service. Or you just go out and grab a Kebab. School usually doesn't last longer than 13:00 anyway so it's not a problem

In the US most our school "beef" is mixed with soy to make it go further. However quality of lunches vary based on each state.

Are kids really not allowed to bring lunches from home in the US?

This is a myth. I would say about a third to half of students bring their own lunches to school. The shitty thing is how short lunch tends to be. When I was in highschool, from the ring of the bell in class to go to lunch to the tardy bell you needed to be in your next class by was only 15-20 minutes. Really would have liked more time with my friends in those days.

I'm italian, we did as says. Order from a local place or bring it from home.

I remember in like...middle school we had a company specifically make meals for us, and it was shit, but yeah.

Here on brazil we have pizza and hot dogs at school , is like a cheap mcdonalds

Highschool back in the day I was lucky to even get lunch if I tried to eat in the cafeteria. Backed out of the room and then halfway out the building.

First time didn't catch there was two lunch periods and ended up missing a class.

Bagged it afterwards.

Middle school had that here in the states. School made options and then lunch items from Burger King (fries they were market testing) Taco Bell and Dominos

>finds everything but the cheese gross
It figures.

Processed cheese in France is just less terrible than the rest of the processed food, although I'm by no means a cheese enthusiast.

In Mexico most if not all schools had their own stores where you can buy from chewing gum to cup ramen. Frozen pizzas, many types of sweet bread and treats, all kinds of chips (plus they had hot sauce and lime to add to them) and fruit (with chilli of course) but since now our kids are so fucking fat, schools are not allowed to sell that shit. Only like juice fruits, and sandwiches are allowed.

I remember the pizza at school was always these blocks with moldy-looking cheese and pink pizza sauce. They also had what appeared to be airholes at the bottom.

You had Taco Bell AND Dominos? Gee, user, how come your school board let you have TWO fast food brands? All my school had for special options were the fries and Pizza Hut. And somehow both were worse than what I could have gotten outside of school.

I remember, thanks to some sort of meat scandal(Where the butchers used meat from cows that could barely stand), that we didn't have burgers for the next several months in our highschool. They were about the only thing edible at that place. The pizza was just grease and cheese, with one piece of pepperoni and the salads seemed to use the worst pieces of lettuce on the plant.


Wow, that really sucks.

I remember lunch being about an hour long back when I was in school.

My high school had little ceasers, and everyone just ate that.

I know there was a cafeteria in my highschool and I think they sold food but I honestly never even went in. There were a few restaurants and a grocery store surrounding the school so 95% of the students just left school grounds to eat at one of those.

>being allowed to leave school grounds during the day
Lucky. French schools are basically prisons.

>food provided by the school
What? I always thought this was some bizarre anachronism like Krusty's show.


And the thread is immediately shit. Go home everyone, nothing to see here.

I've never eaten horse testicles. Are they really that bad from a nutrition standpoint?

You should ask your mom, she has experience with putting them in her mouth.

That's a myth, but-

1: A lot of high schools nowadays assign lockers based on one's homeroom, which could be all the way across the school from where the rest of your classes are. It's just not convenient or practical to have a locker since in many schools you only go to homeroom once a week or month or even quarter, so you'd be forced to lug your lunch around all day.

2: American kids are assholes. The chance of your lunch being stolen or otherwise fucked with is too high unless you're guarding it like a hawk all day, especially if the school has a high minority population.

3: Kids barely get any time for lunch anymore. When I graduated a few years ago, we had just over 15 minutes starting from the second the bell rang. If you were across the school from the cafeteria you were fucked since by the time you actually got there, found a table, and started eating, you could have as little as five minutes left.

What the fuck is wrong with your school Americans? Next you'll tell me this retarded nerd/jock dynamic I keep seeing in cartoons is real and not some shitty victim complex from loser writers in the 80s.

Here in Canada I had no homeroom, 90 minutes lunches, and usually people just brought a lunch in their back pack.

>America is a self centered shithole, while despite being the most powerful country in the world is ass backwards on just about everything important.

As an American, I did shit right.
1: used locker as trash can,
2: I was the one who stole the lunch even though I'm white.
3: even though I was "given" a 20 min lunch, I'd go across the street to a 711, buy smokes and chill for about an hour. Still passed my 4th block class with a low "C"

Just because a handful of bankers and CEO are using the country as their private base of operations, doesn't mean the rest of the country at large isn't sinking faster than an anvil in a piss lake.

I wasn't saying it isn't.

It's not real in that jocks are dumb assholes and nerds saintly intellectuals. It is real in that mostly everyone is a dumb asshole, regardless of what else they do with their lives.

lol right man? god america is so fucking bad I didn't get why so many people want to live there!!

You still described a meal, and not a bowl of mush.

Fried bull and sheep testicles are pretty common foods in the Rocky Mountains and some parts of Canada.

> Forced to lug your lunch around all day

Is this a bad thing or what? At my school we didn't get lockers or anything, it was just kind of part of the package of bringing your own lunch rather than buying it that you'd need to carry it with you.

Also damn, are american schools that bad that people would actually steal your lunch? I got my bag stolen once in high school, but all they took was my ipod, which, unfortunately for them, was old and crappy, and dumped the bag behind the school.

Nobody is rushing to the USA anymore outside of mexicans, that get slaughtered by their cartels in their homeland.

I haven't been able to confirm it myself but from what I understand Americans deal with their garbage by just dumping it all on one place

People don't steal your lunch because it's worth money, they steal it to make you suffer.

I think Americans don't actually carry their backpack, it's alien to them, and considered a punishment or something.

Lol wat, everyone carries their backpack. 99% of the stuff in this thread is complete fabrication from trolls.

It's a huge country. There's lots of room for garbage holes.

In Argetina the schools sell their own food, but you have to pay for it. They also have a kiosk that sells you typical argentine candy. Then again I went to a private school and those are specifically designed to jew you over every cent.

iirc public schools have the usual 30 min breaks and free food made in the school, mainly because public schools are glorified homeless shelters nowadays


Jesus, that's terrible.

Do they just like the drama or are american kids just that emotional? I don't think I've ever heard of someone stealing someone else's lunch out of spite.

I call bullshit. Almost no one used their lockers at my school because they were too small and far away and there was almost no time between classes to get them.

So your country is full of garbage is what you're saying

It's not like where I am ((Australia)) makes you carry your bag that much either, I mean, you stay in one class most of the time, at least in primary school, so it's not like you're wearing it on your back all day.

Your ass is full of garbage.

No my ass is full of shit

What's the difference?

One is not an environmental hazard


Lots of rich countries do. Are you sure yours doesn't?

America's school system was tailored to fit the demands of Industrial Revolution-era big business, which was to train people to work on an assembly line. Since the conditions there aren't much different than in a prison, similar patterns of boredom and acting out emerge.

You need to go back to school if you think that.

I never used my locker my backpack was my locker

100%, and should we bury something then it's for methane and biogas production.
Shit is valuable to a lot of incests, worms and fungi.

>Then again I went to a private school and those are specifically designed to jew you over every cent.
It's like that in public schools too, though some now include free lunch if you stay longer than 2pm
>tfw last year had to bring all of my food from home because the man who sold food got a lawsuit over sexual harrassment and they could never find a replacement

I remember in Elementary School back in the 90's, we got hot pockets. those were the highlight. we also had that shitty round personal pizza and frenchbread pizza.

what always stood out to me though, and still does, is they served salad with actual dressing. like, vinegar and oil and salt. thinking back on it now, thats surprising.

by middle school, if you wanted veggies, help yourself to plain raw lettuce and tomatoes over there. and we got chicken burgers which while tasty, were definitely not healthy, and you were fucked if you got to the lunch lady by the bottom of the barrel, youd get the patties swimming in oil.

and if you got detention, you just got a cheese sandwich.

thinking about it now, that was pretty fucked too.

>get detention
>get punished by not getting proper food

tasted good though. bread and cheese? i'm Italian, bring it on.

>went to expensive private school
>cafeteria lunches were still shit

That is depressing.

I graduated in 2012 and got at least 45-50 minutes for lunch (the same as a normal class period) and never had any problem with lockers being pilfered (But zip-tied so I couldn't unlock it? Yes.

Eh, my school always got strict on bags and punished you for carrying them after big events like that theater shooting for TDKR or sandy hook, but usually after a month or two, everyone carried their bags all day anyhow.

Oh yeah? Those standard mandatory midterm tests? Byproducts of a Cold War dick-measuring contest that helped nobody.

Same. Every time they had Mac N Cheese it was made with spoiled milk. Every fucking time, its like they did it on purpose. Maybe some shitty illegal farm had a sale on milk and the administrators of the school bought as much of the rancid stuff as they could.

>tfw last year had to bring all of my food from home because the man who sold food got a lawsuit over sexual harrassment and they could never find a replacement

kek. I am not really surprised. corruption of minors or unrelated to the school?

My Ontario, Canada middle schools didn't have cafeterias. Once a week we had pizza day where everyone who signed up got a couple slices and very occasionally we got Subway or Dairy Queen.

In high school we had a tiny cafeteria with bad, overpriced food. I think there was decent range of choices (it's not like the Simpsons where a lunch lady just slaps some crap on your tray) but most people didn't eat there anyways.

Wait you're french or you were living in france while you were in school?

>American kids are assholes. The chance of your lunch being stolen or otherwise fucked with is too high unless you're guarding it like a hawk all day
What kind of prison schools are you going to? My high school was fairly average and had a lot of students from really bad areas but this was never an issue ever.

most kids backpacks are too fucking heavy for them and are giving kids back problems.


In my high school you literally were not allowed to have a bag on you. (Or your phone either, but everyone did that anyway)
I carried around a huge stack of books and papers all day.


Jesus, Christ. You should be so lucky.

Damn that's shitty, for me it was at least as long as a regular period so we got 45 minutes to do our thing.

Is this what Euros and third wolders really believe? In what country on Earth do you not use your backpack? It concerns me that some Americans are actually saying you're right, you guys went to some shitty schools.

Whenever I saw some kids just carrying around their books or whatever in school I was dumbfounded, it's so much easier and more efficient to just have your pack.

In the US it costs 10k per year of 1-12th grade for each student. Imagine being a middle class family with only 2 education options. Free public school education or pay 15k+ per year for private school education.

FUCK THE US GOVERNMENT. You should be able to take your kid out of public school and get a tax refund for that 10k to spend on whatever school you want.

So what I'm saying is, blame democrats for your shit school lunches. If it were up to republicans a lot of you would have had a better education at a semi-subsidized private school.

It's a safety thing, in some places the school administrators are so afraid of guns and drugs that they make it a lot harder for you to hide anything

What a fucked up system where people are suspicious of kids for actually carrying their schoolwork with them, Jesus.


Landfills are the most common form of disposal. Once the landfill reaches peak, it's leveled off and harvested for methane/turned into a golf course.

It's still an environmental hazard.

>Used to go to an overpopulated school of 3,000+ students despite the school itself could just barely supply that many people
>Had three different lunchrooms
>You get one full hour of lunch, which may sound a lot but you'll be in line for the food for 45 minutes of said hour
>Despite this they don't have enough food to feed everyone
>Every time the lunch bell rang it a stampede of kids will rush to the lunch area to get first dibs
>Jocks and popular chicks would have their friends skip in line all the time
>Some cafeteria ladies would even give extra rations to the Jocks despite the already limited food
>Multiple times I would wait in line for 40 minutes just for the food to run out and i'd just have to be hungry for that day
I don't even blame the Jocks, most of them were legitimately nice guys I hanged out in class with straight A grades and AP classes. It's just the lunch system is so fucked it literally becomes an everyone on there own fight for the first dibs.

What the fuck is this shit? In Canada you or your parents made your lunch and you brought it to school. In highschool their was a big kitchen where you could make your own food at lunch if you brought the ingredients. Some of my best memories are of me and my old friends dicking around and making food together at lunch.


I've notice that the bigger the school population, the lower the quality of the food.

So it's true? You all just dumb it in one place?
Only if dumped in water

Just everyone post your typical school lunch. You can hype it up all day "No no mine was worse" but it helps to throw examples down.

This is what I remember American school lunches being like, minus the pretzel

>I think Americans don't actually carry their backpack,

I carried a backpack with 40 lbs of books every day. My back is still suffering for it today. If you see someone not wanting to carry their backpack often its probably because its heavy as shit.

Is that really a pol opinion? I didn't even mention Jews.

Honestly it was easier to carry 40 pounds of books on my back or keep books I didn't need at home than go to my locker and risk being late.

US is a third world country; what'd you expect?

Being a republican is pretty Sup Forums here

What type of fancy school you go to that gives you metal utensils user? Mine was the same but without the pretzel and replace the spoon and fork with a spork.

That said the food you have to pay for was pretty dope. You can get decently sized chocolate cake for a buck.

I don't know if it's a pol post but it is a bit of a dumb post. The reason education sucks isn't because of muh democrats, it's because students don't vote and their parents often don't have a realistic idea of how bad things are. Nobody's going to spend any significant amount of time on education reform beyond some dumb meme half formed soundbite like 'no child left behind' that does more harm then good. The chances of a republican government pushing through the system you're asking for is approximately 0%, especially since we've had republican governments many times since the US was founded and none of them have pushed through the system you're asking for.

>went to cheap ass private school because too much of a little shit for public school to handle
>it was all veggie shit because the school was run by a weirdo American protestant sect
>best school food I ever had
Everything went better than expected

That was basically it, minus the pretzel and the fact that it was a 50/50 chance of corn or generic fruit. If you didn't want the main meal, you could just order a bun with cheese. You place orders for what you wanted in the morning, and it was usually edible. Except that time they made "mexican pizza".

>tfw lunch periods were 45 minutes long, but the lines to get food always took upwards of +30 minutes because my classes happened to be like a mile from the lunch room and it was always overcrowded as fuck despite the fact there were like five individual lunch periods per day to facilitate the school's immense volume of students
>tfw the teachers would sometimes refuse to let your class leave when the lunch bell rang out of pure, vitriol spite, and would waste your time for about five minutes or so just to taunt us for jumping up like Pavlov's dogs whenever a bell rang to liberate us to brief periods of transition we could semi-relax through
>tfw school lunches costed at least $10 a day unless you opted for one of those inedible poorfag "meals" that made you shit your guts out and gives you cancer, and you weren't even allowed to leave and eat anywhere else unless you wanted to get shot in the back from a sniper manning the guard towers while you attempted to climb over the barbed wire fence
>tfw those weird, quiet kids you made fun of once in grade school were always selected to be the designated school shooters and always hunted you down with assault rifles during lunchtime, forcing you to cower under the table instead of eating you $50 prison food

my graduating class had 90 kids in it.

we had group lunches with the entire school and there was chicken sandwiches and some relatively ok stuff

It's too big for it to be full of garbage. No matter how hard they try, the landfills will never take up much space.

Nah, it never saves money to make what was a personal responsibility into a corporate one. its just a gift to the CEOs of those corporations for their nice work in sucking some politician's dick.
Corporations have to make enormous amounts of profit to justify that kind of contract, and they do that by systematically cutting more corners than even a cafeteria staff of only one ever could

My school split the lunch period into two halves of a normal class period, and the other half period would be spent on another class or a study hall depending on how you set your schedule. The punchline here is that the bell was set for a shorter interval during this split period, so you had less time to make it from one class to another. I had two classes on opposite ends of the building, and it was nearly impossible to make it between the two in time without leaving the first class before it ended, or running. As luck would have it, the teacher for my second class was a "no excuses" stickler for the rules who would pass out detentions like candy, so I was stuck after school more than a couple times.