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Mage: The Hero Discovered







That's an odd style of dress. Were those popular in the 80's?

(repostin' in a new thread)
>The final act begins in just two days
hold the fucking phone -- Matt Wagner is publishing the third part? I thought he was gonna wait until he's an old man first, since this is his Mary Sue story.

Yeah, starts on Wednesday.



Holy shit. "The Hero Discovered" was my high school.
Fucking... and Wendy Pini is writing "ElfQuest: Final Quest" now too. Jesus I'm getting old.



I've seen similar dresses around in movies of the period, yeah.




Good for smuggling weapons under, that's for sure.










>average reaction to elevator music

























> Emil Radu Lazlo Piet
What's the naming scheme here?












































These next sequences are just golden
