Mark Waid Flash Storytime part 4

Previous Threads:

I work today so I'm gonna nail out a few issues and if anyone can keep this bumped it would be appreciated! That being said, let's do this!


>Mark Waid








Messner-Loebs wrote the best Flash stories



bumping for OP



































The reason we're doing Issue 0 is because it's the next issue chronologically in case anyone's confused.

















This is why I love Wally. It's so fun to read.


It really is.




Last one then I'm off anons. Any bumps appreciated.




As you wish. Bumping.
Thank you very much, user.


>That last box.
Really, so fun to read.




>Bart in this page.
Damn, that was subtle.





Thanks for the storytime.


Np user.

Oops, meant that.








That's it for now, any bumps to the thread throughout the day are appreciated!

And this is why I think people that say that Wally wasn't totally out of character in the deathstroke scene. Sure, he's brave as hell and actually self-sacrificing. But he was a bit of a drama queen with some slightly anger issues driven by emotional sprouts (basically, he was a bitch from time to time), even when he was an adult.
Poor choice of words here, blaming Bart for all, just before disappearing (maybe forever, even if it wasn't really going to happen).

He was human, relatable, and that was part of his charm. I hope current writers get it.

Thank you very much for the storytime, user.