Is bubbline canon in the comics?

is bubbline canon in the comics?

who the fuck knows. They're writen by Leth so I'm sure she thinks so but I don't think she has the power to say that

As much as anything else.

man, adventure time comics are unironically great

That they are, that they are.

is that megas flying away in the background

No, CN wouldn't let them do it so instead their just baiting to pander to their audience. I honestly don't mind the idea but the storyboarders can't actually go through with an idea 75% of the time.

What we'll get is another KorraxAssami scenario where the last five seconds of the show hint them together and all the morons they were pandering to will love it despite the fact the whole thing is one giant pile of missed opportunity that contributed nothing to the main show or development and all that will be achieved is some slight increase of porn fanart.

Honestly, this is getting tiring.

Will you fucks just have some balls and just make it explicit already? Everyone and their mother sees these two and think "Them bitches is totally fucking.", so just do it. You clearly want to have Marceline and Bubblegum be an item, so just fucking to it already. For fucks sake.

They will not because that would make adventure time be banned in many places like middle east,China,Russia and Africa

No, because then they'll lose money. Adventure Time never had balls to begin with user, I don't know why'd you'd think they'd have some now.

They literally can't. The suits won't let them because that means losing significant markets like China and Russia.

Fucking Steven Universe had to put a mustache on Ruby because of the blatant lesbian overtones.

Honest to god, I hate Bubbline with a passion, and even I wish they would nut up and get it over with already. It's one thing to push a shitty idea, but another to half-assedly push a shitty ideabecause your afraid of people not liking it. It shows that you don't even give a crap about the idea and just want the Brownie points for it.

That was a joke user. They just don't air certain episodes.

>say marceline is a lesbian in a panel
>get recorded and uploaded online
>marceline takes a two season long vacation from the show

It won't happen until the last episode, when there's nothing left to lose.

Though people will think that Korra did it better because it was first.

I think what's more depressing is the very people they're pandering but not actually giving them what they want fall for it. If I was gay and shit like this, KorraxAssami and the whole Peridot/Lapis debacle are the "pinnacle" of homosexual romance writing I'd be ashamed.

Daily reminder that's not canon, it was not in the show and only the real owners of the show rights decide what is canon not the writers.

I'm going to take a wild guess and you meant to green arrow Peridot/Lapis? Still doesn't change the fact that a storyboarder almost got away with it and made their development worse for it.

no that's something that people have actually been arguing about Korrasami since the finale.
>Ending wasn't explicit enough, so death of the author means my interpretation of them not being lesbians is canon, and the creators going on record as saying they're fucking doesn't count because it wasn't allowed by Nick.

lol those autists

Who fucking cares at this point?

It would be best if it came out theyre not cannon at all, and just literally best friends.

That the entire rewrite of their personalities over the seasons and being forced into a are-they-arent-they situaition was just dumb jokey bullshit, and it turns out Marceline has another boyfriend she's been adventuring or doing other stuff with on the side, and Bubelline actually is completely incapable of romance.

That's what the real ending technically should be. It would go right along with cannon, and makes the most sense. Plus all the fanmutants getting blown the fuck out and screamming bloody butthurt murder would be more than enough to make up for the show shitting the bed since season 4.

Really, Bubbeline cancer deserves it anyway. Im sure Olivia Olsen would get some needed Shadenfraude out of it since psychos turned her jokey panel comment into a torrent of shit at her twitter when she said she was just joking after.

what the fuck are you smoking man

It would be an asspull to end all asspulls, but considering how much of a boring waste of time all the half-assed Bubbline moments were, it would be a well deserved one.

>Writer word alone means anything
Fuck your fanfiction, learn how the real world works you manchild.

Now imagine being a gay male and look at the state of your representation in fiction, while nearly EVERY cartoon on air nowadays is using lesbians for easy and safe "progressive points."

if you consider bromance representation then there's a Lot of it, if not then I guess there's... stewie

You dont want "progressive" representation for gay guys, user. You REALLY dont. Progressives suckass at representing shit. Progressives use homos and race as tools to piss off those they consider bigots, not to legitimize and normalize minorities.

The Zap guy from that gay episode of the Simpsons, Shoreleave and The Alchemist, Gus and Wally, Ray Gillette, The Loud House Dads, and even those gay guys on American Dad.

You know what representation dykes have?

Korrasami, Not-Really-Bubbeline, Orange is the New Manhate, whatever the fuck L Word was, The Ivy/Harley delusion and pandering, faceless lesbos in Clarence.

Creepy-ass self-loathing boys and men who fetishize them.

A gaggle of fucked-in-the-head teeny bopper lesbo basement dwellers, who salivate at the idea of taking women away from men, because they have no self esteem and creep other decent lesbians out. They cant do this in real life of course, so they try and force it in their fanfics.

And weird fucking pulp from dyke outcasts from the 50s and 60s.

Why? Cause lesbians are shitty and no one likes them unless theyre masturbating to them.

That's why people would rather hang out with gay guys. That's why gay guys are included and are found to be fun and funny. Gays are way better off, user. All this pathetic forced lesbo gross and weird isnt doing them any favors. Be proud of being a gay guy.

IT IS canon, look all the hints in the show

>they hold hands fo a second
That's it, girls only hold hand when they want to fuck.

>called zon
>is a sun
So it's Dutch?
Also that guy looks funny

If there's one this site has taught me, it's that there's nothing lewder than hand-holding.