The Simpsons didn't stop being good. You just grew up

The Simpsons didn't stop being good. You just grew up.

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We must exterminate all The Simpson haters.

t.Bob Chipman

What is it about Bob that makes me want to start punching?

He's a horrible horrible man with awful taste. Also he's voice is like nails on a chalkboard

Wasn't there some livestream where some guy who knew Bob back in the day said Bob believed in insane conspiracy theories and believed Shigeru Miyamoto wanted him to kill people who liked first person shooting games?

He's to Mario what Chris-chan is to Sonic

That is honestly an insult to CWC.

And you grew up sideways

>Thinks Other M is Great
>Calls Metroid Prime creatively bankrupt.

Bob probably was that kid who kept saying annoying obnoxious shit to the point of being ostracized and bullied so he just went deeper into the rabbit hole that and he probably got raped


Has CWC ever advocated for eugenics?

and you grew too much movieblob

If I'm being 100% fair, he has pretty decent comic knowledge and he's not a bad film critic, he just sucks a literally everything else.

>If I were I mutant, I'd join Magneto and kick everyone's ass because In was picked on in school and I think I better than everyone
>there's no such thing as bad tactics, just bad targets
>Ayn Rand was a stupid bitch, but her idea that super duper smart people like me should separate ourselves from humanity was pretty spot on

Chris chan is less worse than this guy

I haven't played Prime in over a decade but I still remember it vividly. My greatest regret is that I apparently failed to scan something and finished with 98%.

Not liking that game is just objectively wrong. There's no room for opinion.

I mean he wants to cure all gays using his blood, does that count?

1. He's a shitty, evil person.
2. He's also really impotent and pathetic, which makes point 1 worse.

Actually fuck off. This thread just died not even 24 hours ago.

What exactly is the essential /moviebobcore/?
I find him extremely interesting

Not anymore. He's a trans lesbian now.
I shouldn't laugh at this level of mental illness, but it's just too goddamn hilarious.

That's just depressing

It was still a campaign to genetically engineer a superior humanity.

Right here

I only know for certain that he's in love with Metroid Other M and Super Mario Bros. 3.

Chris is a faintly tragic/sympathetic figure. Bob is just a creep to the core.

>most people actually don't know "what's best for them"

You least of all Bob. Keep pushing for a revolution that would put you first against the wall. The only sort of society that would tolerate your existence is the one you're fortunate enough to have been born into, so count your lucky stars and don't rock that fucking boat, dingus.

>Ayn Rand was a stupid bitch, but her idea that super duper smart people like me should separate ourselves from humanity was pretty spot on

Bob stands in the same strange place as the OG Nazis where its hard to tell if he's hard left or hard right.

>die hard feminist
>likes the one metroid game where Samus is someone's bitch
What did he meme by htis?

It's a bizarre trend among male feminists actually. Don't ask me why.

Honestly I'm baffled by the fact blob sees himself as an intellectual when he's clearly a fucking idiot

Stupid Shit Bob Said!

>Terminator should be about Chad going back in time to kill bookworms

>The term gamer only existed to fight censorship

>Metroid Prime is inherently worse than Other M because it's an FPS

>Ego in GotG2 represents toxic masculinity

>Eugenics has no problems outside of stigma

>The Wizard (a movie) was an event of equal importance to 9/11 or the JFK assassination

>Spider-Man was disposable enterntainment for a long time

>People deny that gooy Batman comics existed before Adam West's show

And then there was something he said about using the 80's Ninja Turtles cartoon as a basis for a movie being worth just to see Bebop and Rocksteady in live-action, but that was before they made a movie like that and comments on that weren't the least bit positive, so I can't really fault him for changing his mind on that.

Got any others?

It's really bizarre. Does bob think he'd be accepted into some kind of society like that? He's 40 years old and his only skills are making youtube reviews and ranting on twitter. What kind of fucking "kill or be killed smart people only" society would accept someone like that?

Not only can you see his smarminess written all over his face, he's literally covered in padding. Punching him would be like hitting a punching bag filled with gelatin.

>disposable entertainment

What is that?

Once saw a tweet from him saying the states should be dissolved and the entire country can be run from a laptop.

None that's the really sad part he'd be the first to go in any of his wet dream society or at least he'd be on the bottom of the ladder

>Bob stands in the same strange place as the OG Nazis where its hard to tell if he's hard left or hard right.
Horseshoe Theory!

Bobs career

He said that the Console Wars in the 80's and 90's was his own private Vietnam.

Bob is an egotist with a weird outlook on life. He views himself as "the moral right", and as an underappreciated genius.He thinks he should be the one making all the decisions for everybody.

>the states should be dissolved and the entire country can be run from a laptop.

Why is Bob just The Worst?

Why does he still have 3k on Patreon while Dobson has 88?

>He views himself as "the moral right", and as an underappreciated genius
So he is basically a real life Holden Caufield?
Bob's actually the type of fucker who would wholeheartedly side with Helios and to a lesser extent the Patriots.

The Anointed base their existence on the idea that they're moral decision making surrogates because they are the only ones who know what's best for others.

my 6yr old niece and 8yr old nephew can't even sit through 1 of the newer episodes but can watch a whole season of the originals.

Because Bob is prolific.
And the more prolific a person is, the more people that will unironically agree with him and further contribute to his personal funding or otherwise.

When that first happened I wondered if maybe he really was transexual and his denial of that for all those years is why he was so fucked up.

>there will never be a video game where you adventure in a dystopian future where Bob is in charge and has purged the world of ant-feminists and non-nintendo games

Because he somehow has a fanbase unlike Dobson who just has haters

Chris-Chan is always amusing, he's like the Bat-Mite of the internet. Bob is more like Mojo from X-Men. Case in point:

Yes yes, we've all read Sowell.

To be somewhat fair to Bob he said "if in the future it were possible to run the country from a laptop would we still need states"?

However that's still stupid. Imagine playing 20,000 simultaneous games of SimCity on one laptop and every screwup hurts real people. Hierarchical distribution of responsibility exists for a reason. Bob's got his head up his ass and really believes special individuals or small anointed groups can run everything by themselves.

As someone who used to unironically watch the blob, I think you're giving his movie critique abilities far too much credit
He's the reason I watched sucker punch, which he hyped up to hell and back, only to find myself incredibly disappointed
He also let his hopes for man of steel override his judgement

Well I mean bebop and rockstedy were the best part of that film.